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Small Cabin Forum / Properties / TIP - Foam Guns & WARNING !
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# Posted: 28 Sep 2016 09:01

Hi folks,

As most are aware I am a "Foam Fanatic" and use various types of foams in my construction projects. The usual suspects include EPS, XPS, Poly-Iso etc... Just can't beat it ! As a result the use of Spray Foam is an essential component to fill in gaps, cracks etc as well as bonding layers. (no matter how tight you go, there is always tiny gaps, unless your building SIPS and even then)

I have used commercial foam guns for many years and my last one died a while back after many years of good service... It was all brass and a breeze to use & clean...

So off I go top buy a replacement gun and shocked at how expensive they got.. I decided that as I no longer need the Pro Commercial HD gun I wasn't dropping over a C Note on it... I went with the Mid-Range gun and bought a AdFast Heavygun-TF like this: AdFast Heavygun-TF foam gun

It comes with very thin plastic "disposable tips" which when the foam & it's solvents hit the plastic tubes, they soften up and like to blow off... There ARE NO REPLACEMENT TIPS AVAILABLE ! Imagine That one ! Make a tool that uses disposable bit and offer no replacement bits ! HeadSlap Moment for that company ! The Cleaner Solvent - well, it cleans the gun & foam but that plastic - I'll leave it to your imagination...

Well after some furtling around and looking at OTHER BRANDS, I found a LePage gun which is all Brass including the needle tip which runs at $90... More poking about I found the DOW Pro-14 Gun at Homedepot for $69 and not only does it have all brass construction including the needle tip but also has tip sleeves that won't dissolve or soften with available replacement should you need them.

DOW Great-Stuff Pro-14 Foam Gun

You can see the subtle differences that make the grade... If you see a product that has "replaceable / disposable bits" make sure you can get the bits when needed..

Hope it helps someone to avoid wasting money and using Drunken Sailor Talk...

Have a Great Day !

# Posted: 28 Sep 2016 10:09

amazon has a variety of these spray guns if you want a good gun and save some dough.

they start around 15 bucks. I've been using one similar to this one for 3 years.

you're right. avoid plastic tips. my first one, 50 bucks at a big box, lasted one day. after that it's metal for me.

# Posted: 28 Sep 2016 11:59

+1 Creeky...

I contacted the Quebec Company that made the 1st one... Well, I should have realized they would be Half Baked and )(*&*@&) ... Has to be the water.

Thank Goodness a "few" companies left there still have decent products & proper support, although fading fast and giving us Canadians Manufacturers a Bad Rep in the meantime....

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