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# Posted: 8 Jul 2016 03:22pm - Edited by: Cowracer
Cabin construction has finally wound down, more or less. I have still to decide on a front porch (concrete, wood or stone), and I need to get the outside power-washed and stained. But what I would call the "construction" phase is done. Once we get furniture and all that moved in, I'll share the final pictures.
But that just meant we moved on to other projects. Like the pavilion that we been talking about for a couple of years. We put in for the building permit and it was approved a couple weeks ago.
This is what we started with. It's a picture from a few years ago, before we even started on the fire-pit area.

And this is what we got done over the 4th of July weekend:

The deck is 20x22. We probably overbuilt it, but we figured that we would have tons of people on it, so it better be strong. It took just over a day to get that far, including a major set-back that kept me from doing much more than repairing damage. We had only planned on getting the deck done this weekend. We will put the roof on it in a couple weeks.
A few selected construction shots:

The rails are only temporary. We have plans for nicer ones, we just thought that it'd be a good idea to try to keep anyone from taking that long step off the back.
You can see we rented a "Dingo" with a post-hole auger. Quite the handy little unit that was. But it caused me a considerable headache.

Yep, that is the electrical feed cable to my cabin. I had put the cable in 2 years ago, but never really marked its location. I had a vague notion on where it ran, and some construction pictures of when I trenched it. Using a little photo editing magic and some math, I thought I knew where the cable was. The one post was gonna be close, but I calculated that we would miss it by over a foot.
WRONG! I could have not landed more perfectly on top of the cable if I tried to. As I knew it was going to be close, I shut off all the power at the pole "just in case". I am glad I did. Took me the whole afternoon to get it temporary-ed back together to get power on in the cabin. I had to order some stuff to do a permanent job.
Our 4th was a complete washout here with rain all weekend. We tried to make the best of it.
The whole story of the build and more pictures are available on my blog HERE
# Posted: 8 Jul 2016 04:18pm - Edited by: bldginsp
Amazing how much work you can get done in one day with a small army DESPITE unfortunate setbacks.
They make a magnetic marking tape for putting in trenches to warn you what's below when you dig. Can save a lot of headaches down the road....
# Posted: 8 Jul 2016 04:22pm - Edited by: Cowracer
5 minutes with a cable locater would have done the same. My arrogance. My fault. But now I know 'zactly where that pesky cable is. 
# Posted: 8 Jul 2016 04:51pm
It's always interesting when they locate gas lines that way...
# Posted: 8 Jul 2016 07:55pm
Thanks for the laugh. I moved a bunch of stuff today with the tractor getting ready for helping the girlfriend with a tongue and groove wall. Had to rescue the compressor from the long grass.
All went well. Till I put the tractor back in the shed. Ah well. Hit the floor with the bucket. Took me longer to fix the floor than it did to mow the grass, load the pallet, shake out the ants, put the compressor in the back of the truck.
and your pavilion looks mighty fine too.
# Posted: 10 Jul 2016 07:18pm
Quoting: bldginsp They make a magnetic marking tape for putting in trenches to warn you what's below when you dig. Can save a lot of headaches down the road....
Yeah I think code for my area may be conduit, and/or electrical warning / marking tape a few inches above it. (Not something I'd have ever thought of bothering with, but now I can appreciate why code gets anal.) Depth is something else I need to determine before I go down. I don't want someone planting a tree or something in the future to think they are chopping through a dirty old root. 
Regarding the posts, I've seen builders build out the 4x4s with 1" board to give the uprights more visible mass. It's just a perceptual thing but seems to improve the proportions of pergolas, gazebos, etc.
# Posted: 10 Jul 2016 07:48pm
Quoting: KinAlberta Regarding the posts, I've seen builders build out the 4x4s with 1" board to give the uprights more visible mass. It's just a perceptual thing but seems to improve the proportions of pergolas, gazebos, etc.
FYI, those are 6x6's