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Small Cabin Forum / Properties / First post from FtheGov.......
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# Posted: 30 Jan 2017 16:39

Hello to all members! This question is more based on Ontario residents. As you can see from my form name, I am not a supporter of the corrupt government. I am a licensed trades man and I have a degree. That being said after a younger ex. Well maybe a couple of them, made off with their fare share of what was rightfully theirs. I really feel like I would like to get back to the country. I live in city limits now but used to live in apsley Ontario, and markstay ontario. On acreage. I love the country. With the prices of properties going fing crazy I'd like to build a cabin off grid where nobody would even see my place 50+ acres. I really like the apsley, Coe hill and Bancroft area. Anyone have any loopholes that would "pass" for my "hunt camp". Solar panels, cabin, and a road to my spot. That's all I need. So if someone knows some loopholes that have worked for them please share.

It's unreal to me to be having to ask for loopholes in by-laws on my 50-160 acres that is owned (or will be) by me!!!! This is insanity people.

# Posted: 30 Jan 2017 16:48

I hear its pretty tough in Ontario Canada. Its much easier here in the states, but I imagine it will get tougher here too. Cabineering is starting to get squeezed here too. Some areas more so than others. Owning a chunk of timberland with a little cabin in the middle of it has been a lifelong dream of mine since i was a kid. I was able to fulfill that dream starting back in 05 with 20 acre land purchase, 08 with cabin build and in 15 on my neighbors 20 acres I purchased. Its been a blast. When I am not there, I am home dreaming up more things to do, several big projects in the works and many small projects always in the works.
I couldn't imagine a generation where cabin building is all by regulated out of existence and the only option is what is already in place. Be a crime IMHO.

Good luck to you.

# Posted: 30 Jan 2017 17:54

I viewed a property with an un-permitted hunt camp "somewhere in S. Ontario" to say the most. The owner built it under the spruce trees so it was not visible on the sat images. The broker kept saying it would be grandfathered, but I was not interested in the property after all so did not bother making inquiries.
Why I am saying that, is because no one really could find out. It was in the bush, out of sight, and not visible on the aerial or sat pictures. Looking from Google Earth I could not tell there was a structure there, and trust me after looking for a good lot for the last 5-6 years I have the eyes of a hawk when it comes to spotting the lot features.
So it is possible, if no one complains, to build a small structure and keep quiet. But if you want to abide by the regulations, check the by-laws - they may or may not require septic and drilled well. With so many municipalities in this area, it's hard to tell for sure, and across the road it may be legal what is not legal on your side.

# Posted: 30 Jan 2017 18:20

You may have to go to Northern Ontario in an unorganized township to get the land you want at a decent price and avoid a lot of regulations. I guess that really depends on your work situation and other family and friend factors. Here is a thread that had a bit of info and a few links about buying land.

# Posted: 30 Jan 2017 18:58 - Edited by: Wendigolake

The Apsley and Bancroft areas are great areas to live. I know the area quite well. I would think that there is just too many people in the area to build something and not be worried that somewhere down the line you will be found out and then the spam will hit the fan. KelVarnsen made a good point that I agree with. Northern Ontario has still quite a few "unorganized townships". I have my cottage in one around the Earlton area. No permits needed to build. Septic and hydro need a permit but if your off the grid and have no septic system and are not hooked to the grid even those permits are not necessary. The only people that take notice is our MPAC government people for property tax purposes. They however do not hassle you if your cottage is water access only. They have never seen my cottage but occasionally send out a form for you to document your property upgrades. I don't know anyone who fills the form out saying what their real upgrades are.

Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 31 Jan 2017 01:16

We are in the area and have nothing but good experiences with the building inspector. We had a bunkie for years before we built with no permit and no problem. This was on a major lake and visible from the lake, no issue. The permitting and building was smooth as well, we are water access and are permitted a composting toilet and grey water system. All but one of our inspections were completed by sending photos to the inspector.

I know of many "hunt camps" in the area that do not meet code and are in use all the time with no issue.

# Posted: 31 Jan 2017 13:46

Thank you for your insight. I saw a cabin (just over 200sq ft) in the albin area yesterday off grid, solar, compost toilet outside, and on 6 acres. People were living in it and had no issues. It was in plain sight (about 100 ft) off the dirt road. They told me the inspector had no issues with them doing it. This blows my mind as I thought this one breaks all the bylaws. More power to them !!!!

# Posted: 31 Jan 2017 14:07

(They told me the inspector had no issues with them doing it. ) That doesn't mean anything. Maybe they just told you that. Maybe they never had an inspector on site.

# Posted: 31 Jan 2017 16:31

It's in plain sight !!!!! On one of the busier dirt roads in the area. There is houses along the road and a trailer park on the water at the end. This one would not fly under the radar ! Even if they lied to me, the township would of been there by now. It's in about as plain sight as something can be.

# Posted: 31 Jan 2017 18:32

maybe your right, but be prepared just in case. Inspectors change, bosses change, mandates change. Assuming your planning for the longer haul. What you can get away with now, might not be 1, 5 or more years from now.

# Posted: 31 Jan 2017 23:46

Ontario lakeside

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