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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Inverter Overload Alarm Whistled
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# Posted: 28 Jun 2020 21:12

So my son gave me a small fridge for the cabin(77 watts/1amp). The alarm on the inverter went off after about 3 hours of use. I checked the battery and it was around 70%. I was also running a 1 amp fan and a small radio at the same time. My system at the time was one 100 amp AGM battery and 300 watts of solar panel. I done some research on the problem and discovered that my CC was set at 17V for the overload. I changed that setting to 15V. Added another 100 amp battery and a 100W solar panel. I am at 400W of panels and 200 amps of battery power now. It fixed the problem. My question is what actually fixed the overload/alarm problem on the inverter? Thanks in advance.

# Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:56

I’m guessing it was a low voltage alarm not high.

# Posted: 29 Jun 2020 17:30

Thanks Fish. The inverter indicated over voltage however.

# Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:41 - Edited by: Brettny

100ah is your useable capacity of you take them down to 50* that's not much for a fridge. Is this a mini fridge? 120v? 12v?

What's the real usage of the fridge? 77w st 12v is almost 7a.

# Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:22

Its a mini fridge/120v Brett. It pulls 1ah at 77watts AC. I believe that would use 6ah of DC power from the battery. I'm confused on what end of the inverter was the overload being indicated when the alarm went off. I had full sun that day, and the battery was fully charged when I turned the fridge on. The alarm went off after 3 hours of use. The CC was showing 5-6 amps from the panels also. I was operating a 1amp AC fan off the system before with no problem. I didn't notice if the alarm went off when the fridge kicked on. Lots of variables to sort through. Paid over 300 bucks for the extra panel and battery upgrade, which I planned to do anyway for the winter months at the cabin. Was wondering what you professionals think happened to trip that inverter alarm. I'm going to the cabin this week and plan to run that fridge 24/7 to test the new power upgrade. If my calculations are correct, the two 100 ah batteries should run that fridge all day and night. The panels should produce(full sun)around 1.6 kw of power. And the battery should have enough storage amps to run the fridge all night long......

# Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:48 - Edited by: ICC

Got a link to show us what inverter this is?

# Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:50

You really need to run the fridge on a killawatt meter to find the actual usage of power in a 24hr period. Going by the tag on any appliance that cycles dosnt work properly.

77÷120v is .64a. Something is wrong. 1a at 120v would be 120w. Your inverter is prob not above 80* efficiency so you need closer to 150w for the fridge. That's a bit under 13a st 12v. You more than likely dont have enough solar or batteries.

# Posted: 30 Jun 2020 16:04

I'm going to the cabin tomorrow and I will get the inverter info. ICC...... its a 2000w pure sine, but forget the brand, and the manual is down there. The manual did say it used 10 watts of power. Brettny you are right about the spec on that fridge being mislabeled at 120volts. I may not have enough power also. Be back in a couple of days and let you guys know whats up. Thanks for all the help and knowledge.

# Posted: 30 Jun 2020 17:42

I realize what you said but I still think you hit a low voltage alarm on your inverter. But you would need to read the manual and alarm settings to verify what they are at. Do it again and when it alarms put a volt meter on the battery and tell us what it said

# Posted: 2 Jul 2020 07:28

Ok guys. I went to the cabin and ran the fridge for 22 hours non-stop. And never had a problem. Had 75% battery left in the morning also. Lots of sun for the day and solar power would be different on a rainy day. Probably a overload on the inverter is all I can figure. My system is a HQST 30a charge controller, and a Voltworks 1500w inverter. After adding the 100w panel and another battery I am assuming it was a overload on the inverter from the fridge by not having enough battery. Never know now. The CC maxes out at 450 of panels so my next upgrade will probably be a new MPPT controller. That should help me this winter. Thanks again.

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