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Small Cabin Forum / Properties / Ontario updates 108sqft to 161sqft
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# Posted: 1 Apr 2023 17:00

I do see a lot of Ontario folks posting in here.

Just saw the max size for no building permit went from 108 to 161sqft, or 15sq meters.

Just in case anyone in Ontario is looking at building a bunkie, this change was not long ago.

# Posted: 2 Apr 2023 06:54

There are several new Rule Changes in Ontario this spring opening up possibilities & options. There are some dubious new rules as well, so everything needs to be revisited before starting a project now.

I should mention that there is resistance within many cities, towns & villages to many of the new changes and some are being legally challenged as well. A lot of that would not affect Cabineers but best to check first... Ford & his cronies pulled a few trix...

# Posted: 2 Apr 2023 11:41

Interesting, thanks for filling that out a bit.

I'll look into it more and see where my region stands.


# Posted: 5 Apr 2023 12:25

Is this a further loosening from last year? Then, the limit was upped to 161 sq ft / 15 sq m but only for sheds, not for residential uses like (arguably) bunkies.

Some discussion from last year at

# Posted: 7 Apr 2023 06:04

Yesterday April-6-23 The Ford establishment came out with new stuff related to building in Ontario... I think a lot of it has to do with the 1.5 Million homes hooey they've been huffing about but they do love to sneak in stuff as we have discovered over the past few years...

Keep an eye on the Media and watch the building rules & regs. It seems that they are more focused on Urban Expansion & Sprawl and eliminating green spaces in/around cities. Hopefully, they do not mess up Cabineers and other rural dwellers.

# Posted: 10 Apr 2023 23:03 - Edited by: aazard

I believe the new OBC rules, Ontario Regulation 451/22 Section 28 (accessory buildings) state/say:

108sq ft footprint with 2 floors (max, but roof patio is allowed on top),


160sq ft, with only a single floor. same patio rule (161sq ft??)

I believe the height restriction is a max of 6 meters (convert to feet is 19.68504 ft) or 19 ft, 8 1/4 in tall max

Major limitation is "no wet plumbing" (that makes it a ADU, not AB)

Specific supersedes general, always (local rules trump national rules)

# Posted: 13 Apr 2023 07:44

This sounds great, but the "accessory buildings" part gives me some pause. So far the only official bit I can find is at, namely:

28. Article of Division C of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:

(6) A shed is exempt from the requirement to obtain a permit under section 8 of the Act and is exempt from compliance with this Code, provided that the shed,

(a) is not more than 15 m2 in gross area,

(b) is not more than one storey in building height,

(c) is not attached to a building or any other structure,

(d) is used only for storage purposes ancillary to a principal building on the lot, and

(e) does not have plumbing.

All of this provides great wiggle room if you are building an accessory bunkie/shed/... but is limited if you're going by the book and trying to build a primary structure / residence...

# Posted: 24 Jun 2024 12:59

Bumping this up......I am always leery when no rationale has been floated by government to justify this change. Has anyone heard anything?

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