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Gary O
# Posted: 25 Jan 2011 08:05pm
Anyone wanna swap lies about memorable fishing trips? Been fishing since I was old enough to walk, but the sport still gets my blood goin'. However, I need a jump start, as all the lines on my dust ridden rods are pretty much rotten. My problem (according to Cabi3) is I'm too much of a purist, since I only go after salmonoid fish; trout, steelies, and salmon. Anyone have bass fishing stories? I'd love to read 'em
# Posted: 25 Jan 2011 08:53pm
now your talking my language! I bass fish rarely ( too impatient for it) but I do sometimes. heres a pic of a nice one I caught in my homemade skiff on my local lake, I was using a chartreuse road runner jig. sorry, not much of a story i guess! haha
# Posted: 25 Jan 2011 08:55pm
oops, heres the pic

Gary O
# Posted: 25 Jan 2011 09:27pm
Hey that's a fatty
Good eatin'? Good fight? What lb test? Do they smoke?
Pardon my ignorance, but big or small mouth?
Gary O
# Posted: 25 Jan 2011 09:44pm
Pictures.......they're somewhere. Never think about it much Here's one of an 8 lb Steely hen taken off the Clackamas River. Love stream fishing, 'cause it's more like hunting, and exploring. Even your favorite stream changes every season.
Gosh, I'm starting to feel the fever comin' on....there's only one cure, and that's a borax mix on fresh roe............ Clackamas Steelhead, taken too long ago
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# Posted: 25 Jan 2011 10:45pm
NathanP: Dam(n) that's what they would call a lunker around here. I used to do a lot of smallmouth fishing in the Thousand Islands area of Lake Ontario back years ago. Unfortunately I lost my best fishing partner (my father in law) many years ago and with him went my desire to fish. My lil' fishin' boat hasn't had a wet hull in years, but I'll never get rid of it. There's always hope that ill get out on the water once again. Nice bass!
# Posted: 25 Jan 2011 11:38pm
we need to restock but this one is about 6 years old and damn tasty. 0906091158b.jpg
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# Posted: 26 Jan 2011 01:27am
i am a southern gal and coming up to the north and learning to fish here was something i felt sort of strange.I always used a bambo pole and minnow.always caught lots of fish...then i come up here and i am told to toss my line in some shallow waters...near rapids.sort of odd to me.anyway-it does work.One year Gary O and i went fishing at the river and i got a winter chinook.He kept yelling at me to play it and let it wear itself out.nope.not me.i hanked the fish on the shore and jumped on it to save it from flopping around and jumping back in the water.i can tell u i got the fish.it was so good.wish that would happen more often.
Gary O
# Posted: 26 Jan 2011 08:54pm
Quoting: larry we need to restock Larry? You stocking/raising these brutes?!
Gary O
# Posted: 26 Jan 2011 09:08pm
Quoting: cabingal3 and jumped on it to save it from flopping around and jumping back in the water. Yeah, that was a good one. I enjoyed that more than catching one myself. Thanks for that little story, Cabi3 As I recall, I had to reach over and tighten your drag, as it was stripping your line pretty fast, but you landed it with 8 lb test. Nicely done, my pet...and good hook set by the way.
Gary O
# Posted: 26 Jan 2011 10:29pm
My favorite fish has been the sea run cutthroat. They fill the coastal streams here in the Pacific Northwest, and you really don't need much to go after 'em. Thus kids and grandkids can easily get involved. This little voracious species will match fight (pound for pound) with any steelhead, and will leap outta the water and tail walk with the best of 'em. A little 12 incher will slam your bait with such vigor you'd think a summer steelie had taken it. They are not a true 'sea run' as they just travel out to the estuaries, and the tides send 'em back. They average 10-12", but can get up to a few pounds in our area. The bigger ones are commonly called 'Blue Backs'. sea run cut
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# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 09:51am
a few little brookies caught near my camp.
Gary O
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 11:18am
Thanks for posting, manny. A day well spent
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 11:40am
walleye taste better through the ice. they tast wow !! going to try at 4 pm tonight ..nice day hear only -2 c canada braggin !!!
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 11:50am
ups forgot the proof old pic they'r not bitten
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Gary O
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 12:25pm
Quoting: Just walleye taste better through the ice So, is that sawing a hole and plopping a shack on it, or toughing it out in the open?
