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Small Cabin Forum / Off Topic / Coal Mining Gone Bad...
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# Posted: 27 Sep 2013 17:22

Quoting: Rossman
What will nature do with all the weird new materials (like plastic) that we've created, and that will never break down?

I decided one day we would completely cut plastic out of our lives. hmmm....When I started to realize that it is EVERYWHERE I discovered it is pretty much impossible to not use it. I try really hard to limit the amount we use.

One of my pet peeves was those thin plastic bags you use at the grocery store to put produce in (like peppers and tomatoes). I found a company that makes small, reusable cloth bags with drawstrings. The clerk can see through the bags to get the code for the produce and I feel good not throwing out a ridiculous number of plastic bags that I only used once in the grocery store. We also use cloth bags to bag our groceries in (but I'll admit we still occasionally use the plastic ones for pooper scooper bags.)

# Posted: 28 Sep 2013 22:33

Man the crazy part is, when we are in Quebec, all the produce that usually comes loose in Ontario (like parsley), is all wrapped up in plastic on styrofoam trays, like meat is's a mind-boggling overuse of packaging

Meanwhile in the same place they don't allow plastic bags anymore, and only bag with paper (which I like).

It's a strange contradiction.

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