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# Posted: 19 Oct 2022 10:31pm
Cat 420D Backhoe, 900 hours on the meter, $65K. The clam shell bucket will get new teeth. The backhoe bucket will get rock teeth. Its going to the Cat shop for lube , fluids, and filters. I'm selling the Yanmar tractor. It's been a great tractor but I need a bigger machine. 06dda6f7d9eb40cca.jpg
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# Posted: 19 Oct 2022 10:34pm
# Posted: 19 Oct 2022 10:35pm
# Posted: 20 Oct 2022 08:41am
That's a beautiful machine in a glorious color. What base did you buy it from?
I bought a few generators from fort drum years ago.
# Posted: 20 Oct 2022 01:24pm
Butner NC. Not sure its a base, might be a surplus yard.
# Posted: 20 Oct 2022 02:40pm
That's a beast. Twice the weight of my FEL/Backhoe. Cab looks roomy.
# Posted: 20 Oct 2022 04:11pm
# Posted: 20 Oct 2022 07:50pm
Wonder if that rig can pick up my whole JD 1025 c/w fel? Think it is about 1800-2000#.
# Posted: 21 Oct 2022 08:32am
Quoting: Brettny That's a beautiful machine in a glorious color. I like the color (stealth backhoe) and it's labeled USMC! I think I will name it Sgt Rock.
Quoting: paulz Cab looks roomy. So I rented a Deere 310SJ several times. Getting it up to the property was a giant PITA. One thing I liked about it was the seat swiveled front to back. No climbing in and out to use the loader or backhoe.
The clam shell front loader on the 310 was very handy. I would dig out a stump on four sides and once all the roots were broken, switch around to the front and use the clam shell to grab the stump and take it to the pile.
Tip: When digging out a large stump on the side of a hill, look at which side should be the easiest and make that the last side to dig. Also, use the bucket curl function under the root and later under the base. The bucket will wedge against the ground and you prevent rocking the whole machine around.
I just had a disease kill 14 Chestnut Oaks. I paid a guy $600 each to cut down, cut up, and haul away. So now I have 14 stumps to dig up. No easy task with the Yanmar tractor.
Tip: If you have rocky soil, hard to dig with a backhoe, buy some rock teeth. AKA Tiger, pointed, or sharp teeth. You need a steel punch or rod that is long enough to reach over halfway the width of the bucket. Punch out one side 2-3 teeth and then the other side. Then install from middle outward.
Quoting: gcrank1 pick up my whole JD 1025 Probably, it's pickup rating is over 6000#. IMG_0156.JPG
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# Posted: 21 Oct 2022 09:08am - Edited by: gcrank1
Oh yeah! Mine c/w fel and the 650ish # rear ballast might go 2500#. I could throw in the brush hog rotary mower, rear grading blade and the driveway drag and still be under your capacity. I ran a Cat 966 articulated loader for a couple seasons with a grubbing rake. My dads business was primarily land clearing, he'd pop the stumps with the Cat 7 dozer (had 2 dozers, sometimes both were runnin) and I'd come along with the big rake pic & shake the dirt out and pile to burn.Tires were almost 6' in dia. Sunup to sundown x 6 days a week when the ground wasnt froze wasnt much of a life outside of work.
# Posted: 24 Oct 2022 10:56am
Shes a beaut Clark!
Giving me tractor envy over here.. But I'd need a bigger truck to pull it, and a bigger trailer to put it on.. Sounds like an expensive endeavor 
# Posted: 24 Oct 2022 08:33pm
Yeah that! My local dealer 8mi. away just quoted me $60 to come pick mine up if I want them to service/repair Lil' John. Expect another $60 to return it...... That is probably a bargain at today's fuel and labor costs and its looking like a suitable trailer might be $3K+ and likely too much for my old SUV.
# Posted: 26 Oct 2022 09:59am
GovPlanet Yard loaded. Sgt Rock is at the Cat Repair place now getting some love.
# Posted: 4 Nov 2022 04:58pm
I found a web site that says you can put full synthetic grease on hydraulic cylinders to help the seals last longer. IMG_0259.JPG
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# Posted: 4 Nov 2022 05:00pm - Edited by: DaveBell
Those pics rotated 90 degrees. They are 3-4 Mb from an Iphone.
# Posted: 4 Nov 2022 08:40pm
Sure does, been doing it on motorcycle fork leg seals beneath the dust boots for years.
# Posted: 5 Nov 2022 07:35am
Quoting: DaveBell grease on hydraulic cylinders to help the seals last longer. Not in that application. The grease is is going to collect any dirt and act like sand paper. Those cylinders are the down side to a 4 in 1 bucket.
I also dont believe synthetic grease or normal dino grease would make a difference on that machine, your not greasing high speed bearings.
# Posted: 5 Nov 2022 08:27am
Was that ram leaking? I replaced the original seals on my backhoe and FEL this year. No hour meter but it's a 1974.
