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old old buddy
# Posted: 3 Jun 2014 07:20am
Sarg68 We haven't heard from you for a couple weeks. How are things going? Did the clinic get totally finished and open for business?
It's been almost five weeks since I have been to the cabin and it's long overdue. Tristin and I were going to drive my truck to the top until we saw how bad the road was so......maybe this week-end coming.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 3 Jun 2014 07:26pm
Hello everybody! We did open the new clinic on the day after Memorial day and it turned out very nice and she couldn't be happier. I'm down to a few outside items that need done like adding top soil to the low spots in the front yard. The contractor didn't add a bonding agent to the enamel paint that was put on the floor in the kennel, laundry room or my wife's office and it is flaking up everywhere. So, I am scraping it off and starting over with the stuff that comes in a kit for your garage floor. Cross your fingers for me that it works. Toms of for the summer and we are going to go down to the cabin for the day on Friday. I need to weed eat the fence rows and what ever else might pop up. Now I can also get back to moving the cabin. Tom and I have a week at Boy Scout Camp 15-23 of this month so we may not get a chance to spend the night until July. I still owe pictures of the place. Take it easy and talk to you later. Sarg
# Posted: 3 Jun 2014 07:47pm
Congrats Sarg, sounds like things are moving along.
# Posted: 7 Jun 2014 07:26pm
Well I finished up one of the last big and final projects at the new clinic today, filling in low spots and grading. I had 9 ton of top soil delivered at 1pm on Friday and my 22 year old son Hunter met me to help move it. He loaded and wheel barreled about seven ton of it in about 4 hours for me and then I would rake it out. Labor only cost me two meals and $50. I would have been hard pressed to get it done before the next rain due to come through if it wouldn't have been for his help. I still need to move some more dirt in places for finish work but I can bring it in my F150 a ton at a time. Curious to see now how the water will run. I hope everyone got out to their cabins. Cheers Sarg
# Posted: 9 Jun 2014 04:15pm
Made it down to the cabin this morning with Hunter and I put in about two hours of weed eating the fence line or grape vine and multiflore rose bushes. I will mow the same fence row next time I go down. Still going to be July before we will have time to spend the night. Boy Scout camp starts this Sunday 15 and runs till Saturday the 21st. Might try to sneak a night in the following week. Cheers Sarg
# Posted: 21 Jun 2014 03:44pm
Well I have returned to the world of electricity, AC and internet! We had a really good time at Boy Scout Camp over the last week at the Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation located in Conesville Ohio. Nice to be home and washing dirty cloths. I got a lot of rest that I really needed bad. The three adult leaders actually got a nap every afternoon even if the temperature 90 and humidity 100%. LOL. Now to get some work done down at the cabin this week. Cheers Todd totem pole
|  Sun Rise
|  Hanging Out
|  Water Fall
# Posted: 28 Jun 2014 06:50am
Went to the cabin yesterday for about four hours with Hunter, Tom and my nephew Parker. Wow it was humid and the weeds sure have grown fast. The good news is that I'm now able to get there weekly and can get the weeds and other things caught up. I'm having some doubts about this cabin move and frankly thinking of scrapping the project and putting in peers to level it out. Not sure yet what to do! I hope everyone has a great weekend at their cabins. Cheers Sarg
SE Ohio
# Posted: 28 Jun 2014 04:30pm
Re: scout camp pictures, I've got a cabin tent similar to the one on left side of picture (on platform). Been in family since 60's! Seen many a hot humid campsite.
I'm also off to scout camp in a few weeks with my 11 year old son. Since I'm not a scout leader I hope to have enough stuff to keep me entertained for the week. At this point I'm more excited about going than my son, who will sorely miss his electronics...
Good luck with your cabin project, whichever way you decide.
# Posted: 28 Jun 2014 08:36pm
SE Ohio I enjoy Scouts much more than Cub Scouts! Something to be said about a Boy run program that allows us the Scouters to sit back and relax. I read two books while I was at camp and got lots of sleep. Ha Ha don't let our wives know this secret. Enjoy yourself I sure know I did and my son did too. It is a remarkable program that teaches them so much. I am going to Wood Badge Training over the course of two weekends during August and then September. Looking forward to getting to do the things our son get to do over a week. Cheers Sarg
# Posted: 12 Jul 2014 06:46am
Well Tom, Parker, Karma and I made it to the cabin for a few hours yesterday to weed eat and put skids under one side of the cabin. Both went really well and I have 2/3 of the other side to do when I go back down next week. The cabins 24" long so we took the 4X6 down in eight foot sections and then attached them to the underside with steel brackets. Next week after I finish the other side the boys and I will jack it up to level and then run 4x4 up from castle rocks and we will be done with that project. If you read the feed you will see that its been put on the back burner several times for different reasons. I will be happy to finish it. Hope everyone enjoys their weekends. Cheers Sarg
# Posted: 14 Jul 2014 05:14pm
Great to hear Sarg.
