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# Posted: 11 Jan 2017 12:33pm
We bought our small cabin and land almost five years ago now. Before then, my wife and I live in the city on a busy street near a major university. It's never quiet.
Brother worked like a dog 7 day a week. He finally retired but soon after got the unpleasant surprise he had cancer. He was dead three years later.
Soon after he passed my close friend went in for a minor out patient operation to have a non-malignant growth removed from his neck. Three days later he was dead due to a blood clot to brain.
These events stimulated me to enact our long dream about plan to get a cabin and land. We had been searching but the process with added vigor allowed us to reach fruition. We get our small cabin with 20 acres of land which borders 1200 acres of State land all inside of Amish inhabited area. We have been using it year round and are there every weekend.
Two years ago we discover wife has breast cancer. We believe this was discovered quick and two operations later they believe they got it all but then comes the radiation and chemo. No matter what I get her There every weekend. Sometimes by pulling her there on a sled as the roads are only plowed so far. She swears that the cabin has healing powers.
Our property surrounds a rather nice log home. We've always been friend with the older couple that owned it but noticed they seem to use it less and less. We told them if they ever sell we might be interested. Well, I guess we said it one too many times as last October they listed it and they gave us first chance.
We buy it. Our new cabin has our old cabin in view. We still own both and plan to never sell either. This is where we plan to retire to. It makes us happy. Wife is believed to be cancer free and she swears the cabin did it. While it's nice to have a furnace we still go to the old cabin every weekend visit.
# Posted: 11 Jan 2017 12:38pm
Nice what you do for the misses and its nice she likes going there and feels it has healing powers. Live the dream, you just never know when your time is up. I retire in about 5 yrs. Not sure I will live there, but will spend lots more time there for sure. Will re-evaluate the plans as we get closer.
Cool story. 
# Posted: 11 Jan 2017 05:11pm
Great livin the cabin dream...especially when both partners are in it together...yup...cool story! 
# Posted: 11 Jan 2017 05:46pm
Wise choice huey.
You only live twice Or so it seems One life for yourself And one for your dreams
You drift through the years And life seems tame Then your dream appears And 'Cabin' is its name
# Posted: 12 Jan 2017 01:00am
What a great cabin! Congratulations!!!! May you both enjoy it for many years in good health and happiness!!!! 
# Posted: 12 Jan 2017 12:44pm
bldginsp...a budding poet, I dare say... ;)
# Posted: 12 Jan 2017 09:41pm
Glad you are living your dream.
# Posted: 13 Jan 2017 11:54am
I'm a plagiarist- that's from the James Bond flick- Henry Mancini I think- applies well here