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# Posted: 23 Aug 2018 04:25pm
Hello all. I have recently come across this site and thought I would share some of our experiences in building our Alaskan dream cabin. It is 16’x24’ made from logs cut 6â€x6†with the outside edge live. We call them 6†- 3 sided logs others use 8†- 3 sided. It is located 8 miles from the nearest road and only accessible by bush plane then atv in the summer. Or sno go in the winter. All material has to be hauled in. Making long evenings freighting it along with everything that can happen at temperatures of 25 below are some of the best memories in my life. Of course the best times are spent with my family and close friends. Warning now. I can build a cabin remote in the woods but When it comes to computers beyond just basic stuff my skill sets are limited. Hope pics work out. One of the main reasons I am wanting to share our experiences is to also inspire others to go for your dreams. I hope you enjoy. Easter Sunday outside of cabin. Truly blessed
|  West side. Generator shed in back.
|  Walking in the front door
|  Watching our favorite tv channel
# Posted: 23 Aug 2018 05:20pm
That's Antarctica dude.
# Posted: 23 Aug 2018 05:34pm
very nice Aklog!!
AK Seabee
# Posted: 23 Aug 2018 09:27pm
Nice cabin!
Where are you located in Ak? I am about 30 miles from Glenallen. Plenty of others on here from Ak.
# Posted: 24 Aug 2018 01:09am
Susitna River drainage.
# Posted: 24 Aug 2018 11:55am
Welcome! We are in the Trapper Creek area west of the Parks Highway.
# Posted: 30 Aug 2018 03:17pm
Hello again. I wasn’t able to get to our cabin since last Easter. But it is moose hunting season in Ak . Needless to say, I am at the cabin! A years worth of meat for several families. Great to be able to live in a state where our family can harvest so much of our food. We also put up salmon, hopefully halibut still have some from back. I was also able to harvest a black bear last year. Anyhow back to the cabin experience. I was flown out a few days ago. My goal is to get a woodshed built and finish insulating the up stairs . When we landed I saw what I expected. The 4 Wheeler tarp ripped off and the seat pretty much destroyed. Good news the tires were still up 😀. Put in new battery and she fired right up. Good to have dependable gear. Out here settling for second best does not work. Load up small generator , out for repairs, 3 totes backpack guns. A bit top heavy but it is just short of 2 miles to the cabin from the lake. Taking all I can carry. Still left small back up chain saw propane bottle at lake. Got to cabin , more good, Bears did not get in. Took a couple days to just chill. It seemed I could not get myself to do much. Did get the yard mowed, I tie a 6†log 4’ long on both ends and hook it up to my wheeler and go in circles nocking down the 4 foot tall everything. Helps dry the area out but also a clear area to help deter curious bears. Almost forgot an interesting part of the getting to the wheeler story. The wheeler was parked , left, at the lake with the intention to bring it back to the cabin in the winter with the snow go on a sled. Well the sled got stuck on the trail while we were freighting supplies. Luckily right at the entrance into the woods to our cabin . Unfortunately it was soooooo stuck we had to abandon it till summer. Thus the wheeler left at the lake. I usually bring my wife to the lake when we leave then run wheeler back to cabin and put it away in the wheeler shed next to the generator shed. Hopefully bear proofing it. Hopefully ðŸ». walk back to the lake. But, yep but, cabin life strikes again,in a very cool way ,the night before we had to fly out my wife hears some noises she cannot identify. We had just when upstairs to bed,so I opened up the door to the deck to listen. It was totally dark. She said it sounded like goats, as we laid in bed I instantly knew what it was. The wolves were taking down a yearling moose calf. No small feat as they run probably over 600 pounds. But these are wild dogs that go well over 125 pounds. I have been able to identify at least 6 different wolves by hearing them call to each other. It was the moose bawling. May sound grousom but a reality nonetheless. We were just blessed to be able to experience it. The next morning when it was time to leave the wolves were still celebrating their kill. Hearing their yelps and various other sounds was a great opportunity but when it is 10:30 in the morning and they ar still carrying on , within earshot of our cabin left my wife a bit shaken. Can’t say as though it doesn’t raise the hair on the back of my neck also. Having been out by myself many times in the pitch dark the 45 strapped to my chest feels sort of well you know. Anyhow t wrap this all up the decision to leave the wheeler at the lake. Update to present. Got to trail into the Woods from swamp. Actually tioga I believe it’s called . I find the buried snow go sled. No problem just hook up winch to sled and back out to swamp. Head back in , a tree fell across the trail. Usually not a problem because I always carry a chain saw. It is still at the lake. I took some logs that were used to corduroy the trail and was able to crawl over the tree building a ramp. Made it to cabin. Now to the top of the story. Will add pics soon . The question of why do we build cabins in the woods. Moments like these. 😀 . I feel I’m very blessed!
