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# Posted: 29 Mar 2011 05:17pm
do u miss your cabin and woods when u can not get there??i sure do.i seem to loose track of my woods and cabin life when i do not go there too often.its been so long it seems.waiting for the snow to melt down some so we can get thru. not complaining just stating a fact. u,that live at your cabin are so fortunate. i envy u so.well one day.one day we will be down there waking up to the fresh air,the animals all about,exercise and cheap good living.wholesome living.i can never decide if i want to put my garden gnomes about the place or not.i think they would be cute placed here and there. the grandsons are going down with us.they want to tear apart the campers down there.so we may have them.we need to tuff them up in the ways of the wild.they are city boys.mama warns them before we go...dont go out into the woods.shes never been down there.anyway.cannt wait.counting the days till we can go.trying to push it out of my mind,and enjoy the nature around us where we live in the city.woods surround us here but we are not allowed to go into them.
# Posted: 1 Apr 2011 01:46am
I hear you! Can't wait.
# Posted: 11 Apr 2011 11:34am
hello cabin buddies. i am excited.we are headed to our land this coming weekend.whee. i miss it so.its so in my heart.well,we will be checking out the well pipes,and exploring our newly aquired property.see whats on it.what we have to tear down. we will take the grandsons later on in the summer.well report when we get back.hugs rae
# Posted: 11 Apr 2011 01:31pm
Great news Cabi !! I hope you have a wonderful time !!!
# Posted: 11 Apr 2011 05:57pm
Thank u naturelover66 so much. hey gar...our boy was out there and i heard from him finally.He said we have to walk in.He said snow is iced over so we can walk in on top of snow. also he talked to Mel.so all is good.Stever went up to Crater lake or tried to.25 feet of snow there.hugs cabi3
# Posted: 11 Apr 2011 06:17pm
cant wait to get there. my honey-do-list is keeping me here but not for long.
# Posted: 15 Feb 2012 04:52am
been missing our woods and i dont have to miss them much more.we are headed there this coming week.the mister is laid off that week.so we will have a nice long week in the woods. it is ten degrees down there this morning.brr.invigorating. we are going to burn piles of trash wood.It will feel so wonderful come spring to see all this stuff gone and bare ground. i dont know what else we will do down there but the wood burning should keep us busy. we got some new stick on l.e.d. lites and lanterns.i am eager to try the l.e.d. lanterns cause of no worries about fires. we asked a local to please plow the snow past our drive way instead of block us out of our property.so we are expecting to not have to hike in for once. i am on the look out for squirrels for some stew. and for tanning. will have photos when we get back.
# Posted: 15 Feb 2012 08:42am
Good hunting cab
# Posted: 15 Feb 2012 12:54pm
thanks Just.i sure will have fun even if i dont get a thing...
# Posted: 17 Feb 2012 11:24am
I've been missing my cabin in the woods my whole life. MAYBE eventually I can get enough money saved up...
# Posted: 17 Feb 2012 02:30pm
Quoting: Stophel I've been missing my cabin in the woods my whole life. MAYBE eventually I can get enough money saved up... me too i tell u.we finally got a flat piece of land for our old bodies to be able to work on the land.we got it for 100$ a month and 100$.we never built on it Stophel till we realized it was paid off.it took forever.our cabin was so cheap.we built it ourselves and cleared off the land minus any big vehicles such as tractors or bulldozers.this is still our motto-put that cabin in a clearing.we got some really nice windows for free from a yard sale we happened upon.we left them out there and someone took them.so the next time the mister made the windows for the cabin. theres lots of free building materails on craigs list.once we got a mess of free railroad ties...for free. i see these railroad ties at home depot for 20$ each and they do not look in too good of shape i tell u. well getting ready.its gonna be cold.we are taking our wooly boogers to stay warm.make two blackberries pies today,packed up a wooden shelf i got for free .i want to put it in my kitchen.got the dried goods packed up.got the clothes packed.fill up the water jugs.we are heading out early in the morning.hugs! today i have been getting ready everyone.
# Posted: 17 Feb 2012 05:51pm
Have fun Cabi ! XO 
# Posted: 17 Feb 2012 06:35pm
enjoy your cabin this weekend!!!!!