# Posted: 21 Jul 2014 06:53pm
Tom is in Myrtle Beach SC this week with his grandparents so my Nephew Parker and I went to the cabin today to deliver the last two 4x6 we need to install as runners on the cabin. We thought we had forgot to take the jack with us so we didn't install them today. Turns out we found the jack on the table in the cabin when we went to lock up to leave. O-well good excuse to go back down this Friday. We took about four hours and mowed the field, weed eat and cut up some downed trees on the fence line. I had to take frequent breaks because the humidity was so high. Well I hope that everyone had good weekends and I'll update again Friday with pictures this time. Cheers Sarg
# Posted: 25 Jul 2014 05:31pm
Six and one half hours later and still not completed leveling the cabin. What a task. My nephew Parker and I went down early and got started and 15 minutes into it we broke the handle of the high low jack and had to resort to the bottle jack and the scissors jack out of my truck to work with. In the end all that is left to do now is to lower the front porch area about one and a half inches and we will be done with it. Parker shot some 20 gauge shot and slug shell through his pump gun to site it in. Really accurate little gun. At it again next week. Cheers Sarg Down th left side
|  Down the right side
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# Posted: 4 Aug 2014 08:32pm
Finally the cabin is level and I can move on to other things. As I have previously stated this cabin was not properly installed for the man that I purchased it from three years ago. I wasn't going to do anything about it until my father talked me into it (his idea was to move it to level ground) but I opted to level it in place using castle stones and posts. It has taken about 12 hours to complete and during that time it was not always smooth sailing. Today was no different when after two hours my nephew and I pumped the bottle jack literally the last pump and the cabin leaned four inches to the left on the down hill side. Quickly braced it up and two and a half hours later it was corrected. All that is left for me to do now is to add some bracing and since summer break is almost over for the kids I can do that by myself. We also had enough time to lay out my next project a 12'x4' wood shed that is in the pictures I posted. The other thing was to figure out the location for our water tower and shower. Well I hope you like the pictures. I'm tired and headed bed. Cheers Sarg Front
|  right side
|  Wood Shed
|  Wood shed 2
# Posted: 14 Aug 2014 08:03am
Brian, Haven't hear from you or OOB how you guys doing? I figure the summer months are keeping you busy but I wanted to check in with you and see how your doing?
My summer has been filled with projects at the new clinic dealing with landscaping outdoors and are still not finished. But its getting close. I have to get the drainage shored up before the winter months hit me and that is about 9 ton of dirt from being finished. As you see from the photos I got the cabin leveled couple weeks ago and headed down today to install bracing. I also want to start my wood shed today.
Planning a big weekend trip to the cabin encompassing two nights, all the kids and even my wife. Should be a lot of fun.
Hope everyone is okay and hope to hear from you guys soon. Sarg
# Posted: 30 Aug 2014 08:05am
Well its been a long summer filled with lots of outside work at the new clinic and not so much at the cabin. To celebrate the Labor Day weekend the family is meeting at the cabin and spending the night and returning home tomorrow afternoon. This will be the first of such family gatherings we have had. Still hard to stay more than a night with family due to the lack of a shower still. That's on this months list of to do projects. I generally get more done at the cabin in the fall and spring than the hot muggy days of summer. Everyone enjoy the holiday and I'll post some pictures when we return. Sarg
# Posted: 31 Aug 2014 12:28pm
I would like to say that the weather was great and there was not complaining but, that would be a lie. It was hot and muggy and then wet and muggy. Truly the worst the weather has been for us at the cabin when we have stayed. Amenities need to be added this fall, winter and spring to make it more enjoyable. My oldest son brought his puppy German Short Hair Pointer and she and our family dog had a great time. Well time for me to catch up on my sleep. Cheers Sarg They sent out a memo on shirt and shorts color
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# Posted: 15 Sep 2014 04:54pm - Edited by: Sarg68
I got a base of #4 lime stone (1 ton) down today for our 8x8 shower house. Also got the lumber sorted that I had reclaimed from an old tree house that I plan on using for some of this project. Spent a good hour or more just walking in the wood with the dog enjoying life. More next week. Sarg
# Posted: 21 Oct 2014 07:43pm
Hunter and I went to cabin today along with Karma our dog and planted a couple of chestnut trees. Got soaked planting the second one. Jumped in the truck and headed home. Tom doesn't have school on Friday so we are going back to put the sub floor in the shower house. Take it easy! Sarg
old old buddy
