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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / Small bridges
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# Posted: 24 Jan 2017 17:57

I used two 20' x 30 inch, I think they are called wire ways/cable ladders for carrying large wires runs in factories. They are aluminum and very light. I have them laying side by side with some planks running up the centers. They will hold my atv . I have no pics ,but this one is very close to what I used....the previous owner has left several of these on the property.

# Posted: 21 Apr 2022 00:22 - Edited by: KinAlberta

Great brainstorming discussion here:

Pondering creek crossing options


# Posted: 21 Apr 2022 00:25 - Edited by: KinAlberta

Quoting: Jebediah

I used two 20' x 30 inch, I think they are called wire ways/cable ladders for carrying large wires runs in factories. They are aluminum and very light. I have them laying side by side with some planks running up the centers

I’ve been looking on Kijiji and Facebook marketplace for used cable trays for about a year and a half. Really hard to come by here.

Also been watching for long open web metal trusses / joists.

Maybe I’ll try a scrap metal dealer.

# Posted: 25 Sep 2022 12:47

So I’ve nearly finished a 60’ walkway over some marshy land. Picked up off kijiji used very heavy galvanized tubular steel guard-railing and a bunch of sections of industrial walkway made of pultruded fibreglass plank. Very, very heavy work for me but cheaper than building out of pressure treated wood.

However this has got me thinking that for either some 10-12’ dock/pier sections and/or another 30-40’ footbridge over our creek, could I wrap thin pieces of 2x? with fibreglass and resin to create stronger beams?

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