# Posted: 17 Feb 2012 08:53pm
thanks dear ones.we sure will.nipped into the blackberry pie tonite.oh dear.well not enough room in the jeep for two pies with all we are taking.so i helped us. hee hee. getting excited.the mister will have to talk to me and not be on his groups.snicker.we can talk,walk,read,burn piles of scraps from tearing down that camper.i can hunt. it will be wonderful.looking forward to seeing what i call the back tundra. and how frozen over the place is and enjoying the cold.be back with photos.i hope a get a squirrel too.
# Posted: 21 Feb 2012 09:18pm
this is our time in the woods. alot of the roads in our area were so blocked off from snow.ours was not cause our neighbor lives out there full time.The plowing stops right after his drive and then there is our place next.nope.no plowing.deep snow but we made it thru.I sure would hate to have alot of lumber to haul thru the snow to build.thank goodness we have that part snockered for now. we will go out to burn more before the winter is over.Spring is around the corner. we still had alot of fun.we have a ceramic panel propane heater for indoors.it keeps us so warm.we sleep and wake up.turn on the heater and i made coffee,even if it is two in the morning. we sit and read and talk about our books and all we have just read.it is very fun.thne we get sleepy and turn off the heat and wake up and it is morning.we go outside in our shorts in the cold for a quick run to the outhouse.Now that will shiver your timbers i tell u. we ate apples in the nite too and read. we always get the flashlite at all hours and check the temp.we put up the l.e.d. stick up lites in the kitchen and in the outhouse.they sure do work good. now i was speaking with my mister and asked him what color should i paint the kitchen.i do not need it dark.cause in the winter and all the trees about-it is dark.i wonder if i should do a lite green.
oh my word, i forgot to tell u this.u know we have a half door or a dutch door i like to call it or a pie door.it opens in half.the top was open.it had been open all the time.hubby thinks he could have forgotten to lock it or close it last time or it was the chipmunks.oh my.someone could have stolen jennie.and our chain saw and our miter saw.agh. i had nite mares of someone pounding loud on our door that nite.i had dreams of them coming to the back side of the house where the kitchen windows were and trying to shoot at us.it must have been the recipe i used that nite,the scary story i read and the door opened. i made a mixture of white caninella beans and tuna(white albacore)and minced onions and chopped up tomatoes with mayo and put that in a scoop on the plate with a mess of doritos.we were suppose to scoop the mixture up with the doritos.i suppose it sounds gross but it was very good. i think though i had nite mares so vivid...from this.No one goes out our way.there was no foot prints or car tires anywhere cause it is out in the boonies. i took a pie to the woods i made.hubby was eating it.it was in our kitchen and it froze.yes.the whole pie froze.hee hee hee.he was trying to chop it out.i said oh mister.let me put it in the oven to warm it over.i did and we had pie...blackberry pie and coffee fresh made.it was so lovely.and so yummy.he said wow-woman,u can make the pies.
we talked of the potatoes we will grow in the meadow.it will be hard cause all the little critters eat everything. oh.we spoke of...these tiny yellow skinned potatoes an old friend i use to have-grew in his garden in town.I think he called them finnish potatoes. u did not have to peel them.i could try to grow alot of root crops out there and put them in my little canning /root cellar building the mister and i will build together. i saw on a show where they had a bin of carrots nestled in sawdust... i would have to grow quick things up in our woods.
most of the roads out at our area were blocked off with deep snow.only the main drag basically was ok to get into.ours is an offshoot from the main drag of this area.if it were not for our neighbor greg paying for the snow to be plowed to his place-we would really have to haul our stuff very very far and probably get out our snow shoes to get into our woods and our cabin.i do not like to park the jeep way down the road but...no one is out there. so this is our fun time at the woods. me burning
|  next we tear this down
|  the back meadow
|  cabin
# Posted: 21 Feb 2012 11:11pm
Hi cabingal3....It is so great to read about your cabin adventures!!! It sounds like you two are having the time of your lives. Keep it up!
You mentioned growing potatoes but worrying about critters getting them. Some people grow potatoes in barrels and that might solve your problem. I have never tried it, but it seems to make sense that it would work. Here is a link to a place in England that makes them: http://www.gardencentreonline.co.uk/Garden-Care-Planting-Growing-Bags-Botanico-Let-s- Grow-Potato-Barrel/1981-PD/default.html but I'm sure you could probably make one yourself.
