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# Posted: 22 Aug 2012 11:29pm
Hello everyone, Martin from Ky. I really hope to learn a lot from here, and maybe I can teach someone something as well. I started my Log Cabin in my sophomore year of high school, I have now graduated this year and started Vocational school. I have used all old hand tools, and some new passed down from my family. Now, more about my cabin! It is a small, one room, 220 square foot, 15x15 cabin all from cedar that I cut using an axe and a crosscut saw. I have one porch completed so far, and hope to start framing the next tomorrow, Along with pics from the whole thing. I have worked since year 2010 at the age of 15 cutting all my cedar logs myself with an axe. I skidded all of my logs with my Honda Big Red. (Special thanks to the local vets for putting on a raffle, who I won this from). Tomorrow I will post some pictures of my cabin and a few more details. For now, I have some videos on youtube of my progress.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PgHxMf6QXE&feature=plcp I have pics from day one on my Facebook if anyone wants to view them there, search Martin Lumberjack McKinney, I don't care to add you! If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate I will be glad to answer them. Best regards, MartinM.
# Posted: 23 Aug 2012 12:02am
A few recent pics, sooner than I promised lol.
# Posted: 23 Aug 2012 12:33am
Welcome, your place looks great! make your facespace pics public so we can check the rest out
I'm a couple hours up the road from you (Fisherville) and there's a few other KY members around here
# Posted: 23 Aug 2012 12:37am
Thanks! I made them public, check em' out! MartinM.
# Posted: 24 Aug 2012 12:09am
Quoting: MartinM I made them public, check em' out!
Try again
# Posted: 24 Aug 2012 12:17am
Hopefully it should be working now, sorry about that. I'm not the best with computers.
# Posted: 24 Aug 2012 12:23am - Edited by: TomChum
Quoting: MartinM I have used all old hand tools,
You RULE! And I like your shingles. What are you going to chink it with? Are the logs dry?
# Posted: 24 Aug 2012 12:58am
Thanks! I had planned on using shingles on the porches, but I'm going with tin now. As far as chinking I'm going to use metal lathe and steeple it in between the logs on the inside and out and take mortar mix and put a little sand with it, then just take a trowel and wipe it on. I hope it doesn't crack. The logs are dry, I did make a mistake however and put one up that was fairly green and it bowed quite a bit.
# Posted: 24 Aug 2012 11:49am - Edited by: TomChum
Quoting: MartinM I had planned on using shingles on the porches, but I'm going with tin now.
Wise man. With handsplit shingles you lose a a lot of roof angle. If you make test layup the handsplit shingles on the roof porch, you will see that the shingle angle becomes much less than the roof angle, could be almost level or maybe even pour water back into the porch!
Are you going to live in this cabin?
# Posted: 24 Aug 2012 12:26pm - Edited by: MartinM
I didn't know shingles caused angle loss. But this being my first cabin, tin is easier to use. I still have research to do about shingles. As far as living here, I am going to some. Mostly it's a camping, hunting cabin. But I may get some solar panels. The south facing roof is perfect for the sun, make a little better living.
Thanks for the input!
# Posted: 24 Aug 2012 07:43pm
Welcome to the site, Martin! I am also in KY and love watching others in my state build their own place. I have to tell you how impressed I am at the hard work you are putting into this while being so young. Man, I wish I'd been so smart and industrious years ago before I got "older". Look forward to watching your progress.
# Posted: 25 Aug 2012 05:32pm
Thank you! Our local news paper put an article in some time last year about me doing my cabin, here's the link. http://www.cvt-news.com/news/?p=4147
# Posted: 27 Aug 2012 09:36pm
Here's most of my tools that I used while making my cabin, the mallets I made myself, one is sycamore and the other hickory. They're a big help driving in the 10" spikes into the logs. And here's another pic of the loft space I'm going to have and my floor joists. IMG_1126.JPG
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# Posted: 29 Dec 2014 11:00pm
So instead of starting a new post, I'll just dig mine out the grave! From two years ago.. So, A lot to catch up with. So, here's where I am. Just tonight I finished the front porch door and got it hung, tomorrow I will get the door lock, knobs, get the door cut in half to make it a dutch door, and get the latch for the top half. My buddy and I got the roof framed in two days, then got the tin put on in one day. So since spring of 2010, here I am now. cabin_with_tin.jpg
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# Posted: 30 Dec 2014 08:18am
This is awesome! Your cabin looks great. BTW we are in the Nolin Lake area. Hart Co. KY.
# Posted: 1 Jan 2015 09:00pm
Dude, nice job! You've come a long way since that nice newspaper article was written. Love that panoramic shot; awesome view.
# Posted: 1 Jan 2015 10:27pm
Thanks everyone for the input everyone. Intentions were to make the front door a dutch door. But I only have two hinges up at the moment, tried the others but they dont exactly work. The door facing is bowed, which could have a lot to do with it. Didn't think about plumb bobbing it before cutting the doorway. Anyway, enjoy the pictures. 20141231_114225.jpg
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# Posted: 11 Sep 2015 01:18pm
Here's a few pictures of the cabin that's a little more recent, I have enough draft that I have my Tennessee burley hanging to cure right now. I have three rails around the front porch and done a few odd and end things. 20150910_184503.jpg
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