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Sleeping Bear
# Posted: 16 Jan 2013 05:36pm - Edited by: Sleeping Bear
I have been lurking around here for a while and have decided it is time to show off my cabin in Western Pa. The biggest problem that I have is that I live in Texas and it is a 1400 mile trip to the cabin. When ever I get lonely for my cabin I come here and live vicariously through you all.
The cabin was a lifelong dream of my wife and I and we moved it and re-assembled it on property that we already owned. It was our desire that the cabin remain as primitive as it was in 1810 when we believe it was built. We stayed in it for a couple of years while we saved money to move a Post and Beam Barn that we also owned so that we could put all the modern facilities in it. We have 6 grown children and they all want to go stay at the cabin(we have had as many as 13 at one time) so the barn has two floors, kitchen, bathroom, and sitting area on the first floor and bunkroom on the second, it also has a pass thru area for storage. We made sure that it still looks like a barn from the outside so that everything fits together. All of the buildings are solar powered and completely off of the grid. We have all the modern facilities they are just a little more work than others.
We would not trade it for anything and just wish it was a little closer for us to visit more often. I hope you all like it too. my cabin at Christmas
|  Looking inside
|  Barn being raised
|  Barn living area
# Posted: 16 Jan 2013 06:17pm
Welcome. Your cabin is quite a classic.
# Posted: 16 Jan 2013 08:02pm
Beautiful place!!!
# Posted: 16 Jan 2013 10:23pm
Very,very nice! Welcome too! I love your place! I never wanted to have anything but paper plates to eat off of because we don't have running water at our cabin, but seeing your plate rack makes me want to rethink that 
I bet you hate leaving...how often are you able to visit?
# Posted: 16 Jan 2013 10:46pm
Welcome to the forum. Do you think you might live there full time at some point? I would - it is beautiful!!!!! Keep the pictures coming please.
# Posted: 17 Jan 2013 07:40am
Welcome sleeping bear.Very nice place.You probably now hold our record for longest distance commute from home to cabin.lol.
Sleeping Bear
# Posted: 17 Jan 2013 10:29am
We visit as often as we can. My wife is an Interpreter for the Deaf working in the school system so she has the whole summer off. I take her up at the end of the school year and open everything up and get it running then I fly back to Texas to work. I fly back and forth as much as I can afford and then go back and get her in September and close everything up. We also go back at Christmas for Several weeks. If I could win the lottery it would be my permanent home, but untill then it is a great place to visit.
When I am there I have so much to do and explore that I never get bored and I hardly ever sit still. I have a little under 100 acres and their is always something to do. I think owning a cabin means that you must be a Jack of all trades, Master of none. Everything their is more or less experimental and always requires some kind of improvement or service.
My wife and I spent several years as living History re-enactors now we like to say that we are just living History. I would rather wear wool and Buckskin any day as to have to wear a suit. Sometimes we think that we were just born out of time. Give me the old more simpler times good or bad any day.
My wife is an incredible woman and more willing to try new and different experiences than most. She has no problem giving up the modern conviences and doing without, in fact most of what we have is because of her. I think if she could she would never leave the cabin. She loves Pensylvannia and the four seasons and prefers snow most of all. Some people run from the snow, my wife runs to it.
I love this forum and check it everyday for any new information. I especially love all the pictures and stories of others builds. Keep them coming so I don't get bored. Thanks.
# Posted: 17 Jan 2013 11:06am
Your wife and I have a lot in common!
I love your enthusiasm! We never get bored at our cabin either and time in between trips is enough to drive us crazy We finally are going up this weekend to check on everything. It has been 2 months, which is the longest stretch we've endured. Our daughter was born on Dec. 13th so it has been totally worth it to be "stuck at home" otherwise I would probably be going loopy by now!!!! She's going to love the cabin, I just know it 
# Posted: 17 Jan 2013 07:51pm
Hello from Forest County, PA! Very nice place and you Sir are lucky to have a wife like that!
old buddy
# Posted: 26 Jan 2013 10:13pm
Welcome to the forum as well. I'll tell you....my heart goes out to you for having so much highway between your cabin and your home. It looks very cabiny! We are fortunate enough to live eight miles from our cabin but due to the terrain, we don't get up there in foul weather as often as I'd like. I'm planning on going up tomorrow with my son and grandson (Old Buddy and Little Buddy). We have to install a new battery in our deer feeder and I just wanted to get a fire going in the woodstove and watch the deer feed.
Who knows....maybe something will happen in your life and you may end up at your cabin sooner than you think. Heck...maybe one of the kids will hit the lottery and "bail mom and dad out!" 
Keep the pictures coming and stay in touch.
Old Old Buddy
Sleeping Bear
# Posted: 28 Jan 2013 12:21pm
Thanks Old Old Buddy, I have read all about your adventures and really enjoy the pictures of you cabin. We are in the planning stages for this years summer trip and can not wait to get back there.
I put up a couple of summer time pictures. Enjoy Cabin from a distance
|  Wifes flowers
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# Posted: 29 Jan 2013 08:28am
That is beautiful!
# Posted: 2 Feb 2013 02:51am
Thanks for posting. I love your place it is so cozy looking.
# Posted: 2 Feb 2013 02:13pm
Nice looking place. Would like to see more pics of that "Barn".
# Posted: 14 Feb 2013 08:33pm
Sleeping Bear, roughly where is your cabin in western PA?
Sleeping Bear
# Posted: 15 Feb 2013 03:43pm - Edited by: Sleeping Bear
Between Pittsburgh and Erie.
Bevis, Here are a few more. Living Area of Barn
|  Bathroom
|  Upstair's Bunk Room
|  Installing Stained glass window in peak