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# Posted: 12 Dec 2012 09:35am
I want to first thank you all for the ideas and philosophies you share here. It was very helpful with designing of my shed/cabin project. After a couple of years just lurking I decided to join and share too.
There is zero quality camping/canoeing/river fishing in central Illinois. I spent 7 years loading my truck to the brim and driving two hours just to a day and a half camping twice a year. All that work for a couple of hours of peace just got old so I started looking around. I bought 8 acres of wooded Ozark land back in November of 2010 for summer camping and retirement later in life. I was very lucky and found some reasonably priced land on a state highway. It is within 15/20 miles of 3 major canoeing rivers, a wild trout stream, 6 conservation areas, 2 state parks,and the Mark Twain National forest.
I spent all of 2011 collecting materials from Craigslist free section and rehab stores. I started construction on my 8x12 shed cabin in the spring of 2012. The exterior is done but I don't have the insulation or drywall in yet. I built totally without electric with the exception of the roof rafters I precut at home to save time. It only took 96 man hours after finishing the siding last weekend. Never really did much planning on paper except material lists. I had very little time off this summer so this took all year with many trips. I ended up spending more on gas than materials lol. I wont have a well or electric for some time, I'm sure I don't have to explain why haha. Here are a few pictures please keep in mind the siding color is not the color I'm keeping, I just had to get the thing weather tight and the siding was free. some of the area near my place. Not my land
|  west side of roof
|  front view(shell)
|  east side of roof
# Posted: 12 Dec 2012 09:40am
here are more picture inside view looking up
|  open skylight
|  front steps
|  front steps
# Posted: 12 Dec 2012 09:52am
Here are more picture. I never imagined how hard it would be to get dark brown vinyl siding. Apparently the pigment fades so not many companies make it and its very costly. I also plan on adding a murphy style bed and a rain barrel system with a small sink inside this winter. I have a small wood stove but have a few questions ill post later. siding front view
|  west side view with siding
|  est side view with siding
|  River eagle :)
# Posted: 12 Dec 2012 12:59pm
Very Nice!
# Posted: 12 Dec 2012 01:26pm
very cool
any where near Eminence?
# Posted: 12 Dec 2012 04:17pm
Very nice paul ,, I like small .gives more time for the emportant stuff..
# Posted: 12 Dec 2012 04:32pm
nice place.Paul.u did really good.free on craigs list!I SAY U DID GREAT.
# Posted: 12 Dec 2012 08:12pm
Thanks everyone. Sorry im quite a ways north of Eminence. I plan on exploring down that way a lot more now. Its quite amazing how much fishable/floatable water there is in the Ozarks. I have been searching hard for more of those "secret" trout streams haha . 12x8 has been perfect for storin and sleepin so far. If you have a truck and the time, craigslist can save you thousands of dollars on materials and used equipment.
# Posted: 12 Dec 2012 08:26pm
Looks a lot like my shack/shed. Looks great!!
# Posted: 14 Dec 2012 09:18pm
We are from northeast Mo but are planning to move to the Ozarks. There are some great places to fish and float. We really like the open skylight.
# Posted: 19 Jan 2013 12:51pm
Just a small update with a couple pics. I hope everyone is doing well, I have been enjoying my vacation with lots of work at the property mixed in with some fishing, hiking, or just being lazy around the house here back home. The walls are insulated, a couple pieces of drywall up, Insulation baffles in, and the floor in. Everything was free from CL or friends I used Standard r-13 insulation that was left over from a pole barn. It came in big 7'x20' rolls so i had to cut it down but it was quick and easy. For insulation baffles I used card board sheets from a sam's club. They throw away tons of them every night and are more than happy to give you a few. I left an extra 1 3/4" and just folded it up to give the sheets legs. The free cardboard is actually better than the plastic or styrofoam baffles for many reasons but I wont get into that here. Normally, you would finish the walls before you put the floor in but I get tired of stockpiling materials. I just used a scrap piece of drywall as a spacer and that works. The floor came from my boss's formal dining room. While it is used, it came from a room that sees no foot traffic. I left an area at the door for tile, I'll take care of that this spring. The flooring is much easier to keep clean and it makes it feel more like a living space now. edit: I did buy the plastic vapor barrier from lowes now that I think about it but that stuff is very cheap. drywall(underside of loft and wall)
|  floor with unfished entryway
|  insulation baffles and skylight
|  floor
# Posted: 19 Jan 2013 03:22pm
What a great build..but are you planning more windows other than the sky lights?
# Posted: 19 Jan 2013 08:20pm
Thank you bugs
Ideally, I'd love to have many windows but I worry about break ins. 78% of the year it is used for storage. What little time I spend inside is usually Night time in the winter or when it storms while camping the other 3 seasons. I know window manufactures make fully functional windows on a 1/2 or 1/3 scale. They use these as sample "sales" windows. If I could find a few of these samples too small for a person to crawl through I will put them in. The problem I'm finding so far is I have to purchase a semi-expensive sales package to get ONE tiny window. Plus, they dont seem to want to sell me a sales package knowing I wont sell any of thier windows.