# Posted: 5 Nov 2022 08:40am
I guess I have the oldest around 1959 Case 420. Paid 4 grand 10 years old. It gets used a bunch. I mounded a bracket in the bucket to attach a snowplow to to help with snow removal.
# Posted: 5 Nov 2022 09:03am - Edited by: paulz
We're tied, my other Massey is a '59. Gets the most use out of all three. The FEL is easier to use without a backhoe attached and the box scraper keeps my driveway manageable. The skid steer is also a 70 something. 3K for the backhoe, 1K for the '59 and the skid steer was free.
My new tractor port sits in the spot that photo was taken in 2015 1106151430.jpg
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# Posted: 5 Nov 2022 10:28am
Re. grease on the seals, etc. Clean rams is a must to keep from eating seals. In downtime or storage spray the seals with a cleaner, wipe off, smear lightly with the grease and wrap a clean rag around. Prep to run; turn the rag inside out wipe the grease off the seals with the rag, run same up/down the rams to clean and ready to run.
# Posted: 5 Nov 2022 09:08pm
Quoting: paulz Was that ram leaking? The Cat Tech said it was. From the auction pics both front cylinders were wet.
Quoting: Brettny Not in that application. The grease is is going to collect any dirt and act like sand paper.
I think there is a plastic scraper ring before the two rubber o-rings. So the process might be to exercise the cylinders with grease to let the o-rings get lubed and then clean the grease off to prevent the sandpaper effect you suggested.
Quoting: gcrank1 Clean rams is a must to keep from eating seals. Agree. Your process sounds good! Thanks!
Quoting: Aklogcabin 1959 Case 420 That's a cool machine. The muffler is custom deluxe.
# Posted: 6 Nov 2022 06:15pm
Quoting: DaveBell think there is a plastic scraper ring before the two rubber o-rings. So the process might be to exercise the cylinders with grease to let the o-rings get lubed and then clean the grease off to prevent the sandpaper effect you suggeste Yes a plastic scraper seal is first. If it's doing its job then no grease will be getting to the actual seal and one cycle and all the grease would be pushed to the end of the rod or stuck on the scraper.
# Posted: 12 Nov 2022 10:47am
Picked up at Cat repair shop. PM4 all filters, fluids, grease, new wear plate front bucket, Three hydraulic cylinders rebuilt, rock teeth on backhoe bucket, two batteries, new hydraulic sight gauge, replaced one side glass and hardware, $8000. Basically had them do all the hard stuff I didn't want to do on the mountain.
I took off repair no lights function, probably a relay or fuse. I'll fix electrics myself. Due to age I will replace all relays, only five of them. Fuel gauge showing 1/2 when tank is full. Probably sending unit. Wiper blades need replaced, but I don't plan on working in the rain.
I'll get close up pics next trip out.
# Posted: 12 Nov 2022 10:51am
Ready to work on the mountain. IMG_0270.JPG
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# Posted: 17 Aug 2024 02:47am - Edited by: DaveBell
Well something sucked the batteries dry. Like a parasitic draw. Checked across all the spade fuses with a jump pack connected. 0.18 current draw on all fuses.
This is a commercial Cat 420D with military adaptation. The rear battery supplies the cab and associated devices with 12Vdc and the front battery (in series with the rear) connects 24Vdc to the alternator, starter, and glow plugs.
Two Cat mechanics came out with two new batteries connected them up and installed a negative side battery disconnect switch, as a work-around in case they could not figure out what was draining the batteries. IMG_0686.JPG
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# Posted: 17 Aug 2024 03:02am - Edited by: DaveBell
They started the engine, purred like a Cat. After lots of looking and thinking, they asked what this thing was. They took the cover off, it is a Battery Equalizer, with 12Vdc, 24Vdc, and ground connected. They looked up the model number and found a recall on it for fire hazard. It turns out to be a Rube Goldberg engineered mess. Replace it and add a second negative battery disconnect switch and maybe it will work. I don't need to maintain it's military configuration.
I said lets just change this to 12Vdc. Replace the alternator, starter, and glow plugs to all 12Vdc, wire the batteries in parallel, and delete the potential fire bomb.
# Posted: 17 Aug 2024 03:22am
One of the techs said this is the cleanest 420D model he ever seen. I said its only got 900 hours on it. While it was running he saw that one of the hydraulic cylinders on the boom was leaking. So they are ordering parts to fix my Rube Goldberg battery situation. The battery equalizer will be deleted. After that is fixed they will take the hydraulic cylinder off and take it back to the shop to rebuild it.
I'm thinking about selling the Deere 350C dozer and the Yanmar tractor.
# Posted: 18 Aug 2024 10:45pm
The good news is it can be fixed The bad news is ya can't just load it onto a class II trailer and take it in for service
# Posted: 6 Sep 2024 09:28pm
The 1985 John Deere 350C Dozer is posted on Facebook Market place. 1560 hours for $29,000.
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