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# Posted: 13 Apr 2018 08:48pm
I've always thought having a hidden door would be cool, like into a pantry or maybe a bedroom. Some ideas on design and hardware.
http://www.finehomebuilding.com/2013/01/18/hidden-doors-secret-rooms-and-the-hardware -that-makes-it-possible
# Posted: 14 Apr 2018 12:47am
Interesting. Thanks for posting.
If the cost is outrageous, why not just install more of the cheap ones.
# Posted: 14 Apr 2018 01:01am
I wish I knew how my nephew did his. He has a three story basement, literally. You walk in on the top level, go down to a second level and down again to a third level. In that bottom level there is a room that looks like a library/reading room. If you know exactly where and how to push/pull on the book cabinets they open up to reveal a very nice office behind them. There is no obvious outline for where the door is. And I didn't get a good enough look at it to understand how it opens. I just don't understand how he did the clearances on a door that deep with no obvious outline. It is really cool but I thought it would be way to nervy to take and post pics.
# Posted: 14 Apr 2018 09:03am
I had an uncle that bought an old mansion from a hippie commune that was located on the Hudson north of Saratoga. You could tell this was once an elegant palace but previous owner trashed the place. They had a pet horse that lived in house.
I volunteer a few weeks to help him rehab the place. During the demo we came upon a section that just didn't make sense. We felt that there was space missing. Well we were blowing out walls anyhow and sure enough there was a decent size room/space in the center of structure that swipe a little room from several rooms. It wasn't that obvious as the construction of building had several staircases. You had to go up and down staircases to get to certain parts of a floor as rooms often weren't connected.
The hidden room had no obvious entrance. It could have been remodeled over. The building dated back to colonial times. We figure the room was quite likely part of underground railroad.
# Posted: 15 Apr 2018 09:03pm
I've always wanted a hidden room. Not for any particular reason, just because it would be neat. 
Quoting: hueyjazz The hidden room had no obvious entrance. It could have been remodeled over. The building dated back to colonial times. We figure the room was quite likely part of underground railroad.
That is so cool!!!!
# Posted: 16 Apr 2018 08:11am
I have quite a small cabin with a very tiny bathroom that has only enough room for our composting toilet. I ordered a bookcase door kit from https://www.themurphydoor.com/ . It is on my project list for this year to build the bookcase and install it as the door for our bathroom. Firstly, I think looks cool and will be a very functional use of space. Secondly, I think I can potentially store a few valuables in the bathroom when we aren't at the cabin. There is a good chance that if thieves break in they wouldn't even know there is a room behind. I'm excited to get going on this project. The hardware kit is very well made and there are downloadable plans for the bookcase in various dimensions.
# Posted: 16 Apr 2018 12:34pm
Hattie What was really cool was they found a painting that was a portrait of someone famous from colonial times that was painted by a famous artist. It ended up being extremely valuable. When they finally sold it, The funds received more than paid for entire estate. The hippies had no idea what there were sitting on.
The other little problem I found was a bunch of people in his field. When I went to look what they were doing I discovered that the uncle was growing a cash crop he didn't know about.