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 12:27pm
Your rught there Just. hard to beat a shore lunch of eyes and a few fried tatters.
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 01:42pm
i like to sit outside but when it gets very cold i have a 42in x 6 ft "cabin" what else!!!!
Gary O
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 03:19pm
So, angler friends of mine say Walleye tastes w-a-y better than any trout. Is that right? Fried, baked, over a fire?
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 05:00pm
For anybody down south ( and maybe other areas too?) the white bass are getting ready to start there spawning run any day now! this is my favorite time of year to fish, when you can target them in creeks and streams that feed the main lakes. I will try to provide as many pics as I can in the next couple months to come
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 07:25pm
Quoting: Gary O Is that right any way realy', but i like mine coated in seasond bread crums and fried in butter .no mater they were not bitting tonight!!!!!!
Gary O
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 07:37pm
Quoting: Just were not bitting tonight worst day of fishing still better than the best day of working
Gary O
# Posted: 7 Feb 2011 10:39pm - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: nathanprincipe For anybody down south Yeah, the wife and her sis have told me stories about fishing down south. I just can't imagine getting too comfy, what with worrying about gators and moccasins. I think they're playing with my mind when they talk about what they've caught, and all on a bamboo pole..... goggle eye
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# Posted: 8 Feb 2011 09:51pm
Ive never seen a gator yet although I know they are in the river systems and lakes I fish ( but its nothing like Louisiana). I went to my local creek and yesterday and managed 20 white bass ( sandbass) with 10 being keepers that came home with me and made for nice fish tacos tonight! I gotta get a usb cord for my new phone before I can post any pics tho............Ohh and "goggle eyes" are something different then the pic you posted, they are in the sunfish family along with bluegill, long ears, etc. they are also called "rock bass" or "War mouth"
# Posted: 8 Feb 2011 09:52pm
ohh and you get used to the snakes too, this time of year theyre not out anyways
Gary O
# Posted: 8 Feb 2011 10:18pm
Quoting: nathanprincipe "goggle eyes" are something different then the pic you posted Yeah, I know, just puttin' a yankee dig in to my southern belle and sis
Quoting: nathanprincipe ohh and you get used to the snakes too Not I Nevah Gettin' the creepy shudders just thinking about 'em. All snakes give me the yips, but moccasins are just plain evil ugly. Even a dry bite from one of them would kill me. Oh-h-h-h-h o-h-h-h brbrbrbr
# Posted: 9 Feb 2011 11:11am
I've got a lot of "tales" like the time we went out for miles on Lake Michigan at 4 AM fishing for salmon. On the first fish I extended the handle of the two piece landing net, but didn't get the little spring loaded button engaged, and when I netted the fish it shook the hook and pulled the net end off as it swam away!!! Doesn't make for a good start of the day.
My best memory was when three of us landed a 78# sturgeon on about 30 yards of rotten 6# mono by following it up and down the river in a 12' John boat half full of water from the nights torrential rains. When we finally got it close to the boat, one of us scooped the head in a small landing net, the middle guy reached around the belly, and I in the stern put a loop of anchor rope around the tail, and we all lifted on 3. Once we got it in and it found the water in the boat, all hell broke lose!!!
My buddy who I was with died shortly after that so that's a special memory of mine.
I don't fish as much anymore. Have a good day.
# Posted: 9 Feb 2011 06:28pm
I guess my favorite fishing trip was when my husband and I were dating he had a friend who was not all that bright He had been injured as a child so he was a little slow but was a hoot to hang with. We took him fishing one time and he had never been so when he got his first bite he wasn't quiet sure how to reel it in and he was so excited he just started running down the dam and towards us yelling I got one I got one Here he came rod in hand and the poor fish bouncing behind him. We laughed so hard but its a tale we continue to tell over and over
Gary O
# Posted: 10 Feb 2011 09:27am
Jerry/Any Mouse-
Thanks for these tales. That's what fishing is all about.
...and Jer, fill that empty seat in your John boat with with a youngster......it'll be good for the both of you......... and your stories are hilarious!
Keep yer lines tight
Gary O'
Gary O
# Posted: 10 Feb 2011 09:31am
...oh, and Jerry, a little WD-40 on that spring button before next trip....
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