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# Posted: 18 Jun 2015 01:22pm
OK I know I have asked too many questions.Ordered too many plans.Changed my mind too many times. But I have finally decided on the build.
The first set of plans I purchased were for a 16x16 with a 4/12 pitch.And that is what I am going with.
The plan is for a 16x16 8 foot walls.4/12 pitch. The foundation will be gravel with 6x6 skids.
The entire lumber package from Home Depot came to $2986.43 tax and all. That is 2x4 walls 2x6 ceiling osb exterior sheathing on walls and roof 4X8 smartside siding Lifetime shakewood shingles 2x10 floor joists Tongue and groove 23/32 plywood sub-floor 4- 36x48 windows 1-36x80 9 light exterior door and everything else in between.
The only reason I am going with everything from Home Depot is they were nice enough to give me credit.6 months same as cash. got to love them.
I will begin on the cabin the week of July 4th since I will be taking a week off at that time.Hoping to have shell complete in this time. I will post pics as progress is made.Thanks to all of you for some great ideas.
# Posted: 18 Jun 2015 01:41pm
A link to the plans http://easycabindesigns.com/16stshplpabl.html
# Posted: 18 Jun 2015 01:42pm
Sounds like a plan! Looking forward to seeing photos of your progress.
# Posted: 18 Jun 2015 04:06pm
Looks good! Simple and attractive!
Homedepot will sometimes give you 10% off too if you use a lowes coupon.
Also one thing to consider - either make the roof overhang your walls more or add a gutter. We had a large shed with small overhangs and no gutters and the base of the building got beat up pretty good by water and mud splattering. Until we added gutters.
Not sure where you are located, but think about insulation too - floor, walls and roof.
# Posted: 18 Jun 2015 05:03pm
Thank you for the advice. I will be sure to add gutters
# Posted: 18 Jun 2015 05:50pm
Congratulations. I'm looking forward to following your build. 
# Posted: 18 Jun 2015 09:38pm - Edited by: rockies
Hmm. Not a bad plan. I would suggest asking Home Depot to increase the size of the roof rafters from 2x6 to 2x10. The smaller sized rafters don't leave much room for insulation and an air space above it. You might also want to look at a spray on insulation like "Tiger Foam" which comes in a kit and you can do it yourself for the roof.
I think you can get them in the States as well. If you used this product you wouldn't need to put in baffles for an air channel above batt insulation (plus install eave and ridge vents), you just spray the foam on the underside of the roof sheathing and then install your interior finish. When you're done with the kit just return it.
I would also switch the position of the entry door with one of the gable windows (move the door so that it swings in against a wall). It's hard to plan furniture placement when a door opens inwards in the center of a wall.
If you do increase the roof rafter depth (which would also help in case of snow load) maybe look into extending the roof and creating a covered porch over the entry gable. You might as well since you're going to be up there putting on the roof anyways, and you'd get all the materials delivered in one load.
# Posted: 18 Jun 2015 09:49pm
Quoting: rockies If you do increase the roof rafter depth (which would also help in case of snow load) I didn't view the plans but from the post that was what caught my eye, do check the rafter size in the codebook or the awc.org span calculator, I think it'll be a 2x10 minimum.
# Posted: 18 Jun 2015 10:30pm
Rockies thanks for the tips. Don P I will check on that and thank you both. Any and all criticism or adviceis well needed and wanted. I am a novice and need all of y'all's help
# Posted: 19 Jun 2015 11:50am
Post Pics!
# Posted: 19 Jun 2015 01:03pm
Can't wait to hear how it goes once you start! Yes, please post pictures.
I remember feeling super excited to build last year also.
We just finished insulating the ceiling. I would never again use that foam insulation. It was a pain in butt to cut and very messy. I'd rather be itchy.
We bought our lumber from Lowe's and got 18 months same as cash. We asked for 10% off of our order and they gave it to us. They are great to work with as well.
# Posted: 19 Jun 2015 02:06pm
I spoke without looking at the plan, was thinking it was a shed style roof. For this under "normal" snow loads 2x6 rafters would work structurally, 2x6 ceiling joists at 16' are maxxing out, as are 2x10 floor joists, anyway all stuff you can check between plans and tables or the awc calc.
# Posted: 19 Jun 2015 03:43pm
SandyR, spray foam is not the same as foam boards. We sprayed the roof bays and didn't have anything to cut. There was some fine dusty of foam that hardened on the subfloor below, but it was minor.
There is a greater satisfaction knowing all of the nooks and air space are completely filled - compared to batts.
Batts are cheaper and easier upfront.
# Posted: 4 Jul 2015 03:36pm
Well with all the rain we are getting I doubt I will even get started this week on vacation. I pray the forecast is wrong and the rain stops soon.I just want to get this thing started. Having all the materials sitting in my barn makes me depressed when I walk out there.
# Posted: 6 Jul 2015 08:27am
Hope to see some progress soon
old old buddy
# Posted: 18 Aug 2015 11:49pm
Welcome to the forum. I figure your skids will probably be spaced every four feet apart so your 2X10 floor joists should be fine. I hope by now you have gotten started and are "into" it. I will give you a tiny piece of a tip about your cabin that I have recommended to others. Get yourself a journal and write in it each time you visit your cabin. Include what you did, what wildlife you saw or anything else you want. Have your visitors write in it as well. You will love looking back on it...years from now. Enjoy!
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 19 Aug 2015 02:34pm
If you haven't started yet, it might be a good idea to spread and compact 6-8 inches of gravel 20x20.