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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / 10 x 12 small cabin
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# Posted: 4 Oct 2010 14:45

Quoting: Moontreeranch
Looks like your using a honda ultra quiet generator...1000 or 2000...any trouble running a big cicular saw with that?

wonderin about my 12amp worm drive and a small unit like that..I hae not picked up the generator yet...wondering if the 2000 can supply those big loads

Moontreeranch, the Honda EU2000i works fine. I use a Skil Mag case worm drive and it runs it no problem. I run it in "eco mode" so the idle tapers way off. I just have to hit the trigger on the saw under no load and wait a second for the gennie speed to bump up before I get into the wood, only takes a few seconds is all and if you are doing multiple cuts, I just keep my finger on the trigger and dont stop before making the next cut. The start up on a worm drive consumes more than a conventional circular saw.

old ugly
# Posted: 21 Mar 2016 21:55

well its been a long time since I posted anything.
I used the cabin lots and it was a great place but I just sold it, sad. it was a long 12hr drive. which is just too much.
but the good news is my wife and I are buying bush acres with in 2 hr drive of where we live so we can use it more.
so starts the next small cabin project. maybe a bit bigger but not bigger than 200sq ft.

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