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Small Cabin Forum / Off Topic / Husband's 45th class reunion
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# Posted: 22 Oct 2011 12:20

This has absolutely nothing to do with cabin building. But, why do spouses have to go to class reunions? My husband is having a multi day reunion. Last night, ball game then out for drinks. Tonight, the big dinner. SHOT ME PLEASE!

# Posted: 22 Oct 2011 18:31

Mine could give a.crap about reunions..... And I feel the same way. Can you go with him and hang out and have some fun? A little relaxation.... A drink or two? Might .be fun!

# Posted: 22 Oct 2011 18:59

If Hubby were going to his school reunion I would go with him but personally I hate reunions. They just seem to get people whispering bad things about each other and trying to one-up each other. If I want to keep in touch with someone from my school days, I'll keep in touch with them. That's also why I don't like Facebook. You get all these people contacting you who you haven't had any contact with for years. It just doesn't seem to make much sense to me. But that's just my personal opinion. *S*

# Posted: 22 Oct 2011 19:14

Yeah......facebook is nice to reunite with old friends and if not u can always politely ignore them... I haven't attended one reunion.... but I have to say high school was the most carefree time of my life.

# Posted: 22 Oct 2011 19:25

I haven't gone to any reunions either-absolutely no desire to-same with the husband even though high school was a fun time. Facebook-no way! Seems like all people do is spy on everybody else and I have to keep telling my kids to not post about this or when someone announces a pregnancy and next thing ya know the whole world knows before the other half of the family. I really hate that... and pictures...I don't need my picture posted all over! Grrrr...ok, I'm done now :)

# Posted: 23 Oct 2011 20:49

OK, I feel just the opposite here. I went to a couple of hs reunions years ago and I was blown away by how ppl I know had changed--for the better!!
Ppl who were cliquish back then were very open and unassuming from my point of view and I really enjoyed talking to them.
I haven't been to a reunion in quite a number of years now due mostly to conflicting schedules, but I found out that my class has banded together with 1or 2 other classes and are now holding annual informal reunions at a local watering hole in our town. Now each year they set the date for the following year's reunion and publicize it via Facebook and email. Couldn't go this year because of my daughter's wedding but will go next year.
Oh, and spouses invited also.
I think its pretty cool.

# Posted: 24 Oct 2011 19:06

Well it's over. Had lots of fun. Everyone seemed to have a great time with good food and wine flowing.

# Posted: 24 Oct 2011 19:24

See? These things aren't so bad.

Now it's your turn to take him to yours.

# Posted: 31 Oct 2011 20:21

That's years away!!!

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