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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / My "antique" wooden telephone...
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# Posted: 4 Apr 2018 10:29

A couple of years ago I posted here about our little cabin in the dingle.

We have a phone line to the house from our cabin. The Panasonic system phone I installed in there didn't fit with the cabin decor, so a few months ago, I started looking for an old wooden wall phone for it, or a newer replica wooden phone.

Nothing I found met my desires, so, ultimately, I decided to build my own. I had some antique oak salvaged from a poorly restored dresser that fell apart (top and drawer fronts). It took a lot of looking on the Internet, and some thinking and figuring to get the design and all the functionality I wanted, AND be able to make it all out of the limited wood at hand.

I bought all the antique and reproduction works and trim on-line from PHONECO Antique phone, collectible telephone, old telephone.

Here is the final project, before I installed it a couple of weeks ago.

Before anyone asks, yes, it works. The bells ring, and if I wish to place a call, I just lift the receiver and then lift the writing shelf to reveal the concealed TouchTone pad.

And, if I need more access to our home phone system, I just open the door...

And there is the system phone.

I even wired it so that cranking the magneto rings the bells.

Doing this, I learned how to make box joints, and plunge-rout the "picture frame" around the transmitter mount.

# Posted: 4 Apr 2018 10:54

That's pretty nifty!

# Posted: 4 Apr 2018 12:25

That's just beautiful, well done indeed !

# Posted: 4 Apr 2018 12:59

"Mr. Watson — Come here — I want to see you. "

# Posted: 4 Apr 2018 14:56 - Edited by: hattie

WOW that is great!!! Bob and I bought an old crank phone years ago. We took the "guts" out of it and used the cabinet in the bathroom. Bob took the "guts" and turned them into a doorbell for our house. You crank the box outside and the old phone bells ring inside. We call our cabin "FRED" and I told Bob that now FRED has a voice.

I love seeing people be as creative as you have been with this project! Great Job!!!!!

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