# Posted: 30 Aug 2018 03:28pm
Sounds like a great place and the wolves made for quite the experience. Something most people never get to hear themselves. We get a similar thing but with Coyotes. They are more likely to be solitary hunters but do form packs at times and take down cattle and elk around here.
But it is hard to read a long piece like that when there are no paragraph breaks. Maybe next time?
# Posted: 30 Aug 2018 09:43pm
Ok ICC will try. This my be a repost as it is second try. This is my progress on the wood shed. I took a fall from 7 feet. Reminded me to be extra careful. No 911 to call here. This was two Birch trees that were bad. One had already split and half fell over . Happened they were 16’ apart. Great start to wood shed. Also I a location where if we look out the windows it does not block any view. Near front porch also. It will serve as a 4 Wheeler shed or a place to get a snow go into to thaw out if we need to work on one on one side. Front of cabin,
|  East side of cabin
|  West side of cabin
|  Wood shed
# Posted: 30 Aug 2018 10:02pm
You may notice some rope hanging from the meat pole in this photo. The wood shed also serves as a meat pole. It will have a 2’ extended roof of the front. I had this project over in planning for a while when I was forced into action after I shot a black bear and needed a meat pole. My son also got a 58†moose. That put a strain on things. This was the largest moose I had ever been involved in . I estimate it weighed between 1400-1500 pounds live. It was almost as wide as my belt line is high when it was on its side. I am trying to use paragraphs but doesn’t seem to alwa
# Posted: 30 Aug 2018 10:18pm
What are you writing on?
I use a laptop, a tablet or my phone.
I can do paras on them all. Just an extra linefeed. Makes it easier to follow the story.
# Posted: 31 Aug 2018 12:56am
If I only new what a line feed was 😀. I’ll figure it out.
# Posted: 7 Sep 2018 09:44pm
Got the woodshed coming along. Would have liked to have done all the framing on 16†o.c. But didn’t have enough lumber. I will have to deal with it if , when needed. The spruce trees that my beautiful wife has referred to as “ majestic guardians of the forest “have been almost all killed off due to spruce bark beetles. Bothers me as these beautiful trees have withstood everything Mother Nature could throw at them for hundreds of years. Tragic. This is a great resource that can be very useful if I can get them to the cabin, priority being more house logs, then lumber, firewood. Question for all, what is the best way to skid them? In winter, I have a wide track snow go designed to haul freight. Thought about some kind of frame made from 2 snow go skis with a v type notch saddle logs could be strapped on to. Maybe on on each end? Snow can be from ice to 5’ or more. Summer I have the formerly mentioned trailer. What say? I still need to bring out roofing material. Probably in winter. And ply for front. Some slab boards front sawmill for side boards. Hope this posts after 4 tries now,.
# Posted: 17 Sep 2018 11:44pm
I finally got all the projects done that i wanted to. Well kind of. I need one more sheet of 1/2†plywood to finish the front awning of the woodshed and a load of slab wood from the sawmill to cover the sides a bit. I still want to see through. I have a bunch of used metal roofing that I have been collecting to put over plywood. That will have to be freighted out this fall. Also need to add support brackets for awning. But good enough for now. I was also able to get most of the ceiling upstairs insulated with r-38 but ran out of insulation. I was hoping to have enough to finish since this was left over from a previous job. Now I will probably have to buy another roll. I have the insulation for the floor back at home along with sheeting to cover it. Seems like a load in the making. Believe it or not .One of the best parts of building this cabin has been hauling all this material in. It is usually dark, good old lack of sun in the fall ,winter in Ak. But hanging out with good friends and family, solving all the logistical stuff, packing sleds with freight. Getting unstuck, fixing broke down snow gos and sleds was is good stuff. I have had to leave my beautiful wife sitting on the side of the trail a few times due to broke down machines or sleds . The look on her face when I say, “ well baby, looks like you’ll have to sit here while I go get parts or tools or whatever “ is truly a sight to see. Personally I don’t have much problem sitting in the middle of nowhere just hanging out watching stars and stuff. Although those overcast really dark nights when you literally cannot see your hand in front of your face can even make me a bit more aware. One time we came out planning on a few days . Then it got 25-30 below for a week. The kids were watching the house so no problem . Score , more cabin time. After 9 or 10 days it warmed up . It also started to snow, a LOT. The really big flakes that are really sticky. Like 24-30†of snow. We headed out , mistake. About 3 miles from the cabin, beautiful wife’s snow go is loading up. Won’t run . Trying to see the trail was useless. Total white out. Along with all the really big sticky snow flakes, I had to keep my snow go pegged. Wide open to break trail. If you have never done this, you can not see very well. You are