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Small Cabin Forum / Nature / Anyone planning on seeing meteor shower this weekend (Oct 7-8)?
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# Posted: 3 Oct 2011 07:30
Reply ober-2011

Our cabin is far from city lights, hoping for a great show. Possibly many meteors per minute if the clouds don't roll in.

# Posted: 6 Oct 2011 16:37

Hi SEOhio

Plan to be out with the telescope on Saturday night (if it is clear) at our shanty/cabin. Saturday is supposed to be the best night for NA altho the almost full moon will likely mean only the brightest meteors will be seen. Still worth checking it out. Always enjoy a fireball here and there whilst poking around the universe with the scope.

Hope you have clear skies.


SE Ohio
# Posted: 6 Oct 2011 19:50

Forecast is for clear skies and lots of mosquitoes! I'll have some binoculars to view the unwelcome moon... Craters look pretty good with binocs. Jupiter's moons should also be visible. Hope you get good weather in your area-

# Posted: 6 Oct 2011 20:03

I've been waiting on the weekend forecast and, by gosh, it looks as if we'll be able to see the night sky around these parts, too!

# Posted: 10 Oct 2011 13:32

Total sum of meteors witnessed: 0 I watched for an hour both Friday (too early) and Saturday (after the peak).

T'was a dud. Better luck next time!

# Posted: 10 Oct 2011 15:46

Quoting: SEOhio
T'was a dud. Better luck next time!

Hey, living around the Great Lakes as I do I'll take a cloudless, star filled fall night, with or without meteors, anytime! :)

# Posted: 10 Oct 2011 21:31

We had the lights out and were watching. Only thing we saw were a couple deer dining by the light of the moon

# Posted: 11 Oct 2011 17:15

SEOhio I tallied one meteor from the dragon's head. I suspect there were more but they were lost in the brightness of the moon. We also started looking through the telescope at the moon and other things so likely missed some.

Did see some good northern lights about 2am or so. Lovely greens. Some concentrations were bright enough to dim some of the big dipper stars. Likely would have been spectacular if there was no moon.

Ah well there is always going to be another meteor shower.

# Posted: 12 Oct 2011 15:58

Wow- now that is dedication Bugs- looking at the night sky at 2am! At that time of the night I only like to be looking at the insides of my eye lids :)

# Posted: 12 Oct 2011 16:21


Not dedication...... necessity ...if you know what I mean.

The visits to the answer the night time"call of nature" have been quite rewarding astronomically speaking. Seen some great northern lights, beautiful red moon sets, and some amazing fireballs. I must admit I do on occasion pull the cover off the telescope and poke around the universe in the early morning hours. Much more comfortable to see Orion and other winter constellations when it is +5 C instead of during the winter when it is -25C.

I see we have the Leonid meteor shower on Nov 17 and the Geminids on Dec 14. Maybe they will be better than this one. By then though we will likely not be doing overnighters at the shack.

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