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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / "The Shabin"... Shabby Shed turned into a cabin
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# Posted: 18 Mar 2010 12:59

My husband's great-grandpa was an original homesteader in Montana. We are inheriting 20 of those 240 acres. We recently put a well on the property, finding enough pressure for 100 G/m!!! We hope to go back this spring to connect the water line to The Shabin. Meanwhile, we are using the humanure concept for bathroom facilities. Here are some pictures and an article I wrote for Factoidz about cooking on the woodstove we installed.
How we found the shed that became "The Shabin"
How we found the shed that became "The Shabin"
Skidding The Shabin into place on our property
Skidding The Shabin into place on our property
The view from the muddy concrete step
The view from the muddy concrete step
The kitchen with humanure toilet in right corner
The kitchen with humanure toilet in right corner

# Posted: 18 Mar 2010 13:20

MM, looks great, do you have some larger pictures?

# Posted: 18 Mar 2010 13:26

Here's another one... they are just loading small. Sorry!
Replacing the roof
Replacing the roof
Someone stored a yellow fridge in it!
Someone stored a yellow fridge in it!
The corner stairway to connect the levels for a total of 440 sq.ft.
The corner stairway to connect the levels for a total of 440 sq.ft.
The vintage sink... socks stuffed into the window cracks
The vintage sink... socks stuffed into the window cracks

# Posted: 18 Mar 2010 14:10 - Edited by: MikeOnBike

I don't upload files so I'm not sure how to help. I just add a link to my Picasaweb photos.

I'll try one of mine here.
Solar Shower
Solar Shower

# Posted: 18 Mar 2010 14:12

Well it seemed to work for me. Are you sure the files you upload are larger than the thumbnail?

Maybe someone else can chime in. I would really like to see a larger version of your cabin.

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