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Small Cabin Forum / Properties / Rural unincorporated Los Angeles county property owners harassed by law enforcement
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# Posted: 31 Dec 2011 16:54

It's come to my attn. That people who filed for permits legally and current on their taxes, some living there legally for over 20 years being harassed by sheriffs along with the building safety officials.. They show up in full force with bullet proof vests and guns drawn and the first thing they shout is "you have no right to be here", or "you are living here illegally", when you tell them I have permits and own the land etc. They then tell you the building laws have changed and then instead of telling you to adjust it like any normal American city state or county would they give you a court date and tell you to tear it down or go to jail, the ones that argue go to jail andnthen get released with a court date,.. For more info look up"L.A. County's war on desert rats".. I would like to know if anyone else is out there that either knows more about this or owns property out there and maybe we can organize and fight this, either way any info would be appreciated..

# Posted: 1 Jan 2012 12:08

They are free and happy, and that's not good for government business anymore.

Governments are criminal like a large corporation bent on expansion of power and control at any cost . The Individual freedom and happiness is not on their agenda, and simply does not matter to them.

It's a very sad thing what's happening to these people, but its not at all surprising to me.

# Posted: 1 Jan 2012 14:38

Does not shock me at all..
They will assimilate you.. Resistance is futile.. (Star Trek reference)..
It gets worse.. The NDAA was signed into law last night while we were sleeping or celebrating the new year.. They can now, just make them "disappear", no judge, jury, or warrant..

# Posted: 6 Jan 2012 19:18

Ya I assume it will only get worse until we push back..too many divisive forces these days making it easy for them to herd us this or that way..they talk about a sleeping giant in reference to the u.s. Gvnmt.. But we the people are the sleeping giant, and if they weren't afraid of us they wouldn't push through stuff like the NDAA..

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