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# Posted: 23 Aug 2010 12:55pm
We overheard someone talking about this at the local diner but didn't get the whole thing, thanks for posting that Hattie...
# Posted: 23 Aug 2010 05:54pm
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/canada/7953500/Black-bears-gua rd-marijuana-fields.html
Gary O
# Posted: 23 Aug 2010 08:06pm
Too funny, wasted bears with the munchies no less! A close 2nd to the desperados themselves..........
Cabin Owl
# Posted: 11 Sep 2010 12:11am
I too was concerned about security. My strategy was twofold. First I built my cabin out of 40' shipping containers bolted together. From the outside, you can't tell it's not just a few shipping containers for storage. But inside, it's a different story. When I leave, I just lock it up with some big locks. The only holes in the trailer are a few 8" squares for skylights. It is completely wired and plumbed. kitchen
|  front room
|  living room
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# Posted: 11 Sep 2010 12:58pm - Edited by: steveqvs
very nice. I was wanting to do something like this too. not sure if the wife would go for it. Could you post some details on how you finished the inside and pic or two outside would be cool too.
KC cabin
# Posted: 11 Sep 2010 01:14pm
I, too, would enjoy seeing some more pictures. Kudos on the elegant, clean lines and finish work, btw. And if it's not too personal, how much did it cost you to get the SCs to your property?
Cabin Owl
# Posted: 13 Sep 2010 10:00pm
Here's a couple more pics. It is completely framed like a house inside the trailer. Trailers were about $2500 each. 035_01.JPG
|  dec_7_032.JPG
|  house7.JPG
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# Posted: 14 Sep 2010 11:11am - Edited by: steveqvs
Les, Love the look inside of your containers. Did you do screw or glue your framing to the container? What did you use to cut the containers? Any details on how you bolted them together? Also are your containers on piers or concrete pad... so many questions.... sorry? I think you have done a great job!
Gary O
# Posted: 14 Sep 2010 09:50pm
Les, Please start your own thread. I imagine there's tons of interest in your container experience. Our neighbor, a few hundred yards from our cabin is doing the same thing, but it's slow going for him as he's in his mid 80s. Also, I have entertained strong consideration in containers. If you'd be so kind, please share technique and the major expenses. Attached is my crude sketch of what's running around my frontal lobe.
Gary O'
Cabin Owl
# Posted: 14 Sep 2010 10:44pm
I would like to be more forthcoming on some of the details, but since the purpose of my project was to create a "stealth house" I need to be discrete . I don't want to get in trouble with my wife who isn't as eager to share. Anyway, that said... Gary, you should look at containerbay, just type that in and you should get close. Tons of ideas. Steve, neither one. I didn't want to put holes in the trailer so I framed it so that the whole thing supported itself. I cut the containers with an acetyline torch. Wasn't too difficult. Trust me, I tried everything except a plasma cutter, nothing else works better. The trailers are set on 3" drill pipe on top of rr ties setting on sandstone, then bolted at the cleats with big bolts. I have attached an .xls file that I used as a blueprint to give you an idea of the layout. Hope you can read it.
Cabin Owl
# Posted: 14 Sep 2010 10:47pm
sorry, I guess I can't do that. Why is there never a frowny when I need one?
# Posted: 14 Sep 2010 11:30pm - Edited by: Steve961
Just found this thread and realized it's the same thing I was going through. I dealt with break-ins and theft for years, and the last straw is when they almost burned down my old hunting shack.
I did what Les did and decided to build a shipping container cabin. it's not finished yet, but it's coming along nicely. My hope is to have it finished before Deer season.
I started a blog with a lot of details and pictures to try and help out anyone else who is considering this. This is definitely not for the faint of heart as there are no instruction manuals when you are doing this - at least I couldn't find any when I started.
Les, I like what you did with the interior as I'm going for a more modern look in mine too.

Cabin Owl
# Posted: 14 Sep 2010 11:34pm
If I could say one thing about trailer construction in steel boxes. It will get cold. It will condense. You MUST build so as to completly stop all air movement within your walls.
Cabin Owl
# Posted: 14 Sep 2010 11:41pm
Steve, Nice job you are doing. The concrete footings are much better than my railroad ties. Would love to see your plans.
# Posted: 14 Sep 2010 11:55pm - Edited by: Steve961
The only plans I have are in Google SketchUp. If you look through my site you will find bits and pieces of the plans in pictures. I should have the framing plans up soon as I am almost finished with that.
My goal is to refine the plans in SketchUp as I build so the plans will be correct in case someone else wants to do the same. I won't release the final plans until I'm sure that they actually work. I have had to change my plans a lot while doing this.
Cabin Owl
# Posted: 15 Sep 2010 12:02am
Steve, What are you trying to build, a place to camp comfortably. Or a place to live comfortably?
# Posted: 15 Sep 2010 12:55am
Mainly a place to get away to on the weekends. I could probably live there full time, but my wife has much greater "needs" than I do. It will probably be frequented most by myself and my sons, especially during hunting season.
# Posted: 15 Sep 2010 09:48am - Edited by: CabinBuilder
Cabin Owl,
The work you did with your container is quite impressive - an ingenuous idea and a great job.
This tread is about cabin security, not the cabin construction options. As we see, your post prompted few interesting replies, and your idea deserves a separate thread. Please stay on topic, and create a separate thread about your project.
Thank you, Forum Admin
# Posted: 18 Sep 2010 06:27am
The old cabin on our place has been unlocked for 30 years! Never had anything stolen. Have found occasionally where some one has been inside and left the doors open or made a mess. but nothing seriously damaged. Unfortunately the old cabin is defunct do to construction and location, a new cabin is in the works.
