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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / New Build in Wisconsin - A few framing questions.
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# Posted: 20 Sep 2022 07:57 - Edited by: gedna002

Long-time lurker. I've learned a lot on this forum and the dream is finally becoming reality. We put up trusses this weekend in a 6-hour downpour. Good memories but not ideal. They are up braced and stable and square. If you see big issues feel free to point them out but they may have already been fixed.

1) I'm exploring the idea of an unvented roof. We'll do exterior insulation on the roof supplemented with a thinner layer of insulation in the attic spaces. If you're not familiar: URL We'll have wood stove heat and eventually a heat pump mini-split in a year or two. I want to utilize the large space in the knee-wall area if possible afforded by less insulation on the inside. We're in Northern WI.

2) How do you properly frame windows in a gable truss? Build out the box with blocking? I'm not finding much online.

3)Our stairs come up through the middle of the building. The truss manufacturer had us ply trusses to increase the spacing to 3'1". Code calls for 1.5" sheathing over >24" spans. How do you make that one section thicker without sheathing the whole roof in 1.5"?

Thanks in advance for the help. I've attached pictures of Framing Front Back and the Design

# Posted: 20 Sep 2022 08:17

I assume your useing the up stairs for more living area? If so I wouldnt run the stairs up the center. That's prime head room in the attic.

Is the porch floor the same pour of concrete as the rest of the floor?

Nate R
# Posted: 20 Sep 2022 08:18

When I did my cabin framing, TONS of rain suddenly. Of course, that's how it goes. But you got a great start! What county are you in?

1: Detailing Detailing Detailing! Airsealing will REALLY matter on that ceiling! Sounds doable though to maintain headroom!

2: I'd think you'd just frame a wall within the truss? You'll need something to catch sheathing anyway, right?

3: Couldn't you just run some 2x4s or 2x6s crossways between the trusses, like every 24"? Like this, kinda: URL


# Posted: 20 Sep 2022 08:37 - Edited by: gedna002

Quoting: Brettny
I assume your useing the up stairs for more living area?

Yes, the upstairs is 12'x28'. We'll have an enclosed bedroom and an open sleeping area.

Quoting: Brettny
Is the porch floor the same pour of concrete as the rest of the floor?

Separate pours. I had a construction company do the foundation and porch and it has already been inspected so I know it's good.

Quoting: Nate R
TONS of rain suddenly.

So. Much. Rain. The picture was every 20 minutes. For 5 hours. But when the boom and the help is there you have to move forward.

We're in Douglas County south of Nebagamon.

Quoting: Nate R
Airsealing will REALLY matter on that ceiling!

That's the plan! I've watched about all of Matt Risinger's videos so I think I'm well covered there.

Quoting: Nate R
Couldn't you just run some 2x4s or 2x6s

Great idea!

# Posted: 20 Sep 2022 08:50

Quoting: gedna002
, the upstairs is 12'x28'. We'll have an enclosed bedroom and an open sleeping area

You cant have more than a 6ft wide area that's got 6ft head room. Dont take up any of that with a set of stairs. You can run them up the outside wall then turn into the middle of the cabin.

# Posted: 20 Sep 2022 09:18 - Edited by: gedna002

Quoting: Brettny
You can run them up the outside wall then turn into the middle of the cabin.

Like this? These are the plans. Sorry I didn’t understand at first.

# Posted: 20 Sep 2022 09:36

Yes just like that. Looks like you have a nice set of plans and have things well planned out.

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