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# Posted: 13 Jul 2009 12:43pm
after close to one years on our land, observing season after season, finding the right place for our cabin. we finaly find the best place (for us) and start the project. Initialy, I want to draw and built the cab myself, but finaly find a do it yourself cabin based on the timber log construction. The cabin inside are 8 X12 with an over roof of 3' 1/2". in the original cabin there is a balcony, that we don't want, so we modify the design accordly. This balcony was only 40 inch wide and as the door open to the outside, the bottom of the door rub on the balcony floor (one of a few flaw). The wall are buit of TG half joint 2X6 in pine. Floor and roof plank are also made of TG board. Final price are around the same as if all the material are buy separetly, except everything are pre-cut with the kit, a big + when you to cut everything with the chain saw as we have no electricity around. An other good thing, are that you don't have to finish the inside, it"s already made. lesiteavant.jpg
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# Posted: 13 Jul 2009 04:31pm
Nice going Avan! Got your fun project on its way! How far away from the creek did you decide to build?
# Posted: 13 Jul 2009 04:51pm - Edited by: avan
Our 14 acres are on both side of a country gravel road. The creek are one one side where the land are very abrupt and more difficult to acces, even with the small bridge (around 5 acres). This part of the land are also very nice during spring and automn, but less during summer where the temperature are more humid, and the forest dense, cutting the vision. For the convenience, we choose a site with an access with a vehicule and where we can park close to the site, so the other side of the road, that are at a distance of around 300-400 of the road and the stream. this site have good light all the day, the forest there are red pine, wich give shadow but let the light go in, on this side also we have a well, and a hothouse already there. At night, when everything it's quiet, we ear the stream anyway.
# Posted: 3 Sep 2009 05:55pm - Edited by: avan
So this is the final set up of our small cabin. this summerr it was raining a lot and we encounter more bug than usual in this area. Nice thing, we made a no seehum bug net for the window.
www.pbase.com/jeelee/galleries general view of the site
|  myself with our photo/video material
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# Posted: 3 Sep 2009 10:17pm
Very nice Avan! Is that a Summerwood brand cabin? Looks great!!!
# Posted: 10 Sep 2009 05:18pm
Hi and thanks, no it's not summerwood. For what I know the kit are made in china.
# Posted: 8 Feb 2013 03:21pm
avan, do tell what's the name of the company you bought it from? I saw your cabin in another thread and had to hunt down for this thread. It looks very nice!
Where did you buy it from and do you mind me asking for how much?
Am-I seeing right: The walls are only 2x6's T&G (no studs or anything?).
Where in Québec did you build and how much snow do you usually get?
# Posted: 8 Feb 2013 08:39pm
Do you remember which thread? I can't help you with the origin because the guy as only have 2 cabin kit for sale at this time. I was having found the manufacturer, but it was in china and sold only for distributor. The wall are made of 2X6 TG spruce, no stud. We are located in the south east of the province in mountain area, so annually we can have 3-5 ft of snow. there are new kit now in Quebec: abriskit
# Posted: 8 Feb 2013 08:41pm
Here: http://abris-kit.ca/index.php/en/
# Posted: 10 Feb 2013 07:32pm
Very nice cabin and a great setting. Awesome!!
# Posted: 11 Feb 2013 02:13pm
Avan are you by any chance in the Gaspésie area or somewhere along those lines?
How does your cabin (and cabin life in a not that well insulated cabin) fare in the middle of winter? Any issues with condensation and the likes? Did you install a wood stove?
Did you insulate the floor and did you shingle the roof or put metal sheeting?
Did you do any modifications to the basic plan?
What did you think of Abri-kits? Good to deal with and what not?
Cheers, your place looks awesome!
PS: Any reason why you didn't go with the loft version of the cabin model?
# Posted: 12 Feb 2013 08:16am
Hi, we are in the eastern township area. We don't use the cabin in winter, so we don't bother about insulation. In early spring (may) to october we use a big buddy at night but not during our sleeping. For us this is a five stars camping. During automne, I observe, that wet or slight damp cloth leave in the cabin for one week, tend to develop mildew. I manage to make some ventilation close the roof this summer. the change we have make to the design is that I put a second window. I built it myself. We also put bug screen with no see hum net. I have two 15 watt panel and for 2 FL light for night reading. PS. This is not the abris kit, so we have no choice with or not having the loft.
# Posted: 11 Oct 2013 10:51am
Avan, Now I'm checking out your project. That's a great spot you have and nice cabane! How many square feet is it? PN
# Posted: 11 Oct 2013 02:45pm
The cabin are 8' x 12', so mostly same as yours except the loft. We don't have the idea to built bigger for now, but as we, friend are older and don't neccessary like camping. We have a 14 acres so at the end of the land we have a nice view on mountain and a lake, I'd like to built something else, smaller but with a small wood stove and where friends can came sleep.
# Posted: 11 Oct 2013 03:40pm - Edited by: avan
some recent picture of our land. Also a guest in our kitchen tent: _52C6398_avandal013.jpg
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# Posted: 11 Oct 2013 11:24pm
Your photography skills are truly amazing!!!! 
# Posted: 12 Oct 2013 01:49am
Thanks Hattie!