# Posted: 21 Feb 2012 11:28pm
Hi cabi ! So glad to hear about your adventure..... Your woods.. the snow...so beautiful. I've read about growing potatoes in tires.... that may work for you? Lisa
# Posted: 21 Feb 2012 11:47pm
cabi - it looks beautiful!!! it sounds like a great weekend and I really enjoyed reading about your adventure....hmmm, I am going to give the potato issue some thought and check it out with Jake, my full time neighbor and our point of sanity when we are trying to figure things out.....I know that he grows his fruit and veg from seed and he has tatos....not sure how they are grown so that the bear, cats, bunnies, etc. don't get them. I will check in with him on our next trip and see what his tricks are.
# Posted: 21 Feb 2012 11:53pm
Quoting: hattie Some people grow potatoes in barrels and that might solve your problem. heck yeah.oh my word!!Hattie.thank u a million times over.i plumb forgot about the potatoes in the barrels.i will do this. thanks everyone.
# Posted: 23 Feb 2012 10:14am
Sounds like the two of you had a wonderful time together at your little hideaway!!! The snow is absolutely beautiful isn't it!?!
# Posted: 26 Feb 2012 12:30am
just the best i tell u.just love that cabin in the woods.too too nice.
# Posted: 26 Feb 2012 01:32pm
cabingal3...I can totally relate...I love our cabin too!!! The last time we went up and you know when you are so happy about something and you can't stop talking about it and you start to sound like a drunken fool...well at least that is the best way I can describe it...................that is how I was------------- "I love our cabin, I just love it here. Don't you, I mean I can't say it enough, I LOVE our cabin, totally in love with it, it is the best thing, better than I thought it would be, I mean I love our cabin, don't you?, don't you just love our cabin? It's perfect, so worth it, I love our cabin..." My husband is looking at me like I've gone off the deep end!!!! LOL!!!! But really...I LOVE OUR CABIN! I can tell you love yours the same way 
# Posted: 26 Feb 2012 06:51pm
*ROTFL* You guys are hilarious!! But I do know where you are coming from. We loved ours so much that's why we moved here full time. *S*
# Posted: 26 Feb 2012 07:44pm
LOL!!!! It's true though...I LOVE OUR CABIN!!!!!
# Posted: 26 Feb 2012 10:49pm
Quoting: trollbridge LOL!!!! It's true though...I LOVE OUR CABIN!!!!! lol.my words and thoughts exactly.the quiet.the nature of it all.i like to walk about the woods and see all there is to see.i think wow.we have a pretty big yard.i love that its just me and the mister up there and our private project.i love we are independant and have rebuffed offers when we are out there...for staying at others guest cabins,or showers or help.i love we are dreaming of this together and its like an exciting subject just as u say trollbridge-u love to talk about it .think about the place and dream of the next time u get to go up there.i love when we talk of our plans.and its nothing really set in stone as it is a learning experience for the mister and me...on how to live off the grid,how to get water right to the cabin,how to get a sawdust toilet going.How to build the mister a workshop and additions onto our cabin.all just so fun and interesting. i love our cabin and our woods.hee hee.
# Posted: 28 Feb 2012 07:48pm
Quoting: cabingal3 i love our cabin and our woods.hee hee I AM BURSTING AT THE SEAMS WITH HAPPINESS FOR YOU 'cause I know EXACTLY how intense that is for you!! 
# Posted: 29 Feb 2012 12:22am
thank u trollbridge.I know all us cabin dwellers feel intensely the same about our land.
# Posted: 29 Feb 2012 10:11am
Quoting: cabingal3 .I know all us cabin dwellers feel intensely the same about our land. Yes exactly cabingal3...that is why this is such a great site with great people...
# Posted: 5 May 2012 02:26pm
sometimes u just have to get out of Dodge.and we r going to do this very very soon.i just cannt wait.lucky u who are at your cabins this weekend.
# Posted: 5 May 2012 04:04pm
Quoting: cabingal3 sometimes u just have to get out of Dodge No sh**!!!!!!!! Amen sister!!!!! You know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I start going MENTAL when I don't get out of here!!!!!!!! Can you tell????????? 
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