# Posted: 3 Dec 2014 06:22pm
Sarge...this is my first post WHILE AT THE CABIN! How have you been? Is the new clinic working out pretty good? My father in law passed away about one month ago at the age of 86. We haven't been here for six months and I can't tell you how much I missed it. We now have a place where my parents use to have for a summer home. I have five acres mowed so I had to invest in a couple tractors, plus a few others. We have been so busy.... I had to build a 32X56 garage to put all of our stuff in. I started a collection of antique tractors including Farmalls,Allis Chalmers, Ford and an Oliver! I love them. My dad was a collector about 40 years ago so now I'm starting! I'm eager to hear from you...Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 4 Dec 2014 06:20pm - Edited by: Sarg68

# Posted: 4 Dec 2014 06:21pm
OOB, Great to hear from you but, I'm sorry to hear about your father-in-law. I hope your wife is taking it well. As you know it was a strange summer with the weather and we didn't make it to the cabin as mush as we would like to. Now my left knee is bone on bone and I can hardly walk. Scheduled to get it replaced on January 7 of next year. That's the earliest they could do it and I sure wish I could get it done early. That's holding me up from getting anything done down there now. Looks like spring to get the shower house and the kitchen done. The boys went down the weekend before Thanksgiving and sent the weekend to deer hunt. No luck because everything is moving at night. My oldest son told me that he filled out the journal. Thanks for that idea everyone enjoys it a lot. The new clinic has business booming and my wife running ragged. We have had some minor troubles with construction that we have had to iron out but nothing major. I had to buy a big 26" Cub Cadet snow thrower the first week of November to keep that giant parking lot clear. That thing is so powerful it was throwing the ice and slush we had a few weeks ago. I have to buy a riding mower in the spring to mow with at the clinic because of my knee. I will like it because we can use it at the cabin this coming year to move wood and mow the front three acre field. Looks like I may have a chance to purchase the eight acres that joins my place. I talked to the ladies parent who owns it and they said she is looking to sell it. I'm going to offer $1000 an acre with out mineral rights and see what they say. Well sir that's about all that's going on with me. I hope to hear more of you on here in the future. Its just not the same with out you to talk to. Take care - Sarg
old old buddy
# Posted: 2 Jun 2015 09:25am
I hope you had your surgery and this writing finds you "as good as new!" I finally made it back to the cabin last Saturday with Old Buddy and Little Buddy. I missed it so bad. We had a great pounding rain and just sat on he porch and watched it come down. I hope everything is good with your family and hope to hear from you soon. I think it was the smell of the cabin that I missed the most...tha. We'll be back within a week or two....promise! OOBnk God no wasps inside...dead or alive. It hadn't been touched for six months
old old buddy
# Posted: 2 Jun 2015 09:29am
FYI...my writing is getting scrambled for some reason...hope you made sense of it all. I retired from the Federal Courthouse in early April and every day is like....Saturday morning! OOB
# Posted: 8 Oct 2015 07:46pm
Can you rotate your pictures ?
# Posted: 9 Oct 2015 06:02am
I'm sorry it has been so long since I last posted. My knee replacement went great, like brand new. The bad news is that a company "Countrytyme" bought all the property surrounding my cabin and put in 38 spaces for campers. So I sold my property to them as well. It was sad for me but, the problems that these camper spots are going to bring just isn't worth the trouble. I will keep my eye open for a new place to purchase one day closer to home. Talk to you all later.
# Posted: 9 Oct 2015 05:55pm
Sorry to hear about Countrytyme moving into your area. I hope they paid you at least their normal rate of about 30-40% of your land's value. The way they have treated people in my area of Ohio is disgusting. Fortunately, their reputation has put a damper on their activity. Unfortunately, others are filling the void. Good luck finding another place.
old old buddy
# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 12:05am
Sorry to hear that you are leaving the forum. I wondered what happened to you. How are the boys dealing with "no cabin."
I wish you the best...
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 07:44am
OOB, I hope to not leave the forum so stay in touch. None of us liked the idea but we talked about it and it was the best thing to do under the circumstances. We didn't want to worry all the time about the cabin getting broken into with all the people who would be around. Plus the youngest and I are the only ones who seemed to be able to make it there. The oldest live in Cincinnati and could only make it maybe tree times a year. Twenty three year old is in his second month at OPOTA so he will be moving away in April when he graduates. Twenty one year old was never there and I seemed to only work there once a week and not relax. LOL! So anyway its sad but we will move on and buy a place somewhere closer to home when we find one. Eighty mile round trip sucked. Thanks for your concern. Stay in touch. Todd
SE Ohio
# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 08:02am
C'mon and join the Vinton Co OH bunch- Lots of room and little in way of development. Only gets "crowded" (local standards) during deer gun season. Some of the cheapest land in OH, and least populated.
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