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Small Cabin Forum / Nature / Fuzzy Mahem!!
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# Posted: 4 Jul 2016 14:45

Squirrel's on the warpath!
Was talking on the phone when through the open front door come charging in Shorty in Hot pursuit of sister Bobby the squirrel's, flying up and along the walls, over the counter where dishes and pans went flying down onto the floor into the cats dry food dish (now scattered everywhere) and out the matter what you will be kids!

# Posted: 6 Jul 2016 22:53

I think your kids need a good old-fashioned spanking, lol.

But if they're like mine when they get in trouble, they'll do the animal equivalent of rolling their eyes when I yell, "Stop it, stop it, or there will be spankings!" They know by now that there never are.

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