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# Posted: 7 Oct 2015 09:28am
any updates?
# Posted: 10 May 2016 09:56pm
Sorry about the 6 month hiatus. Tomorrow I'll get some updated pictures put together, and an update typed up. It might be posted tomorrow or Thursday. Im down a finger right now since I decided to slice it open enough to have to have 8 stitches. But as for a quick update, the cabin is coming along pretty well. unfortunately we are behind the schedule that i had set for myself.
# Posted: 12 May 2016 11:44pm
Quoting: Don_P There is a neat kingpost truss roof in Syria I believe, from the time of the Crusades. The kingpost doesn't go down to the tie beam (the bottom chord in truss lingo). It only hangs down far enough to provide support for the struts that run back up and halve the rafter span.
Late to the discussion here since I'm only now seeing the thread on this project, but I think you may be talking about St. Catherine's Monastery at Mt. Sinai (Egypt)?
Kev asked for a picture, and there aren't any that I could find via the usual image searches, perhaps because - it's my understanding at least - the kingposts (from circa 540-550!) were covered with panels in the 18th c so the public doesn't get to see them, but researchers have. U of Michigan has been working over there to document the buildings & artwork of that complex since the 1950s, but I guess their publications may be out of print.
There is, however, a pdf file of Timber Framing mag from 2004 that's available online and it features a photo of the kingpost trusses in the nave over there exactly as you (Don P) described it. It's on the cover (the 1st page in the pdf) and there's also a line drawing if you scroll down to page 17.
pdf file is here: http://ncptt.nps.gov/wp-content/uploads/2004-12.pdf
As an aside, the massive wooden portal doors of the church are original (6th c) & are still being opened & closed using the same pins & hinges they were installed with 1460+ years ago!
# Posted: 13 May 2016 08:53am
hope yer healin' up.
tichalet. great article. this is all a good read.
# Posted: 13 May 2016 09:04pm - Edited by: Kev
First I'll start off with this latest thing that has happened. The 4.5 cm laceration that resulted in 8 stitches. First I'll explain what happened then ill post LINKS to the photos since they are pretty graphic. Story: Im a contract worker for BNSF and our machine has yellow strobe lights. Well they have a metal collar that hold the light part to the housing. I was replacing it and when I was putting the collar back on I dropped the screw to it. I went up to the cab to find a bolt to replace the screw and all the ones we had were too big. So, I had to drill out the hole a little bigger for the bolt to fit. I was holding the collar in my had while I was drilling the hole bigger when the drill bit caught on the metal and twisted. The result was the metal slicing my finger wide open.
Mistake #1) Should have had gloves on Mistake #2) Should have put the collar in a vice.
!!!WARNING PHOTOS ARE GRAPHIC!!! http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh34/jinx906/IMG_0179.jpg http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh34/jinx906/IMG_0180.jpg
Onto the cabin update: We've made a few design changes since I have last updated: - Unfortunately, we are no longer keeping the stairs the same. They will just take up way too much valuable space that is needed. We have decided to do conventional staircase. Underneath it will become a small pantry. Tankless hot water system will stay underneath the stairs. - We were originally going to put a door on the west wall of the bedroom. We have decided to put a window in that spot instead of a door. - Instead of two doors to the bathroom we are only doing one. Instead of having a door from the bedroom to the bathroom as well as a door from the great room, we are just going to do the one door from the bedroom into the bathroom. That way once we do our addition and the current master bed turns into a guestroom it'll have a private bathroom. - Instead of doing wood on the ceiling we have decided it'll look a lot better and more unique with corrugated metal that has been made to look rusted by using acid on the metal. Now onto what we've been doing for the past 6 months. We have gotten all the windows framed and all the outside sheathing put up. I don't know if it's just that I am slow or what, but it felt like it took forever for me to get all the windows framed in. one of my favorite things to do was install the sheathing. It makes me feel as to if it's a major step in getting the cabin finished. I loved standing inside the cabin afterwards and looking out the windows to see what my view will be like from each window. This first set of pictures will show the process of framing the windows as well the sheathing and Tyvek.   We found that little fella between the blackboard and the siding that use to be up.  As in any project, I was working late into the night to try to get it done before I had to leave to go back to work the next day.    This one is a view of the east wall. You can kinda see where all the windows are on this wall. Obviously the smallest one on the far right is the one to the bathroom.  Here is a good shot of the North and West walls.  Me in the 30 year old cherry picker that moves and sways more than it sits still. Lol