# Posted: 22 Sep 2010 07:54pm
Where I am wanting to build my cabin I am more concerned about black bears braking in then people because since the cancellation of the spring bear hunt here they have become a big problem.
How ever I plan on installion motion sensors activated cameras around the property and re enforcing the door frame, using a heavy door and placing heavy bolt locks at the top and bottom of the door. Also its extremely remote as well, most maps and outdoor books don't list the old logging road that leads to the property.
I also plan on leaving old signs saying that there was a uranium mine in the area from the 1950's because there were alot of small uranium mines in Ontario in the 1950's and most people don't know that natural uranium ore has the same health risks as iron and nickel ore, which is very small:)
# Posted: 22 Sep 2010 08:44pm
Hey, just an update on those guard bears, firstly, they made lousy guards as they had all grown lazy after getting their food for nothing for so long, apparently RCMP officers could walk right by them and they wouldn't bother them.
Secondly, they were all going to be put down because they had become habituated to humans, and will likely harass humans for food; however a group wants to save them because they are essentially victims of human intervention, and Canadian actor Jason Priestley has joined in that support. They just want every other option to be explored before deciding they all have to be put down. They are now going to be allowed to hibernate in the hopes that they revert to the wild hunting that their mothers taught them next spring and feed themselves again.
I hope someone finds this interesting.
Gary O
# Posted: 22 Sep 2010 10:16pm
RnR- That's very intersting, and somewhat predicable. Back in the 70s, we had five acres adjacent to thousands of acres of tree farms. The huge corporate forest harvesting conglomerates, namely Crown Zellerback, decided to import coyotes to reduce the deer population since the deer were dining on all the seedlings. Then the coyotes became a problem, killing sheep, and other livestock, so coyote hunters were brought in. Then the deer became a problem...etc, etc. Not sure why they just didn't let us hunters take care of things, but then again, black tail have a way of hiding r-e-a-l good. While walking a logging road, a mid size buck dashed across the road. Then about a 5 count later, a coyote dashed onto the road, stopped in this tracks, stared at me, panted about three times, then resumed the chase. I guess my point is that I wish people would let nature kinda take care of itself. I think Jason Priestley should just take all those cuddly fat ursine and play Grizzly Adams with them.....wonder if he'd last as long as Tim Treadwell...... Seriously, it'd seem proper to re-introduce them somewhere out in the gazillion forested acres of the great Canadian wilderness, and let the process of natural selection take it's course. When beasts get hungry enough (especially omnivores) they won't starve. Priestley should be able to fund the air lifts.....
Sorry, off topic and forming a rant.....bad day at work...horrible HR crap involving disgruntled humans. Going to the cabin this weekend. The wife and I are getting quite excited about it...one day, one day we won't come back....Hope nobody broke in....
# Posted: 22 Sep 2010 11:29pm
Thanks for the commentario Gary O, very interesting...you could build a whole reality show around that...
Getting back on topic as well here (or at least more on topic) we rented a utility trailer and loaded/unloaded/piled 3 cords of firewood, and then our closest neighbour stopped by to say hi as we were stacking a pile in view of his cabin, and we worked so hard that I said to him jokingly "if you ever catch someone stealing our wood you have our authorisation to shoot them!" and he assured us that he keeps an eye on "the hood" and a loaded shotgun on his porch at all times, on a very serious tone, and he discussed some recent thefts in the area. They are taking things like generators and ATV's, which provides me some sense of security cause we don't have those things but iits still concerning.
He's a real hunter to the core, I really like him, there's something so real about him. I gave him some copies that I had made of the land survey plans of our properties a while ago because he told me he didn't have them and he was just so appreciative, offering to pay me for the copies.
Anyway, its great to know that he's there and we'll make sure to remain good neighbours. I think I'll bring something over sometime, like a fruitcake on new year's day...I dunno, but I'll think of somethin' !
Gary O
# Posted: 23 Sep 2010 06:56am - Edited by: Gary O
Yes, remaining on topic, good neighbors are priceless. Our immediate neighbor gives me a full report on the area everytime we go down there. Not a bad idea to visit bearing gifts, nothing big, but something baked is also a good idea.......I'm thinking cabingal3 needs to rustle up sometning sweet for the ol' codger (and something for him too of course).....
# Posted: 23 Sep 2010 11:30am
I have this one posted.
# Posted: 23 Sep 2010 11:57am
Very Cool Steveqvs, I've seen that one and other similar ones sold on Ebay in case anyone wants to buy one. I'm eyeing a "nude zone" sign myself, if the robbers are naked I figure they're less of a threat. I jest! Just trying to throw in some humour on a not-so fun topic.
# Posted: 23 Sep 2010 03:22pm
Hunting season is coming up..... nude might not be such a good idea! <grin> I do like all the suggestions.. especially making the door open outward and reinforcing the jams. In the end honest people will leave it alone and the not so honest will get in if they want.
# Posted: 23 Sep 2010 05:47pm
This is the sign we put on our camper on our placer claim out in the bush.
# Posted: 27 Sep 2010 02:12pm
i have a cabin in pa. in a secluded area, been broken in a couple times. Last time they took two cores of firewood, broke the back door window, turn the beds over, furniture and took all the paper products. Makes me sick. going to put up a trail camera and some signs. Real low life creeps cant wait to catch them.
# Posted: 27 Sep 2010 02:14pm
where can i get that sign
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