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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Hit and Miss Generator?
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# Posted: 7 Jun 2020 14:21

I think I want a hit and miss engine, so I'm poking around and see this. what is it? A hit and miss generator? That would be neat.

Hit Miss Engine Delco Generators Light Plants - $125

# Posted: 7 Jun 2020 17:51

I have an International hit and miss engine you can have for free if you are ever around Sudbury Ontario .I did a ton of work cleaning out and fixing up an old farm last fall for a movie ,and I got to keep anything I wanted and I brought it home with me .I should mention that I have seen others running and working for $2-300.00 ,so they are not worth a ton of cash anyway ,but you are certainly welcome to this one if you want it .I am at camp and it is at home so no pics today .

# Posted: 7 Jun 2020 18:22

Grandad had one. Most produced 32 volts DC. There were also some that produced 110 volts and were available in AC or DC.

The ones pictured are laying on their side, the cylinder is vertical when in use. Air is drawn in the top and exits at the fan, backwards of most forced air cooled engines. But they did the job back before power lines. The generator acted as a starter motor, then automatically switched to being a generator when the engine got going.

They made about 2 dozen different models. 150 watts up to 1500 watts I think. Gasoline with some able to burn kerosene at reduced output. Some of the early ones were 6 volt or 12 volt. A starter kit with a few lights and one battery was about $250 way back in the early 1900's. About $3000 today.

# Posted: 7 Jun 2020 18:40

Bruce, thanks for the kind offer. I'm on the California coast but I'll keep it in mind.

ICC, thanks for the explanation. Sounds pretty neat, might have to get one of these. Do you remember hearing one run? Was it a real low rpm, the kind you could listen to all day? I'm thinking maybe a 12v battery charger? These two are only $125 each.

Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 7 Jun 2020 19:11

Quoting: paulz
Do you remember hearing one run? Was it a real low rpm, the kind you could listen to all day?

I love the sound of those engines, I have fond memories of the antique tractor shows where guys would have several on display firing away. Old engines seem to have almost a rhythmic sound to them that modern engines just can’t compare to. I have a 1941 farmall H and the sound it produces is like none other.

# Posted: 7 Jun 2020 19:57 - Edited by: ICC

Quoting: paulz
Do you remember hearing one run?

None of the hit 'n' miss engines ran very high RPM's. But they never had much for a muffler. Most were low HP and were topped out at 250 to 500 rev's, though one of the bigger Delco's I recall seemed to be running at least twice that under load. I would get tired of it I think if it was a daily thing.

We also had a few of the small ones to run water pumps. They were the type that was water-cooled water a reservoir cast into the cylinder. You had to keep the pot full. Manual oiling on most of the small ones. Almost all parts were cast iron. Heavy buggers.

# Posted: 7 Jun 2020 20:53

Found a video of one running. Not a real low rpm hit and miss but still neat. Think I might go get one, good excuse to go visit my sister out that way. And I need another project...

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