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# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 07:08am - Edited by: turkeyhunter
OK, who ready to plant a few maters and peppers , squash????
This week i built a raised bed garden down by the barn and out of concrete blocks, 2 blocks high, and will put a cap block on top, with so much going on this spring with building the new camp, i knew i would not have time to mend my garden. And in the last few years it gets so HOT down here in the south. The plants have have had enough of the heat and start dying off by late July.
The new raised bed garden , will on the east side of the barn to catch the morning sun. So far hauled in about 4 inches of top soil, 2 inches of of leaves, and 8 inches of the blackest cow manure /dirt , from my friends cow lot. Now a few more inches of top soil on top and i will be ready for mater plants....southern slang for Tomatoes :-)
So who's having a garden this spring ???and what are you planting??? Anyone planting a garden at the cabin??? or camp??? I will plant a couple Tomatoe plants at camp. So if i need something for a sandwich--it will be close by. I hear everone talking about planting ghost peppers this year....too hot for me.
Vince P
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 09:41am
I cleared 30+ trees last summer (see my post on the "Stihl or Husqvrna" thread) and built nine 4'x8' raised beds last fall, plus a large herb garden. The plan is to grow the following this year:
-Three varieties of tomatoes -eggplant -Romaine lettuce -cucumber -bell pepper -Squash -two varietries of chile pepers -a large variety of herbs -maybe potatoes -Planted apple, peach and fig trees- Already had a bumper crop of figs last year
Vince P
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 09:44am
... also plan to start a potato garden at the cabin. They're the only plants I can think of that the wildlife won't wipeout when I'm not there.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 09:55am
LOVE my garden..... The plan this year is one at home and one at the cabin: Sweet corn Green , red and yellow peppers Spinach Leaf Lettuse Carrots Radishs Tons of maters Onions Squash Peas and beans, and im planting some berry bushes !!! Cant wait !!! Im trying to figure out how to keep the deer from eating it at the cabin.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 10:03am - Edited by: bugs
I said it once and will say it again..... You are a turkey. LOL
Yesterday it was -19C with a wind chill of -27C, there is three feet of snow in our back yard and out at our property. The only thing we will be gardening for awhile are snowmen and snow angels.
A person once said to me that SK and like areas with its harsh climate makes people intensely appreciate each season much more than those in the south (sipping their mint juleps/bourbon and branch and fanning themselves on their verandahs) or along the west coast (ie Victoria) where they can garden almost year round. Maybe the season intensity is what is the allure for living here.
Now I must go out and shovel the patio and sidewalk.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 10:25am - Edited by: turkeyhunter
saw 8 deer in the pasture behind the house this morning---they must smell the garden going in...........
Quoting: Vince P built nine 4'x8' raised beds last fall
that about the size of my raised bed, always had a garden never had a raised one, a friend of mine has a raised bed garden and i think he got more vegggies off it , than i did with my big garden.
all my fruit trees, in the orchard have bloomed, peaches, pears, fig trees putiing out green leaves, plums tres bloomed, and blueberries are leafed out and getting ready to bloom........
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 10:30am - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: bugs Now I must go out and shovel the patio and sidewalk.
i am shoveling sunshine and cutting grass......... been to SK ( Cabri) twice duck and goose hunting--beautiful place and lots of game.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 10:33am - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: naturelover66 Im trying to figure out how to keep the deer from eating it at the cabin.
ie: hunting---with your new gun and gun permit!!!!!! and then you will have cubed steak, deer sausage and backstrap to go with all those veggies out of the garden!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-))
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 11:07am
backstap ?? what the heck is that?? I dont eat meat by the way....... lol
Vince P
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 11:24am
Quoting: Vince P I cleared 30+ trees last summer (see my post on the "Stihl or Husqvrna" thread) and built nine 4'x8' raised beds last fall, plus a large herb garden. The plan is to grow the following this year: Also going to try planting a row of strawberries. Already have wild strawberries and blackberries growing at the cabin!
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 01:09pm
At my city house I have 2 raised bed gardens 4x8. I used tumbled stone and used the top layer longways so i can sit and reach into my garden.... i have hated stoop work since I was a kid. Anyway I use the square garden technique. There are several websites but you mix compost, vermiculite and peatmoss. Its great. I then put pvc pipe lattice in 1 foot squares in each bed. These gardens grow food like nobodies business..... huge output. Very little weeds and never needs to be tilled. Each year I just add a little compost and sometimes a little peat. Dirt is never clumpy... I just can't say enough how good this system works.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 03:53pm
Sounds like Turkey Hunter can throw a heck of a Thanksgiving dinner for all of us this year.Fresh wild turkey and all home grown fixings to boot!