So along with getting all the windows framed and the exterior put up I started on wiring the place. As you could see on the north wall is where our meter is going to be. The breaker box will be inside right behind the meter in the bedroom.  Here is a shot of where the box is on the inside.  Here is a shot of the bedroom. So, some of you may look at this photo and see the French door leaning up against the wall with a 2x4 nailed in front it. You maybe thinking to yourself " So why is the French door sitting there and not reinstalled" Well the reasoning for that is as follows: We had taken the French door out while I was putting the Tyvek up so that I would get it wrapped around the 2x4 to keep moisture away from them. During this process we had the door leaned up against the wall in front of the window south of the door. Well, my youngest boy was playing in the room around the door while my father in law was working in the bedroom. Next thing you know there is a huge crash and my youngest was screaming his head off. Apparently he was walking and caught his foot on the bottom of the door and it fell over resulting in the hinges breaking off the jam and the jam breaking. Thank God my boy wasn't hurt, and the actual door is perfectly fine. So that is why the door is against the wall with a brace. Its waiting to be fixed before I re-install it.  So you can get a visual as to how we are getting power to the cabin. The red line is the current power line on our property. The green line is going to be our actual powerline. Where the white line and the red line meet up is where our last pole is going to be placed and the white line is going to be all underground.
The next series of photos is just some pictures of the family at the cabin while we work, as well as photos of the immediate area of the cabin. Don't mind all the trash and old stuff around the area. It's all getting taken away except for the outhouse. It's going to stay right where it is.  This is on the north side of the cabin. The plan is to slowly clear all the underbrush out so we have a good viewing area. I plan on clearing out all the under brush up to about 100-150 yards all the way around the cabin.  This is North- East of the cabin.  East , South-East of the cabin  South  South – West  West  My youngest boy counting some spent brass he found.  Our little Long-haired Dachshund.   One of many sunsets we will see from this place.
# Posted: 13 May 2016 09:07pm
  Homemade seesaw  When I finally finished the roof.  Adding art to the subfloor. Lol  They were laying on the floor listening to the rain on the metal roof. Here is a little project that I started when I was home this last time. I got the idea for the table from Shanty 2 Chic. I kinda changed it up a little bit from what she did. But all in all it's the same as hers.    That is where it is going to sit.  
In closing: Like I said a few days ago, we are way behind schedule. At the point I was hoping to have electrical all done minus installing fixtures, All the windows installed, and plumbing started. The agenda for when im home in June is: - Have all the electrical done minus fixtures installed - Hopefully by then the power company will have ran the power to the meter. - West and south wall windows installed - French door repaird and installed - Stairs to the loft built. I hope everyone enjoys this update. Until then: Kev out.
# Posted: 13 May 2016 09:20pm
That article is extremely interesting. Old engineering is amazing. There was no computers, Just a vision and guts to try it to see if it works.
Quoting: creeky hope yer healin' up.
Its healing. Im ready to get the stupid stitches out lol. They are a pain.
# Posted: 17 May 2016 07:47am
Great project! What a gorgeous cabin it's shaping up to be! You and your boys are already making memories there! 
# Posted: 14 Nov 2016 03:17pm
Just joined this group. Would love to see more of your progress!
# Posted: 26 Nov 2016 11:55am
Me too!
# Posted: 6 Aug 2017 05:56pm
Sorry that i've been absent for the past 10 months. Its been pretty hectic with work and finances. With use paying all cash, it means the build has slowed down as well. For a quick little update, We've gotten most of the electrical done. Just waiting for my dad to come and give it the approval, since he is an electrician. Got most of the windows installed. We just ordered the rest of the windows. We've gotten the french doors reinstalled as well the stairs put in. We've changed the design of the stairs (yes,again) Im excited to show the new design. It also appears that photobucket has decided to go rogue and charge a butt load of money to do 3rd party picture viewing. So i need to find a new place to upload and redo my previous posts, unless there is a way around it. But untill then.
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