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Small Cabin Forum / Off Topic / Im giving away a Bluetti Power station!
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Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 18 Sep 2022 20:41

I hope this is ok to post. I would love one of you small cabin folks to win.

Im partnering with Bluetti to give away a portable power station. As many of you know I put videos on YouTube of my cabin build and from time to time companies send me stuff. I reviewed the EB55 and I find it very useful.

The contest is free, just watch my video that comes out on september 20 and leave a comment to enter.

# Posted: 18 Sep 2022 21:39

I'll be looking for the vid on 20th

# Posted: 19 Sep 2022 06:35

No Prob. What are the details? Winner pays shipping? How much time before award? Since its on youtube, a small cabin folk may not win. $400 Retail. Thanks OL.

# Posted: 19 Sep 2022 11:30

International? Canada only?

Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 19 Sep 2022 23:11

Here is the video link.
Available to US and Canadian residents. Free shipping included.

We love ours, its a random draw but Im rooting for you guys!

# Posted: 20 Sep 2022 10:21

There's someone answering every comment there with "text me at telegram@OntarioLakeSide". Is that you, Ontario lakeside, or a spammer/fraudster? There's a lot of youtube contest/poster impersonation fraud I believe.

# Posted: 21 Sep 2022 09:33

It's basically a battery and inverter with recharge options? Neat device, just wondering what I would use it for? More of a portable weekend type power device than something you would use in daily cabin life?

Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 23 Sep 2022 00:26

Hey Houska

Thats not me. Im deleting those comments as fast as I can. Youtube needs to do a better job of blocking them.

# Posted: 25 Sep 2022 09:47

Paulz, we have a similar device of an earlier generation (and from a different mfr).

We find 500-1000Wh a pefect size for our power needs at a yurt/cabin for weekend use throughout the year, and for longer use in the summer, as long as most of your power needs are modest and 12V/5V (USB). It does have an inverter function but its power losses contribute too much to drain to keep on all the time.

Ours is actually 1000Wh and charges fully in a sunny day with our 200W of solar panels. It recharges fully in any spring/summer week between weekends in our climate regardless of weather. It can fail to fully recharge in a rainy fall week and will not charge below freezing.

If you need full-time reliable power, you need a full solar system. And if your needs are even more modest, a 12V marine battery and small panel might be sufficient and much cheaper. But for intermediate needs it's great. The lithium batteries lose charge very slowly when not being used.

# Posted: 30 Sep 2022 11:41

Well, Ive tried a couple times to subscribe to your channel but Google wants me not only give our e-dress BUT also our Password! That dont seem right to me....
Anyway, here's a comment so maybe you will include me.
Great review, I like your stuff. You come at things kinda like me so whats not to like, lol.
The unit looks handy, I could put one to use and retire my Old, Tired, LA jump-start pack!
Keep up the good work and have fun

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