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 04:51pm
Quoting: rayyy Sounds like Turkey Hunter can throw a heck of a Thanksgiving dinner for all of us this year.Fresh wild turkey and all home grown fixings to boot!
we have a crowd at the house for Thanksgiving........come on down we will sit you a plate out, and pour you a glass of sweet tea in a mason jar!!!!!
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 04:58pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: naturelover66 backstap ?? what the heck is that??
here ya go, a small doe backstrap soaked in zesty itailian dressing over night, and grilled over a open fire of charcoal and hickory............yum yum..........tastes just like lettuce....... :-)

# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 06:31pm - Edited by: hattie
We have a greenhouse (still snow on the ground here) and raised bed gardens outside. In the greenhouse we grow: tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, herbs, peppers (the aphids love 'em), green beans, peas, carrots, radishes, and green onions. We grow the same outside (when it gets warmer *S*), just more of them. Also have 3 apple trees, one plum tree, strawberries and lots of raspberries.
To keep the deer from our veggies, we bought a "scarecrow" from Cdn. Tire. It works by battery and hooks up to the hose. A motion sensor triggers the hose to blast water at any movement. Works GREAT! For a couple of years I also used fabric softener sheets cut up and tied to the fruit trees in our front yard (can't use the scarecrow in the front yard or we'll have some angry motel guests *S*). They worked great but eventually the deer figured they were no threat and now just ignore them. This year I am going to try soaking fabric softener sheets in Plant Skydd. I don't want to spray the Plant Skydd on the trees cuz it's blood, so I thought maybe soaking sheets in it and tying them on the trees might work. We will see. My only fear is it might attract bears.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 08:31pm
backstrap huh........ i think i will stick with my rabbit food. But , thanks for the picture....... I take photos of our garden every year........... and also my flowers. I grow Sunflowers every year also...... the sweet little squirrels love them !! What you call varmints ...... i call Patients.. lol Heres a picture of one of my favorites...... he was brought in by the police before his eyes opened. I fed him kitten formula every three hours til he was weaned and released. In this picture hes 8 weeks old. lisas_sunflowers2009.jpg
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# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 10:02pm
bought my first seeds at the hardwere today made me feel better it was -12 c. last night ..I just bought the cold weather stuff , lettus parsly, beats, peas, radish.turnip, i hope I forgot somthing so I can go back tomorrow!!!
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 10:08pm
Man, that "backstrap" makes me wish I was a hunter! yum :)
# Posted: 25 Mar 2011 11:30pm
naturelover66 - Oh he is such a cute little guy. I love them too. *S*
# Posted: 26 Mar 2011 05:36am
Quoting: naturelover66 I grow Sunflowers
they grow a lot of sunflowers here in the south for dove fields. btw good PIC!!!!
Quoting: naturelover66 sweet little squirrels
very cool!!!!!
# Posted: 31 Mar 2011 09:57pm
Just got in a whole bunch of beneficial bugs for the greenhouse. The ladybugs are doing the nasty in there - but they are eating the bugs because I saw them.
We also got APHIDOLETES APHIDIMYZA for aphids and ENCARSIA FORMOSA for white flies. The Encarsia Formosa are on little cards that we place around the greenhouse. The Aphidoletes Aphidimyza have to hatch first. I have them in a warm place and am supposed to check on them periodically. The ladybugs are supposed to be released in stages, so while we wait a couple of days we keep the rest of them in the fridge so they will go dormant. I will be curious if these bugs will be successful in eating all the bad bugs. We sure had a bad aphid problem last year.
Mom will be here in a couple of weeks for a one week visit. She just told me she HATES ladybugs cuz they smell when you squish them. *sigh* I told her there will be no "squishing" my expensive imported bugs.
# Posted: 12 Apr 2011 05:28pm
got the squash and cucumbers in, pepper plants, tomatoe plants.........got a little rain shower last night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i ready for a "mater samich" :) amd fresh veggies...........
# Posted: 12 Apr 2011 08:45pm
nice......... i hope they grow strong and plentiful. We had ONE nice warm day here last weekend............ i planted some sunflowers.