basically in a tunnel of snow with it blowing over your head . The trees are also covered with really sticky snow. Well kind of fluffy on top actually. Bottom line , you cannot see much. The trail dissapears. In conditions like this all you have are your instincts . Just a few degrees off and best guess where you end up. Then my snow go bogs down and dies. So now my beautiful wife is sitting back at her machine, broke down a couple miles back and now I’m down. Change spark plugs go a bit , die. I walk back to beautiful wife’s machine in the really deep really sticky snow. Change out her spark plugs, again. Somehow she fires up. Great. Now to tell beautiful wife, “ well baby, looks like you’ll have to stay here alone while I break the trail to the road. Another one of those looks again. I made it out to road . Yes ! Now all I have to do is go back and get my beautiful wife who is standing miles from anywhere in snow up to her chests. No problem, till I get stuck, again. Usually not a big problem but my chain saw that I need to cut poles to use to leverage the snow go up is back at my broke down snow go. Well after a long walk in really deep really sticky snow I did manage to get beautiful wife back to the truck. I had to leave my snow go on the trail that night. Went back the next day and recovered it. Now doesn’t that sound fun 😀 . Yes even though building your dream cabin can be a bit daunting at times they are great memories. Although my beautiful wife may see being left in the middle of nowhere Alaska, alone, in the dark , sometimes very very dark as not so good . Such is cabin life eh.
# Posted: 18 Sep 2018 12:35am
Cabin woodshed pics.
# Posted: 18 Sep 2018 03:39am
I live in Oregon, but have spent time in Alaska. I met my wife working in Denali for the summer. My inspiration is Dick Proenneke. Any ways, my dream has been to sell down here and move up to Alaska for a tiny cabin build. I like the Cantwell, Slana-Tok, and Kenai areas. I actually had an opportunity to take a job with Kenai City last month. But, I just couldn't make the pay cut pencil out at this time. And, I did a lot of research. I 'heard' that the state is still in a horrible recession. And, another predominate theme was high crime and meager/depleting runs of salmon and big game. It is still a goal for myself. But, again, its all about time and place.
# Posted: 20 Sep 2018 06:30pm
Hello Badger. Many folks have been inspired by Dick Proenneke . I know I am. My instinct is to recommend that if you wait until you can afford it or have the time to do it, well. Probably won’t happen. At least with me. My beautiful wife always mentions that she has no idea how we afforded our cabin. When we first decided, like 15 years or so ago, to build a remote cabin the State had and still has for residents areas that they felt were good for recreational use. Staking areas. These are usually several miles square. We were selected in a lottery draw. The weather was very cold, like 25 below zero cold. After several days exploring we found where we are today. I staked 20 acres. Did have to pay fair market value, there terms. After several years and trying to save a bit of cash and bartering we were able to buy a cabin package from a local sawmill. I will post more pictures of the construction phase when I get home from hunting. I am just at the edge of reception and posting pictures seems to be hard. I think that is why my posts appear the way they do. When I am writing this , I have paragraphs on my end. Hope you all enjoy anyhow. On one of the other threads the guestion of why did we build a cabin. The ability to escape to this wonderfully beautifull place, to go hunting,trapping , berry picking or just hanging out in the woods. With family and friends, keeps me wanting to do more all the time. I am very blessed that I can be at the cabin for several months out of the year. Badger Hollow, follow your dreams. You won’t be disappointed if you are willing to put in the time. Enjoy your life !
# Posted: 21 Sep 2018 01:14am
I am enjoying life. Only 50 percent of the time though, LOL, as I work 4 on 4 off. When off, I work on this parcel in south central OR. It's near Crater Lake. But, I always have AK on the brain.
# Posted: 21 Sep 2018 09:17pm
Another project I was able to get done was my shower. I put a large boiling water bath kettle on the woodstove full of water. I have a 12 v water pump with a built in pressure switch for a 40 lb cut in 60 lb cut out that I have for my sand point but it now double duties as a shower water pump. I put a toggle switch in line between the battery and pump so I can turn it off and on to allow to soap up then rinse if you want to conserve water. But I normally just splurge and enjoy it. I also have quarter turn valve in line between shower head and pump to control pressure and flow. Stand in a 4 foot tote , shower curtain stapled to the wall till I get my curtain rod . It is out of planning kind of as I have the material here to build it . Just held up in construction. Hope pictures come through. Shower
|  Pump and flow valve
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# Posted: 21 Sep 2018 10:03pm
I fell 3 more huge spruce trees today that were standing dead beattle kill. One we estimate around 120 feet with a range finder. And over 200 years old. Really a shame to see these trees go.
