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Gary O
# Posted: 2 Sep 2020 11:27pm - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: abby how are things? what have you been doing? miss seeing posts. take care! Whoa Been awhile since posting.
All is well Just enjoying the summer Hot days Cool nights
Making avian abodes like crazy Can't keep up Not that I'm in a hurry Treating this summer like vacation
Cabi is spinning yarn and knitting socks
Haven't had too many visitors I like that
Not seeing any red tails this year, but did see a few baldies fly over
Then there was the one on hwy 97 on the way to town
Dining on a fresh road kill muley

Gary O
# Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:38am
Put an earnest money on a house in town a few weeks ago
We're closing Monday
A couple things swayed me;
My lady is a bit fed up with our cabin (off grid) situation Oh, she's tough enough, but hey, we've proven ourselves Why suffer She yearns for a proper kitchen Room Pooping inside (in winter) Raising a garden that won't freeze (in July) Raising a garden that won't get eaten (other than by us) Having to contend with renegades (my friends)
Hey, she's my lady And if I go down, I want her in town
I have some concerns too;
Thinking about these summer fires Hasn't been a season we haven't been threatened Gettin' kinda tired of that
Driving 100 miles (round trip) for needful things Jeep and pickup, like me, ain't gettin' any younger
The clincher?
2.875 interest rate!!!
Can't pass it up
Aside from my lady's wishes, it's a no brainer for this ol' coot
We'll keep this cabin place Won't be quite the same.....empty shop
Maybe sell it come spring......maybe (thinking out loud right now)
“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.†Emerson
# Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:53pm
Not far behind you my friend .Been thinking we need less to take care of . 18 foot ceilings to dust ,4 acres of grass to cut its too much.
# Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:54pm
I have been worried about you two with the fires. sounds like a wonderful decision. when we left the woods, it seemed like such a horrible thing. I have to say, tho, that life is really great! loving our little house in the suburbs!! take care!
# Posted: 13 Sep 2020 11:43am
Gary, Sounds like the right decision for the both of you...well done. If you really love your mate, have always had a shared dream of cabin life and want to be there together...cabin life has to work for both of you. I have certainly come to terms with this on our journey. My wife has severe rheumatoid arthritis and cabin life is very physical...she was feeling left behind. I would have preferred a more rustic setup with less conveniences, but then she would not be able to participate and that was never the dream...Cabin life was always an us thing and who knows how long we will have it...but it’s all good. You don’t need to live in a cabin to have a pioneer’s spirit. Cheers to you both on your “ new opportunity†for yet another phase!
# Posted: 13 Sep 2020 06:50pm
Congrats on the new home Gary and Cabi. Best wishes.
Gary O
# Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:42pm
Thanks, everbody
Heh, get a certain age.....
It was a glorious five years
A book in the making
Gary O
# Posted: 5 Dec 2020 04:08am
This vid so reminds me of Proenneke's
And the guy makes it all look sooooo easy. Sorta pisses me off, I mean we worked our butts off to build our cabins.....with power saws
This guy just uses axes and hand saws
...and no cussing
Who builds without cussing?
Anyway, great vid (rather lengthy....best grab a beer and settle in)
Gary O
# Posted: 5 Dec 2020 04:32am - Edited by: Gary O
Whoa.....livin' in town is......AWESOME!! Flip a switch....BOOM!....power.
Oh, and the shower M-M-M-M....the hand held nozzle is one wonderful invention. Whoever came up with that should be awarded the Nobel.
Anyway, got my shop pretty much together. And my gnarly avian abodes are selling like mad.
These five are sold

Having fun with how each one comes together
This one (in work in progress), I'm becoming rather fond of

a generous bit of linseed oil kicks it up a notch

# Posted: 5 Dec 2020 09:01am
Those b-houses are gorgeous. No wonder they sell. How much and do you ship?
Gary O
# Posted: 5 Dec 2020 10:02am
Quoting: 95XL883 No wonder they sell. How much and do you ship?
They're selling locally for anywhere from $30-$50usd
Shipping is just too freaking expensive, no matter who the carrier.
USPS (the least expensive I've found) is around $40 or more.
# Posted: 8 Dec 2020 05:49pm
So, what are they made from?? I presuming wood but not sure. Very interesting creation.
Gary O
# Posted: 8 Dec 2020 06:27pm - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: neb So, what are they made from?? I presuming wood but not sure. Very interesting creation.
Yes, all wood. The roofing and side walls are cedar shakes. The floor and front/back walls are from cedar fence boards from Home Dopey (I usually pick the rejects, since they have more character...more knots)
Since putting together the following blurb, I've gone solely with pine tree roots, as they are the most whimsical and have a mind of their own, winding around themselves.
I have a framed blurb I give to every shop I do business with;

