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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / Site for Do It Yourself Projects
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# Posted: 9 May 2018 09:15

My daughter sent me plans for a wooden barbeque scraper to replace the wire brush type. Apparently a lot of people have swallowed a wire of them and got very sick. I intend to try making one or more , as a shop project. The site if anyone is interested is There are other projects on there as well. One I found interesting was how to, try to restore a lithium battery , for a portable tool. perhaps Creeky would know if this makes sense. Don't know if all battery packs are lithium , or just some.
I putter in the wookshop quite a bit , make long handled shoe horns. boot jacks , for people who can't reach their feet, any more . bird houses and bee boxes. Just stuff to keep occupied. old243

# Posted: 9 May 2018 10:50

Thanks, nice site.....even passed it on to my wife!

# Posted: 9 May 2018 18:19

Quoting: old243
Don't know if all battery packs are lithium , or just some.

Not all. Batteries for my cordless tools are NiCad not lithium. I've had them a while though and not sure if you can buy new tools that don't use lithium.

I haven't heard of people getting sick from wire brushing a BBQ grill. I'll have to be a little more careful with mine I guess.

# Posted: 10 May 2018 15:42

That tip on the Ryobi batteries is gold! Thanks for sharing.

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