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Vince P
# Posted: 31 Jul 2009 08:43am
That is very cool. Using mirrors to camoflage the structure. Scary to think what some delinquents will do if they stumbled upon it
# Posted: 4 Aug 2009 09:00am
yes. we are in the process of building our cabin.we stored things out there as we collected them.we had an old camper and put it on the ground with timbers under as a place to cook and sleep when out there building our cabin.someone broke into it and chainsawed the booth out of the place.then we had these wonderful windows.we had gotten them free from a yard sale.they were in such wonderful shape and so unusual.we stored them out there under a tree.came back.gone! I STILL LOOK AND IT S BEEN LIKE 10 YRS.I AM STILL LOOKING TO SEE WHAT NEIGHBOR MAY HAVE THEM.I AM STILL ON THE LOOK OUT.what i would do about it...i have no idea. well-now we are out there a bit more and i just worry about what we leave there.so these are some interesting tips.we just put out a no tresspassing sign...so far. i like these posted ideas.ty.cabingal3
# Posted: 4 Aug 2009 01:24pm
About the sauna - that is VERY cool! Just gotta keep a lotta Windex around. Reminds me of the cloaking videos on Youtube.
# Posted: 19 Aug 2009 01:47pm
My cabin is at the end of the drivable portion of a two track driveway. The road disappears so quickly that my driveway appears to be the road. I put a gate on my driveway so that no one mistakenly ends up on my property and any "joy riders" now get to back their car the 1/3 mile back to the nearest house to turn around...I figure that will cut down on joy riders. My motion detector deer camera recently caught two ATV's that came in from the backside on one of my trails...there is now a gate and barbed wire at the bottom of the hill to stop that traffic. I figure the barbed wire and gate help keep "honest people honest" but there is little sense in trying to keep the dishonest honest. It's too remote and they have too much time to get in if they want to. Everything is locked up but it wouldn't take much to kick in the door. I'd rather repair a door frame than replace a window....
# Posted: 30 Sep 2009 08:35pm
guys...you have great ideas and thoughts.Just remember---a booby trap or shot gun to the door is a criminal offense. Some states do no not permit deadly force for protection of property. In this day and age with lawsuits all over...the bad guy getting buck shot or bird shot will eventually be living in YOUR cabin. Trail Cameras work. Good neighbors and the local police too.
# Posted: 25 Nov 2009 12:49pm
Our neighbor two lots down got broken into this year. He has a house in the city, but he is living nearly full-time at his recreational property, which is more like a house in the woods now. They broke in when he was away on vacation. He said that several weeks later, an unknown pickup truck came across his lot, and he rushed inside and got his shotgun and ran back out on the porch and apparently really spooked the driver who booted it out. Another guy lives out there mostly full time as well, who also has more of a house out there. They use generators for electricity, so I guess thieves think that they have more valuables like electronics, plus they also have hunting and recreational equipment. He got lots of stuff stolen, even a pair of boots! which for him just added insult to injury.
He said that if we ever see tracks on our lot that it is he or the other guy who patrol the area. They would like nothing more than to catch some thieves in the act and get a clear shot or two at them. It's nice to know that our place is surveyed and will look like someone could show up at any time. If you have neighbors close-by make friends with them. Our neighbor will let us know if he ever goes away again and we will make a point of checking his place as well. While there is one one-acre lot between us, we can still see through the trees to our places, and the whole area is so quiet that you know who is there and who isn't. He even seemed to be aware of every weekend that we were up so nothing seems to go unnoticed.
I only hope that our little cabin, which has no electricity, does not look like a place that would have anything that thieves would be interested in or could re-sell quickly to make some money. We have no electronics, no money, just futons, candleholders and kitchen stuff. I don't see why they would want to take anything unless they wanted to redecorate their place.
that being said, we have worked hard to get organized and have the necessities to function there, and I don't want anyone messing with our stuff. I believe in what are called deterrents and measures of dissuasion. You want to make it look like the amount of work necessary to get in is not worth the potential payoff. Also, if they have to make noise while trying to break in, at some point, someone is going to notice. So I think that creating delays is also a good strategy, because it's my understanding that they want to be in and out of there as quickly as possible. An Alarm would also certainly get the neighbor's attention and likely spook a thief. Lots of things are available, such as contractor-grade hasps and padlocks, shutters with padlocks, and so forth. Our neighbors are beefing up their security with something approaching military grade surveillance and booby traps. I think at this point its more about getting these bastards rather than just preventing future theft, and I am strangely A-OK with that.
Hopefully, my shotgun wielding neighbor spooked them enough to keep them away for a good while.
# Posted: 25 Nov 2009 09:34pm
One idea I have not seen is to bury your items. In tupperware bins, you could store some items and bury it under the cabin. Or even build a bunker into a hillside and hide the items while you are gone. Camo the opening and no one should ever know it's there.