Gary O
# Posted: 8 Dec 2020 06:37pm
Here's one of my favorites

# Posted: 9 Dec 2020 11:38am
Beautiful Gary. You could sell them Online here: https://www.etsy.com/sell Use YouTube information from people that sell on that platform and how to ship. The customer will pay the shipping. On Amazon You can buy a postage scale (won’t need if using all flat rate), Uhaul paper and bubble wrap. Open a USPS account and order free Priority mail boxes. There are flat rate sizes that cost less to ship. Since you are way up there in Oregon shipping will be higher unless your customer lives nearby. Lots of people that live in the far eastern or western United States use flat rate boxes. The large flat rate to ship anywhere in the USA is 18.70 commercial base. Not sure how big your birdhouses are they might fit in that size box with room for packaging. Etsy probably gives discounted shipping to their sellers. Just something to think about to generate more income if you’re interested.
Gary O
# Posted: 9 Dec 2020 02:35pm
Quoting: silverwaterlady Just something to think about to generate more income if you’re interested.
I really appreciate that info, sly, but it's all I can do (or care to do) to satisfy the local demand.
Not gonna do the production thing
That would require elves
It's jus' little ol' jolly me in my little ol' shoppe

But, thank you
....and merry Christmas
# Posted: 9 Dec 2020 09:08pm
You’re welcome. Marry Christmas to you and Mrs Claus.
Gary O
# Posted: 23 Feb 2021 09:26pm
Boy Been awhile
How's all you small cabiners?
# Posted: 23 Feb 2021 11:02pm
Gary these folks want to know how old we are. All I’m saying is I’m next on the list to get a COVID shot up here in Canada . Nice to here COVID did not catch you or Cabby..
# Posted: 24 Feb 2021 08:55am
Hi. Nice to know both of you are well. How have you been keeping safe? Hubby got his first dose last week. It took me two weeks to procure his first appointment. I’m to young to get mine. Hoping it will be soon. My husband had not been in a public building since March 13, 2020 until he got his vaccination last week. Had to go inside to get vaccinated. The crazy thing about his last visit inside a public store. It was a chain home improvement store. Two weeks later a employee died from COVID-19, the store was shut down and sanitized from top to bottom. Closed for a month. That was scary.
Gary O
# Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:28am
Quoting: Just Gary these folks want to know how old we are. All I’m saying is I’m next on the list to get a COVID shot up here in Canada . Nice to here COVID did not catch you or Cabby..
Quoting: silverwaterlady Hi. Nice to know both of you are well. How have you been keeping safe?
Early 70s here. My lady is still in her 60s. COVID shots are on the back burner. Our town is pretty much off the beaten path. We do mask up
Keeping busy now with our town cottage updates
Like a screen door I built for the back, and a counter (table) on the deck for BBQing this summer

Next I'll build a picnic table, a grape arbor, plant some fruit trees, and put in some raised beds
Thing is, the tiny abodes are starting to take off again (go figure), and inventory is down to just 5, so I'm back to building them so I won't be pressed when spring comes.

Oh, and I'm framing some pics of the cabin (good to have some scenes to remember)

# Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:41am
Hi Gary, Do you still own the cabin or did you sell it to one of the kids to keep it in the family? Glad small town life is working out. Its a natural transition...not big city, but not all the work of a full-time cabin!
# Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:49am
Those birdhouses are rustic and pretty funky (anyone use that word anymore? LOL). I've just started trying to carve these wood spirits...thinking they would look cool on larger stumps in the the forest when I get better at them. wizards 1
|  wizards 2
|  wizards 3
|  wizards 4
Gary O
# Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:37pm
Quoting: bushbunkie Do you still own the cabin or did you sell it to one of the kids to keep it in the family? Glad small town life is working out. Its a natural transition...not big city, but not all the work of a full-time cabin! Our fisherman son is buying it. His girls just love the place. It'll still be in the family, and if we want, we can build a little something for our selves.
Gary O
# Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:45pm
Quoting: bushbunkie Those birdhouses are rustic and pretty funky (anyone use that word anymore? LOL). I've just started trying to carve these wood spirits...thinking they would look cool on larger stumps in the the forest when I get better at them. Those are so cool!!
'xcuse me.....funky
# Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:35pm
That sounds like a great compromise, Gary...and stays in the family. The grandkids will always know that it was “grandpa’s dream†that made this all happen so they can enjoy for years to come.
With cabin life becoming so expensive and out of reach in Ontario for young people, I’m hoping my boys feel that way one day and remember how lucky they are to have access to the joy of a cabin in the bush.
Gary O
# Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:40pm
Quoting: bushbunkie With cabin life becoming so expensive and out of reach in Ontario for young people, I’m hoping my boys feel that way one day and remember how lucky they are to have access to the joy of a cabin in the bush.
Out of reach here too.
I.... could....not.... believe what we could get for our place if we sold it on the market.
Essentially handing it down
is priceless
They'll enjoy it, bush....you bet
# Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:32pm
Just dropped by to say hello, ol' pal. Stay safe and healthy!
Gary O
# Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:36pm
Quoting: bobrok Just dropped by to say hello, ol' pal. Stay safe and healthy!
Hey, Pard
How's the weather down there?
Email me
Gary O
# Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:02pm
Everbod doin' OK?
Even though we no longer live at our cabin, we still believe this way;

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