# Posted: 12 Apr 2011 09:29pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: naturelover66 We had ONE nice warm day here last weekend............ i planted some sunflowers.
THANKS!!!!! hope it warms up in your neck of the woods soon.............been high 70's............to 90!!!! here the last 3 weeks.........most days in the LOW 80's......... sunflower's ---we plant them here in the south for dove fields.......really pretty in late summer/early fall.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2011 09:58pm
mayo planted some things.i dont know what really.just at our house in town.i got some heirloom seeds planted. some new zealand spinach,some radishes,some carrots.our rhubarb is coming up.i need to fertilize it. the blueberries seem to have alot of buds on them. once we move to the woods we will have to do a real study on what we can plant.root crops but we here there is alot of teeny tiny moles that eat tree roots and whatever else they can.then there is the cold that can happen almost any nite of the yr. all i see growing right now is tiny wild strawberries.if they got any strawberries on them at all.we would need 600 wild berries to fill a cup.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2011 10:18pm
turkeyhunter - you are so lucky with your warm weather. We keep getting sprinkles of snow still. *sigh* We did plant the onions, lettuce and radishes outside, but so far only the radishes are brave enough to peek above the ground. Our strawberry plants are covered in mesh to keep the deer out because they are just starting to show some green.
The greenhouse is doing well. We've been picking radishes, green onions, lettuce and spinach. The peas and beans are in flower and the tomatoes plants are getting bigger.
The beneficial bugs we bought seem to be earning their keep. *S*
# Posted: 23 Apr 2011 08:59am - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: cabingal3 tiny wild strawberries.if they got any strawberries on them at all.we would need 600 wild berries to fill a cup.
Cabi3 --the strawberry farms near me ( the pick your own),,,,,,have been selling for about 2 weeks, they are huge and sweet.
Hattie, glad you got some plants in the ground. It will warm up soon for you. I have small figs and small blueberries, My pepper plants--i have one that is ready to bloom. The raised bed garden i done this year looks like it will do fine. Squash /cucumbers are growning, and mater plants are growing. I did the cow manure/rotten hay, vermiculite and peatmoss, topsoil ,leaves, some lime. I put in next to my barn , i just hope it get enough sunlight. I get morning sun and a little early afternoon sun on it.
BTW-- the Vidalia onions just hit the local stores and roadside stands---fine eating for sure.
# Posted: 23 Apr 2011 11:27am
i was looking up at chemult,oregon area and our soil at our woods is pumice.so it will be hard to grow things up there without alot of help to the pumice soil.i found out that blueberries grow good up there if u mix pumice with 50% peet and something else.i forgot what it was.i have to re-study...i know a neighbor up by our cabin ordered a load of soil.i was like where is it??they brought him the local soil.it was pumice...for 700$.whoa! poor buddy! so we at least know not to order a load of soil locally.we will have a challenge to grow things up in the mts when u mix our soil with the fact that it can freeze anynite of the year there.soo.i think root crops will be good for us to work on.and we will have to have a green house.There is a structure out there already.just needs windows put on it...all around and a roof cover .it wil take alot of figuring.
# Posted: 23 Apr 2011 05:48pm
cabingal3 - get yourself a couple of composters and start composting your scraps...Veggies, fruit, coffee grounds, tea bags and leaves, newsprint, paper towels, grass, leaves...Pretty much anything except meat, oil and fat. You won't believe how great the soil is you will get from the composters. It will take a long time to get lots of it, but you have to start somewhere. *S* Our veggies grow much stronger and faster when planted in compost from the composters. It really cuts down on our garbage as well. Best part is IT'S FREE!!!! *S*
Gary O
# Posted: 24 Apr 2011 09:44am
Quoting: naturelover66 What you call varmints ...... i call Patients.. lol Heres a picture of one of my favorites...... he was brought in by the police before his eyes opened. I fed him kitten formula every three hours til he was weaned and released Slow day at the precinct? H-e-y-y-y-y-y-y, w-a-i-t a minute....izzat baby tree rat sittin' on a grill????
Quoting: turkeyhunter ready for a "mater samich" :) Lawdy, TH, that's one of my specialties. Nothin' better'n freshly homemade bread, lightly toasted, a bit a' melted butter and mayo (not too much), salt, pepper, and thin sliced maters, piled high, direct from the garden. M-M-M-M
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