# Posted: 25 Nov 2009 11:01pm
I you worry to much about a break in it will drive you nuts. You can have all the security stuff you want to spend money on but if your Isolated it won't matter. The best thing to do is make friends with any close full time neihbors and hire them to check on the cabin from time to time. Put a little note on your gate indicating you will be back shortly. Worrying takes the fun out of owning a cabin
# Posted: 26 Nov 2009 12:49am
I have a friend in Northern Michigan that leaves his gate open when he's not there and close's it when he is there. I makes sense, if people or predators see the gate open they will be less likely to drive in figuring you are there. And, when your there and they come in through the locked gate, be prepaired they are now intruders.......Think about it.
# Posted: 30 Nov 2009 12:53am
That will work right up until the first crook wonders in to check things out. The be prepared part is the best way to go.
# Posted: 2 Jan 2010 08:55pm
I have a Camper in a remote forest location. I want to build a cabin there in the future. Last year someone stole my atv trailer that I had parked there in the driveway. So since then I have been thinking about setting up a remote "webcam" type camera. Problem is I only have access to dial up telco connection. I think the telco there offers internet of some sort too but then of course the costs go up. If i could figure out using an old laptop or even a new net book style I might set up a few cameras. For a few reasons. I live 2 hours away. If I could dial in and see a picture of the camper or browse through recent pictures I think I would not have that "I wonder if everything is okay" as I drive up. Of course the other problem is I am off grid there too! I do have solar and a couple of the 6 volt batteries there too.
# Posted: 3 Jan 2010 03:11pm
One can have a hidden motion-triggered "game camera", witch will store taken pictures on the (SD) flash card. When you come to you cabin later, you can review pics on your laptop or digital camera that accepts the same type of media storage card.
# Posted: 3 Jan 2010 04:48pm
Thanks yes I actually have a game cam but would like to be able to check on conditions etc from home. I have seen there is a gps game system by Moultarie that actually uses the At&t network to upload pics to their website. That might be my best choice but at $30 a month its a little pricey plus another $300-400 for the camera gear and modem thingy. I can get phone service for about $20 a month and i have enough computers that I should be able to cobble something together. It's all about choices i guess.
# Posted: 11 Jan 2010 01:02pm
Good discussion.
For me, I am not going to put bars on my windows or steel roll down door/window coverings. I think that would completely ruin the place. We do have a door that opens out and has a pad lock on it.
I don't have much of high value inside but enough crap that someone could clear me out and it might cost me a few grand to replace everything.
Like many of you have said, locks keep the kids out but if there is someone intent on doing damage or stealing things, they will find a way. I'm looking into insurance for theft on my contents which all would be replaceable and give me a little peace of mind.
But face it, if someone is going to break in, there is little to stop them unless you want to build a fortress. I prefer to take on a little risk, mitigate damages if I can and enjoy a comfortable, cozy place to relax instead of taking extreme measures building up a safe house which would take the fun out of having a place to get-away to and relax.
# Posted: 11 Jan 2010 02:00pm
Quoting: elkdiebymybow But face it, if someone is going to break in, there is little to stop them unless you want to build a fortress. I prefer to take on a little risk, mitigate damages if I can and enjoy a comfortable, cozy place to relax instead of taking extreme measures building up a safe house which would take the fun out of having a place to get-away to and relax.
That is absolutly true. Dishartening that in this society you even have to lock the doors. And again you are right locks only keep the honest out. So I think I have decided for the moment that my $500-600 to set up a web cam is money I can use elsewhere and I guess I will have to rely on a cheapie game cam and hope if someone does mess with my stuff I will have some pictures. Right now I just have a camper but I hope to build a cabin some day.
# Posted: 19 Jan 2010 01:34am
I know this sounds lame but I've wired my cabin up with a door switch plumbed to a GMRS radio (slightly modified). These little radios are claimed to have a 25km-45km range and yet only cost about $59-$79. The way this alarm works is that when the door is opened it triggers a switch wired to a hidden radio in my cabin which is modified to send out a continuos call-beep untill I either turn it off or it runs out of battery life. I can pick up the signal with the other radio located at my house about 20-25 km away, mind you it is nearly line of sight with a few trees blocking the signal and a big open valley/river in between. It's a silent system so the intruder has no idea that he's been detected, I've never had the chance to respond to it so I'm not sure what I'll do when it does happen. I'll post a DIY video on Youtube on how to build one just in case anybody else finds this approach interesting.
# Posted: 19 Jan 2010 01:06pm
Nice idea. Unfortuantely I am too far away from my area. Post your link though... i would like to see how you do it!
# Posted: 30 Jan 2010 01:45pm
Get a game camera. Takes photos. Conceal it. You can also get several services, is there cell service there? Or 3G. There is several companies that allows you to go online and look at your pictures. Its designed for hunters and game cameras, but would work perfect for this application.
# Posted: 30 Jan 2010 02:56pm
Thanks, yes i do have a game cam.... i have checked into the services and figured for the price $400 or so for the gear and $30-50 a month for the service that I should just trust mankind and use the cash for starting on either a deck or my cabin... gotta have faith i guess... oh and a hidden game cam.
# Posted: 1 Feb 2010 03:11pm
Quoting: elkdiebymybow We do have a door that opens out and has a pad lock on it. What did you do about the hinges? On an out-swing door the hinges are on the out side making it easy to pull them out and open the door.