I do have the most unique birch tree in the world. It is totally covered in burles. I will measure it tomorrow but I know 2 guys can barely reach around it. My beautiful wife believes it may be mysteriously mystical. Maybe a hobbit tree. I have seen a lot of trees in my life particularly because i have a passion for trees. But not a tree hugger ! But never anything like this tree. Has anyone else seen trees this burled? That and particularly large circumstance. Dead spruce trees
|  Really cool burped birch
|  Burned birch tree
|  |
# Posted: 22 Sep 2018 06:39pm
Fall happens pretty fast here. I stepped out on the front deck and snapped a few pictures to show the change. In one of the prior posts is pictures from August 30. These are 3 weeks later. Fall weather
|  Fall trees
|  Fall
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# Posted: 17 Oct 2018 01:14pm
This time of year always leaves me feeling very blessed. Although we were not successful in harvesting a moose for our families this year we were able to spend more time with friends and family. As fall closes out, winter comes faster than most of us are ready for. There is never enough time phrase started because of fall. Actually i most folks here just stay ready. 2 sets of tires for all rigs, studded or not type of things. And of course, leave the christmas lights up . I have been planning the projects for the cabin. Being prepared for future work means having enough supplies to get the job done right. In actuality, done right .Sometimes mostly right with the internet to come back and finish. And the other ones, you can fill in your own blank. Although I’m pretty good at finishing off projects. I think. My goal is to be able to have the right tools for the job. That includes transportation. In winter I’m covered, reliable snow gos each equiped with survival gear. A selection of different sleds for freight and a desire to be out! In the not frozen months is where I need to get better. I have a 185 Honda 3 wheeler I am preparing. New tires, important to not spin the tires or break through the “ matâ€. Or vegetation. Not just bad for the environment but will get you stuck. Lots of bottomless holes around. Also have an old snow go that I am outfitting with large ski skins. I am going to use a plastic drum to cut large , maybe like 12†, to start as I can always cut . It is a long track with good carrying racks already. The goal is always to have the least amount of ground pressure per sq in. That and it will be able to go a lot faster than a wheeler across tundra . Probably pull a good load also. As I mentioned earlier I use a Coleman canoe as a summer freight sled. Yep I like the thought of cruising 40 mph across a swamp or swamp pond. Dont get me wrong, I am not a guy who enjoys tearing up the country. Just the opposite. Less psi per sq in for a lesser time. Also with momentum less chance of spinning. I am very careful when it comes to using our lands. I als have an old Evinrude snow go. 1973. This machine has a super wide 22†track that is also very long. It also has reverse. Important for turning as it will prefer to go in a straight line. As will the other snow go. I want to mount ATA tires to a bracket that I can bolt to the skis and main king pin . Have them sit about 3-4 inches below the skis. Probably adjustable. The machine also has bogie wheels . All wheels for a suspension as opposed to a slide rail or plastic strip that slide along the track. I want to use it in the woods as well as in tundra. I’m very excited about being able to put this ol girl back to work. Only 900 miles on it that my kids did most of. Should last a lot longer. And as always seems to be the case , not enough projects. A new swamp buggy. I have an old Ford 4 x that I will take cab and box off of. Make it look like the buggy I now have. Yah. As most of you know,planning out things to do that have to do with the cabin is some of our best times. Good luck on your endeavors. Hope to hear from you soon.
# Posted: 17 Oct 2018 01:20pm
Cabin photos of our Ak log cabin dream Cabin
|  Front of cabin
|  Back towards kitchen bath
|  Evening at the cabin
# Posted: 17 Oct 2018 07:15pm
Hello all. In the photo of the evening what I wanted to show is what it really looks like when we get home from hunting, trapping riding more real life . As opposed to a lot of the all cleaned up look. Having a place for everything and everything in its place is important in smaller cabins. For me trying to keep an inventory between cabin home garage this shed that shed gets rough. My strategy is to have extra of everything, you or someone will need it. There is no store. The ability to spend extended times with the knowledge and confidence needed in an instant time is needed. I have a problem with being over confident. As the plane left, leaving me in the middle of pretty nowhere , I took a drink and realized I only had a half bottle of water with me. Had life straw in back pack and a MSR water purifier at cabin. Gotta go c u later.
