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# Posted: 17 May 2010 11:37am
we are back from our woods.we wanted to go down to get away,as we have our grown kids and grandkids living with us right now.felt good to think about heading to our property.well i called our neighbor up there.He told us our woods caught on fire.some guy from the carolina's came to his property finally and was burning and camping and winds were high and the fires got away from him.he burnt his,our neighbors and ours.But our cabin is safe and so is our outhouse.sad for the burnt trees though.hugs!we found a place for the fish bench in front of our cabin.cabingal3 our cabin is safe.
|  burnt trees and the meadow got burnt
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# Posted: 11 Oct 2010 11:49pm
That is one of my biggest fears is losing all my timber and/or cabin. I would never again see it like it is in my lifetime!
# Posted: 18 Nov 2010 05:54am
going to our woods -yay!it is going to start snowing on thursday.oh this is thurs.we are waking up at 2 a.m. on sat.morning and will be there by 7-but with snowing in the mts.we may be there by 9a.m. we will start the wood piles to burning so we can get rid of all the massive piles of fallen and scrap rotten wood.we bought the adjoining property.the lady decided not 5000$ but 7000$.i felt 7000$ was fair but u always have to try for lower.so we have to draw up a new contract.We are going to wade thru snow and tramp about our new property and see what there is and spend the nite and head back home on sunday.so it will be a fast and furious time of doing,being and feeling alive.checking our little cabin in the woods and will not be there again till spring.it will feel so good to burn the many piles of wood we have gathered to burn.if we had a wood stove in-the wood would go for better use but as it is-we have to get some of it cleared off so we can build another place and so we can make our cabin safe from wildfires in the summers extreme danger times.we will come back with pictures.
# Posted: 18 Nov 2010 12:22pm
Looking forward to the pictures of your new property. Take lots.
We are surrounded by BLM ground. Recently they have begun dragging their feet when it comes to fire suppression. We have had a few massive burns near us. We really don't have much deadfall or scrap but BLM is the only fire dept. around here. The designation of six new wilderness areas around us has further complicated the situation.
# Posted: 18 Nov 2010 02:45pm
Hi Mike...yes! it is really scary.We never know what to expect.One time we were coming thru the mts.and getting excited as we were getting closer to our woods.Gar noticed forest burnt down on both sides of us for quite a way and asked if it had previously been like this?i said i had not noticed it.Another time the road to crater lake was blocked off.we noticed the air before we actually saw the signs.Then the fire i told about here with the mobile home meth lab blowing up.then our fire in our woods.This has all been just in the last couple of years.then we were surprised when we called our good neighbor Mel,and he told us there was a fire on our property.we about pooped a brick. Does BLM have fire precaution rules everywhere?? we have sat up in our woods freezing cause we thought we could have no fire.what goof balls.later we found out we could have a camp fire.anyway...they will not even let u smoke outside your car or vehicle.sort of extreme but i guess this is why they called it the extreme fire danger level.got to be so careful.we have so much dead fall.thats the wood i was looking for.and then two rotten campers and a longer mobile home...so we need to get burning now.thats why i am so excited to get up there and burn mostly the only time we can.if we lived there year round-we could be burning all thru out the winter.that will happen.so what happens with u when there is 6 new designated wilderness areas around u?how does this affect u?
# Posted: 28 Jan 2011 12:00am
I'm so glad to see your place didn't burn. The meadow and trees shall recover and although things won't be the same for some time you will see new flora and fauna become established as the woods and meadow go through rebirth. I've got an emergency fire pump that kicks out a 2" stream of water for about 60 feet. It is a fire hose but you need the water source and you or someone else needs to be there when the fire hits and know how to operate it. The set up is so easy, I put it on a cart and the pump starts with an easy pull. It is like having your own fire truck- runs about $700 (my cost as a pump company) but a worthwhile investment. Something we all could consider as owners of cabins in the woods. Again, I am so glad things are intact for you guys! Growing up I saw a cottage burn to the ground- very frightening.
# Posted: 28 Jan 2011 05:47am
[b][/b]thanks alot for this info.i did not know there was such a device as u speak of.we will look into it.we have seen quite a few fires up our way by now.pretty scary.
Gary O
# Posted: 2 Feb 2011 10:49pm
Recently we did some slash burning, but cabi3 felt she had to watch over me as I tended the fires (thinks I'm a fire bug, possibly due to some historic 'events' of mine). Anyone know how far a flaming wood box can fly if a quart of gas is poured on it? watching the watcher
Gary O
# Posted: 2 Feb 2011 10:51pm
she thinks I'm oblivious to my surroundings..... why? I have no idea......
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# Posted: 3 Feb 2011 12:33am
ROTFL!!! :-)
# Posted: 21 Feb 2011 04:19am
Gar.u nut.sadly this is how i see this crazy man.I watch him.and it is so scary.the stove is on and right by the insulation sticking out in our cabin.the insulation is almost touching the stove.he has it on high.i go by and gently feel it and tuck it in and ask gar when we are gonna put a wood panel over the insulation.In the nite he just has to lite up the lanters and put them by his bedside on a tiny tv tray.He starts fire with tons of gasoline and then leaves the gas can right by the fire. i am always watching.snicker.he has a fire death wish but seems to scathe thru it all unharmed.when we were young.he had never really used gas heaters that were so common in the south...he turned on the heater and then went to find the match.then he came and lit it and no hair on his arms,beard or eyebrows.snicker.but now i am catching up with him.i can never remember if i have turned off the stove.he will go into the kitchen and say-did u mean to leave this burner on?so we are carefully watching out for each other .
Gary O
# Posted: 22 Feb 2011 09:06am - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: cabingal3 he turned on the heater and then went to find the match Hey, I was raised around wood stoves and fireplaces. The natural gas stoves down south were a bit of a mystery to me. Had a buddy George that I tried to kill a few times, just before I met cabi3. He was a long tall Texan, cowboy hat, boots and all. Six foot five and about six inches across. I called him 'Two By' (the hat and boots didn't help). We shared a flat in Houston just off Telephone road, where we hung our hats. He was a truck driver, and I an oil field pipe inspector, of which jobs were plenty 'cause people were getting killed all the time. One cold morn', when we both were home at the same time, I commenced to build a fire. This little stove had a worn metal placard on it that read 'ARNIN', and a bunch of tiny words with a picture of a flame. I cranked up ol' ARNIN, struck several matches, and called on Two By's help. He jerked the matches away from me, folded his string of a body, and turned the pilot knob, holding it in, looking at me like, 'you yankee idiot'. He hunched down, putting his face down close to the pilot tube, and put the lit match over it. WHOOOOSH! You could actually see the force of the explosion as it immediately blew through and past his scraggly bearded mug. It was like a cartoon, side burns, beard singed to black nubs, eyebrows, nose hairs gone, hairless outstretched arm still holding the extinguished match. He eventually looked back at me, like 'why are you trying to kill me, you won the war'.
The other time was when I poisoned him. He had pneumonia from jumping in and out of his air-conditioned cab. So there he lay on the couch, hacking his lungs up into a beer can, looking skinnier than what was normal for him. I felt sorry for him. "Hey, how 'bout a bacon sandwich?" 'Yeah, toast the bread", cough cough, hack hack, groan.
The bacon in the fridge looked a bit ancient (coulda' been new cheese), but I scrapped off the green stuff and fried it up, and even added tomato slices to my creation (coulda' been a red bell pepper). He wolfed it down between hacks, and laid back down. Thirty minutes later he was blowin' chips. Two weeks later he was outta the hospital and driving again. Thank god I met up with cabi3 shortly after, and her cookin' took over. BLT anyone?