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# Posted: 3 May 2011 11:08pm
Are bad right now. Don't know about your areas, but just a short walk around here, and I have found 3 crawling on me, 2 small brown ones, and a big black deer tick. Kid had 2, I had to do the hot tweezers to get one of them off. I don't know if it's all the rain or not, but they are bad this year. Makes me wonder how bad they are going to be in NY in a couple of weeks.
# Posted: 4 May 2011 09:11am
I agree I have been in to them twice .I though the little ones were the deer ticks! no matter don't like any of em . If you go to a ontario park they will give you a free kit to remove ticks, has a little plastic tool that gets them off quick .
# Posted: 4 May 2011 05:17pm - Edited by: bobrok
smitty, in the next couple of weeks you will have to deal with black flies also in the north country of NY. I don't know if they are prevalent around you now, but if not you may wish for ticks, believe me.
Buy Ben's 100% DEET for best protection. Yes, it's rather poisonous just don't ingest it or get it in your eyes. Forewarned is forearmed.
# Posted: 4 May 2011 07:36pm
Right now we get horse flies, the big black flies, but they stay off of us and concentrate on live stock. It just seems the ticks have been worse this year in Indiana, and makes me wonder how they are going to be in NY. Heading up in the next couple of weeks, to start on the cabin. Not looking forward to checking each other at the end of the day for bugs.. Although the wife might enjoy it :D
# Posted: 4 May 2011 07:37pm
Sorry that was inappropriate.. But funny..
# Posted: 4 May 2011 07:45pm
hey they made a country song with that line: "I'd like to check you for ticks" ticks are ever present, but honestly I dont pay much attention and I've never had one. black flies and deer flies are prevalent up here. Although my friend who lives way downstate had a tick on him in his own residential back yard just last week, so maybe they will be heavier this year. good to know.
# Posted: 4 May 2011 08:53pm
Some good info about ticks at the above link.
I've only found one so far this year, on me but unattached. I've no issues with spiders, snakes or alligators, but keep the ticks away from me!
# Posted: 20 May 2011 10:44am - Edited by: mrmiji
Though we have ticks present from April to September we're fortunate that in our region they generally don't carry disease. I still find them repugnant and it makes taking the dog out to the ranch more of a burden.
I've found the most effective way to manage them is treating our clothes in advance. I use Zema® Flea & Tick Dip for Dogs (35 day), mix it up as directed in a gallon container and transfer it to a smaller hand sprayer. I spray our clothes to a damp level, roll them up, and stick them in a trashbag to "brew" and they stay there overnight.
As I understand it permethrin, the active ingredient, is a neuro-toxin that stops their respiration. Neither my wife nor I have had a tick attach when using the stuff.
I spray the dog damp when we get to the ranch with the same solution. Though I've found ticks on her again none have been attached and the number found is miniscule compared to previous experiences.
# Posted: 20 May 2011 12:30pm
We use Sergeant's Pretect on our dog for fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. We used it last year and she didn't have any problems at all. I'm thinking maybe I could dab a bit behind my ears? *S* Mind you, I suppose then I wouldn't be able to bathe for a month cuz it would wash it off. Don't know what hubby would think of that. *LOL*
# Posted: 20 May 2011 12:46pm
My problem is the dog invariably does this. The black mud that ends up on her stinks so badly - and she is mostly an indoor dog - that I have to bath her after a trip to the ranch. Notice the guilty look on her face. She knows she's not supposed to get in the pond but she does it anyway.
# Posted: 20 May 2011 01:02pm
Awwwww shes having so much fun though !!!
# Posted: 20 May 2011 09:13pm
Quoting: mrmiji She knows she's not supposed to get in the pond but she does it anyway.
Maybe so, but she looks so adorable. You can't get angry at that cutie!! *S*
# Posted: 20 May 2011 09:25pm - Edited by: mrmiji
She gets in trouble. She just never gets punished.
The first photo was taken the day we paid off the ranch. 207122_1013164734987.jpg
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Vince P
# Posted: 28 May 2011 10:29pm
Yes, it is very bad. Both this year and last year are probably the worst ever for ticks here in the Jersey Pine Barrens. My dog is starting to get pissed with having to get 4-5 ticks plucked off of him daily and even snaps at me when he sees the tweezers come out. The kids are avoiding the woods and high grass and still get them. I wake up in the middle of the night when I feel them because I've gotten so sensitive to the feel of their bite. We use Frontline for the dog and even a tick collar, but their assault is still formidable. Must be some sort of a terrorist plot.
# Posted: 29 May 2011 09:24am
ticks are real bad here this year, my dogs hate em!!!!!
# Posted: 30 May 2011 09:25am
I solved the ticks on the dog problem. My dog Benji gets put on Revolution in May until November. It comes in small topical applicators (by prescription from your vet). Apply it once on the month on the skin between the shoulder blades. Although, Revolution is not cheap it is very effective for dogs. The way it works it makes the dog's skin not so tasty for the ticks and they do not attach. Now I let the dog charge around in the forest, the fields and swimming in the pond.
# Posted: 30 May 2011 11:02am
Revolution. I found it on the internet and petmeds sells it.
What do you do on the "off" months regarding heartworm? It strikes me that, though it's about twice what I now pay for heartworm treatment, the additional cost is really relatively minor balanced against my disgust for the suckers. I'm thinking about just leaving the dog on Revolution.
Sarah loves the ranch but is largely an indoor dog. I really like the idea of her not bringing "guests" home.
# Posted: 30 May 2011 03:10pm
Typically Revolution is for 6 months of use, it is not used the rest of the year. I insisted with the vet that Benji be put onto Revolution for 8 months as he is primarily a country dog. From my understanding nothing is required in the off months, but I would ask your vet or maybe they have some information on the manufacturer's web site. Now if they can just come up with some kind of solution for mosquito bites. My poor dog gets bitten around his private parts.
# Posted: 15 Apr 2012 10:01am
Ticks are terrible in S.Va. yesterday Friend came over to target practice, he called got 4 ticks off him, I did too-this Am I had a "little bitty one" on my inside lower leg-I missed it last night.I comb the Cat when she comes in---get some off her too.Please be careful. burn them with My bic lighter. sparky1 in S.va.
# Posted: 15 Apr 2012 10:14am
We started "harvesting" ticks off of our four dogs back in March. They have free roam over thousands of acres of tall grass prairie. It was not uncommon to pick 6-10 ticks off each dog every day. They love "tick-check"! +1 on the Bic lighter!
We have recently started using Advantix since, last year, Frontline Plus just flat didn't work for ticks or fleas. It seems to be doing a good job; we are down to 1-2 ticks/day, and they are not "attached".
# Posted: 15 Apr 2012 02:45pm
Sick! Havn't had this problem out here Summering in the Rocky Mountains. This sounds terrible.
# Posted: 15 Apr 2012 05:58pm
Ticks are just a spring thing. April and May seems the peak. After that, they are still around, but not looking for a host. My area is full of ticks. I have some buddy's that come with me when I work on my cabin in April, they go turkey hunting. We always kid around asking if they got their "tick tags"