# Posted: 1 Feb 2010 08:54pm
Quoting: steveqvs Thanks, yes i do have a game cam.... i have checked into the services and figured for the price $400 or so for the gear and $30-50 a month for the service that I should just trust mankind and use the cash for starting on either a deck or my cabin... gotta have faith i guess... oh and a hidden game cam.
No, its less that that. Check out:
# Posted: 21 May 2010 08:40pm
Just reading the comments. It came to mind, put up a prominent sign saying "smile, you are on camera".
# Posted: 22 May 2010 01:28pm
We have a camper hidden on our placer claim. We painted it up and it is really difficult to see from a distance. When we know we will be away for awhile, we leave trees across the road into it. The road can be accessed by quad only. We put up a sign beside the camper door that reads, "We don't call 911" with a picture of a gun. *S* We have solar panels and a small water tower set up, but so far (touch wood) no break-ins. Our only vandal to date was a bear that tried to get in by ripping out the screen on the door. He also tore apart our fake hornet nest (put up to keep the hornets away) and after two years of trying, he managed to tear down our cache which was hanging between two trees. It looked like he had climbed a tree and caught the corner of the box with a claw and down she came. *S* He enjoyed a feast of dog biscuits, sugar and coffee mate. I'm sure one day someone will break in, but it has been a few years now and we have been lucky.
# Posted: 23 May 2010 12:06am
That is very cool.
I sure am glad we really don't have bears around here!! I would not like to run into a bear, especially a sugared up one!! <grin>
# Posted: 8 Jun 2010 09:29pm
ptoddf I like your idea. Seems like I saw a similar setup in remote Montana. Looked pretty nice to me. Can you share any pics of your place with me?
thanks, JJptoddf
# Posted: 9 Jun 2010 12:05am
We are in Canada and our camper is on our placer claim. I don't have too many photos of it anymore. I think we lost some when we switched puters a couple of years ago. Here is what I did find that I had. As you can see in the second photo, we have a solar panel (2 actually). The outhouse and picnic table were already there (left by the last guy who owned our claim). We purchased the camper from an oldtimer who sold it to us for $1,000. We didn't have a truck to get it into the camp, so my husband's boss took it in after we cleared a road. We have let the road grow over since then. The water tower holds water we pump up from the river. Water Tower foreground, unpainted camper
|  outhouse, solar panel, unpainted camper
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# Posted: 17 Jun 2010 11:57pm
Well we were finally broken into :-( A bear ripped off the side wall of our shed which is located under the front of our camper. He took out some of the plastic pails we had stored in there and tore them up pretty good and scattered about our mining supplies. Bears sure do like plastic! Anyway, hubby managed to fit the side back onto the shed and it should be okay except for the bear claw holes in it. I don't know what attracted Mr. bear to it - there was no food in the shed! It seems our biggest security risk out there is of the 4 legged intruders rather than the 2 legged ones. We actually had a lock on the shed door, but never thought that the entire side wall would be ripped off. *S* I guess once he got his claw hooked into the plastic of the shed wall, he just pulled and off she came. grrrrrr.....
# Posted: 11 Aug 2010 03:46pm
Locals will take anything not nailed down. Last year they stole the bucket we use in the outhouse! Really, of all things to take. There are only a handful of neighbors (3 houses out on the road), so I know it was one of those yo-yos that took it. Pathetic. I had become friends with one neighbor, great guy, but he passed away last year. Now I'm on my own. I would never leave anything of value there. It would be gone as soon as I left. I knew a guy with a remote trailer he used as a hunting camp. He made the mistake of leaving some hunting clothing there. Well, the locals got it. Took everything including his underwear!
Gary O
# Posted: 11 Aug 2010 09:01pm
A lot of right stuff said here. I have a Jeep Wrangler soft top. Learned to keep it unlocked after a couple slash and grabs (I never leave my hope diamond or anything of much value in it). Our cabin is situated about 200 yds from a very alert neighbor, so no huge worries, but always a thought, as to what we'll find (or worse, not find) when we travel there. I worked for a home security outfit as a 2nd job a few years (OK decades) back. Noise is good, but the biggest deterent is light. A motion trip light is best. Any locking system can be broken or bypassed, but they do slow 'em down some. They might be lazy, since they are degenerates, but mostly they don't like to take too much time. So keeping things covered keeps 'em from readily determining what to grab. It's all a crap shoot out there, and as Camp Freddy says, locals are the worst of theives because they already know the situation, so know they can take their time if they know your habits, and if they see what you are bringin' in and not taking out....... In our area, most carry arms. Takes you back a hundred years.....
Happy Trails
Gary O'
PS On one place we had out aways, we put up signs, heres some results of that..........
# Posted: 18 Aug 2010 09:43pm
I just heard on the news that a grow-op in BC was using BEARS for security! They fed them dog food and vegetables on a regular basis and ten bears patrolled the area keeping intruders out. The police said the bears had become very tame. Unfortunately because the bears weren't afraid of people anymore, most will probably end up being put down. It isn't something I would recommend, but thought it was a pretty unusual form of security :-)
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