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Small Cabin Forum / Properties / Frustratng (Cabin Insurance)
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# Posted: 4 Mar 2017 07:14

Sigh.... Still on the hunt and it seems there is always an obstacle. We were strongly considering a cabin in Quebec. Called to check out insurance and what a fiasco. Belair Ontario is different from Belair Quebec and so dealing with Belair Quebec is considered a new client, no portfolio discount, primary policy. I decided to get a quote all the same and the agent googled the property and in the pics it shows 3 sheds and a couple of interior walls not finished. So they said not insurable and referred me to intact. No problem for intact but it wold also be considered a primary policy and so over 2000 a year. If you also have your home with them then it is less than 800. Want to give up and find a lot in Ontario and do my own thing but with four kids and a budget it is a tough task.


# Posted: 4 Mar 2017 07:30

Give Wawanesa a try. Same issue that they are separate from our Ontario policy (although they did mention at one point that it may change). Still not cheap but less than you are getting quotes for. Actually I'm over insured - based on cost for someone else to rebuild the cabin. It was an easy process with no real checks on the cabin. Naturally size, location etc all impact the cost so no promises.

A few years back someone on the lake had their cabin burn down (lightning strike). Their insurance allowed them to rebuild a much bigger/nicer place.

# Posted: 20 Mar 2017 06:28

I tried a whole bunch and cooperators seem to be the best to deal with and most comfortable with cottages. Maybe moot, the Quebec property seems to be complicated and we are looking at plan b.

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