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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Eco-temp tankless Hot Water Heater
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# Posted: 22 Oct 2015 18:07

We have had a Bosch LP1600 for four years with a built-in exhaust system up through the roof. I hope to get it hooked up to my water tank next year and will report back. See the All By Myself thread and my excuse would be solar installation, screen porch, wood cutting and chopping, propane issues, etc....

Camping Kid
# Posted: 25 May 2018 11:49

Hi. Just a quick note concerning the L-5, I have been using them for the past few years. I now am a off grid city dweller who has to transport my water as well. It's a 20 gal. barrel w a spigot. I use a flojet 12v. To save labor and water and propane, my unit fires and gives me incredible showers using the Niagara tri-flow shower nozzle set at .05 gpm. (The lowest setting) Because as stated the summer water is warmer than the winter water, I had to change my regulator to the adjustable kind because the unit itself was at it's lowest setting and too hot!!! For 16 bucks off Amazon I'm good to go!

# Posted: 26 May 2018 11:00

I have had a L5 at the cabin for 10 years now and it has been issues whatsoever even sitting out in the desert sun ...our original behind-the-trailer shower!

I was so impressed that I bought an L10 for our cabin when it was finished due to the fact that the ignition worked on batteries and we were off grid. Also bought one for a small guest house at our weekly home.
Both were terrible duds! One never worked, the other make matters worse, the customer service was horrible....forever waiting on the phone, left message, no call back. Sent email(s), no responses...!

So I would say get the L5 without hesitation.....
Anything else from this company, do your homework before jumping in!

Mr RoC
# Posted: 22 Jul 2018 20:37

Old post but I'll chime in.

Bought a L5 3 years ago for our out outdoor showers and worked great up until a month ago. Some how the fiberglass insulation was burning and flaming up every time we used it. Outside of the housing has burn marks from the hot flames. after removing the burnt insulation the L5 is working again.

Bought a new one off Amazon but haven't opened it up yet to see how the insulation is packed.

# Posted: 23 Jul 2018 11:14

Just looked in my L5 and don't see any insulation. Where is it supposed to be? Maybe mine burnt and fell out.

Mr RoC
# Posted: 25 Jul 2018 18:01 - Edited by: Mr RoC

Upper portion on the tank. Between the top fins and the burner.

Tank housing needs to be disassembled to find the insulation.

# Posted: 25 Jul 2018 19:47

Yeah I’m confused. Tankless heater shouldn’t have a tank or insulation. My L10 has neither. That being said if you’re seeing flames there is probably a problem

Mr RoC
# Posted: 26 Jul 2018 21:52

My apologies for the confusion. I should not have use the word tank.

The insulation that was catching fire was in the upper portion of the tankless water heater between the burner and the top heater fins where the fumes vent out.

Anyhow. Haven't opened the new one to see how the insulation is packed in there but will do so later in the near future.

Heck.... maybe some mouse put that in there and was building a nest. Anything is possible till I remove the housing on the new one.

# Posted: 27 Jul 2018 10:50 - Edited by: skootamattaschmidty

I was thinking that possibly critters put that in there to build a nest. I have the eccotemp l10 and have had the cover off a number of times and never saw any insulation inside.

# Posted: 27 Jul 2018 13:53

I just cleaned up a birds nest in my shop that was 90% roxul (mineral wool) insulation.
This makes a good add to the spring check list. Nest in water heater/appliance.

# Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:46

I’ve had one for 5 years with no issues. Only drawback is its not instant on hot water. You have to run the hot for a bit for it to warm up and the farther away you are from the heater, the longer it takes. Is annoying at my kitchen sink.

# Posted: 29 Apr 2022 17:15

I'm at the 56th parallel where it is often -35C overnite. I'm interested in an Ecco Temp but find it difficult to understand the differences in the various units. I have an off-grid cabin which I am renovating to be a 4 season home. I have a 6 KWH solar system I will install soon and I intend to have a fully applianced cabin. Since there is only myself and my lapdog except for guests, I won't be using water that often for showering and washer. I will be buying a compost toilet. What size propane tankless water heater should I choose? I'm going to install a sandpoint well with a shallow well jet pump.

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