# Posted: 18 Oct 2018 10:29am
Hello again. Went back and read some of the posts of mine. A few corrections. The birch tree obviously has burles. I had asked earlier, has anyone see a birch tree with that many burles ? I have another behind the cabin almost as burley, actually have lots of burles which leads me to believe that they may have been caused by an environmental impact. Also ICC , accidentally hit the return button and indicator jumped down a line. Skip line maybe? Also have the “intent “ to come back and redo ,fix. Anyhow, I also need to bring out a bunch of pallets. If it is on ground, it is wet. That can mean frozen in. The tires on 4 wheels and even full size pickups can get frozen down. Good for keeping rubber tracks, tires from rotting. Wood shed floor. - - -. Back to vehicles. By having a variety of tools ,rigs in this instance. Not only helps make our work easier and more efficient, but also helps insure we can access our cabin and move about our land harvesting trees and such and not damage the environment. It is 1.8 miles to the cabin from the lake we get dropped off on. My beautiful wife has a disability with her feet that keep her from walking much. From year to year the trail left from the lake to cabin is barely visible as I am careful not to tear the vegetation and keep compaction to a minimum. In the woods there is no sign of any trail from year to year. In Alaska it is legal to access your property. I want my grandkids to be able to enjoy the same place I do. Oh on the snow go ski skins mentioned earlier, some clarification maybe. I want to try to make them from plastic drums. Start wide. It is dark out as I write this so I will take some pictures and post later. Our cabin has been one of those projects that seems to gain a life on its own, along with the needs. But that’s ok. I have a new point from witch to access a world that I truly enjoy. Alaska’s wild. The animals I see have probably not encountered many humans if any. Accept I’m sure the wolves know exactly when I show up and where I am at all times. And the land under my feet has never been walked on. To step back and look at our cabin and know that, I ,we,especially my beautiful wife, did that . And more importantly that my family will always have a beautiful log cabin in Alaska to share with there families. And now with these pages maybe even be able to look back and see a little history. Thank You all who continue to support us all. My canoe, still floats
|  Upstairs
|  Loaded wheeler
|  Shower in front of window
# Posted: 18 Oct 2018 11:09am
To Badger Hollow, I went back and read your posts. Seems like you know exactly what you want. At least checking out options. You always seem to have a way with your posts. Very interesting and always courteous. Momspond
# Posted: 17 Dec 2018 12:36pm
I will finally have an opportunity to head out to the cabin! We have also finally gotten some snow, to go with the earthquakes. Heard that there was around 3 feet of fresh snow. Pretty sure that the cabin did ok . Log structures tend to lock together. Cross your fingers, kink of a thing. I have some beds to haul out. We have been using air mattresses. And finally, the last of the insulation for the lid. One bundle of r-38. This will allow us to use the upstairs in the winter. I have been putting the insulation i had on the upstairs floor and only using the bottom floor. Been ok mostly. Usually just me and my beautiful wife or just me. Also have a bunch of pallets to keep stuff off the ground. Also hope to get some more lumber out. I have been gathering up all the lumber i have laying around home. Probably got 50 plus 2x4 s . But mostly I want to get some trapping in. That’s the major part of this trip. I will be going after lynx, beaver, wolf and maybe martin. I also want to try to call in a wolf using an electronic call. Will be going with a long time friend on this trip, then home for Christmas for a day or two. Then back out with my beautiful wife for a week or so. Then any chance I get. After years of building this beautiful dream and being able to share it with good friends, and most importantly my family. Especially beautiful wife! Is extremely satisfying. I will post some pictures. Merry Christmas to all.
# Posted: 24 Dec 2018 12:42pm
Did make it to the cabin for a couple days. As usual plans change. I came out light, on sled with extra gasoline and propane for supplies. Snow was real sugary 2’ deep. Had to leave the freight sled at the trail head into the cabin because of lots of alder , willow and other brush being bent over from freezing rain and snow. Went back the next day to clear trial and fetch sled. All went well, just kicked back and chilled in our beautiful cabin in the woods. Merry Christmas and may God bless you and yours! Morning coffee watching the fire
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# Posted: 4 Jan 2019 11:13pm
Well, I'm finally on my way to getting a root into Alaska now too. I am under contract on 5 acre 35 miles north of Tok. It's just past the Robertson River. It's got a good clearing and in the black spruce and birch forest. There is a vertical log cabin that's not pretty but looks solid. Wood stove, propane cook stove and propane lights. Outhouse. On a little creek. Vehicle access, about .5 miles off highway 2. I'm paying 14k. Don't think that is too bad of a deal. I'll post photos as I get them. I'll only be a summer vacationer there to start. But, I get 6 weeks off a year so will horde all my time for AK.
# Posted: 5 Jan 2019 08:46am
I love this thread, don't quit posting!
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