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# Posted: 28 Dec 2012 10:39am - Edited by: camogirl
Well I am new here and very excited. Glad google led me here. There are so many great articles to read that I loose track of time, opps. I have been searching for pictures or something for building a cabinet to house the RV stove and Refrigerator in my cabin. We won't be building until the spring of 2013. Right now we are browsing craigslist and ebay for stuff . We really hit it on craigslist. A young guy and his friends bought a older 20' camper and pretty much gutted it to make a ice fishing shack. I was lucky enough to see their ad on craigslist. Bought everything for less than $75 and it all works. I am hoping someone has a picture of their built in RV stove/refrig that they would like to share. Our cabin size will be 14'x20' and on skids in case we want a different view someday.
# Posted: 28 Dec 2012 10:45am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
I have photos of my kitchen and in it I have an RV oven/cooktop. I'll see if I can find it.
I'm at work, so I cant post my picture, but here is the link to the page with it. http://www.small-cabin.com/forum/6_2087_0.html#msg29457
# Posted: 28 Dec 2012 10:59am
can you use the original counter and cabinetts from the camper? when i moved to my place i lived out of a little tow behind camper (16' camper made in 1970), when my cabin was up and i wanted kitchen cabinets and shelves I gutted them out of the camper (took them apart in large pieces and reassembled them in the cabin mounting them to the cabin wall instead, they were held down with a few nails and easy to pull up with a pry bar). set it close to the wood stove so it can be used as a kitchen counter and wood fired range (heating the cabin in winter, cooking on it takes no additional fuel). your cabin is about the same size as mine (12x20 and on skids).
I also stripped out the light fixtures and the kitchen table and seats. overhead cabinettes etc. I stripped out everything i could use. if you can get the fixtures i reccomend using them rather than trying to custom make something. the appliances won't easily fit in regular household cabinettes and the camper ones were designed specifically for them. other than that you may have to custom build the cabinettes from scratch.
I don't have a picture right now, don't have a camera
# Posted: 28 Dec 2012 10:17pm
The RV ovens look great, especially in a smaller cabin.
Got mine used for $100. It has a cover for the top to conceal the burners and it give me more storage space too.
# Posted: 28 Dec 2012 11:07pm
Hey WildMan So these young guys just gutted the trailer. There are no cabinets left. Would have been nice.
# Posted: 28 Dec 2012 11:18pm
Those cabinets are just beautiful. Did you build them yourself? If you did how did you do the frame to support the oven/stove? Wish my stove had one of those covers.
# Posted: 29 Dec 2012 11:54am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: camogirl Those cabinets are just beautiful. Did you build them yourself? If you did how did you do the frame to support the oven/stove? Wish my stove had one of those covers.
Thanks camogirl (you like to hunt?) They are custom built. Retailed for about $6500. I have friends in the business, the total cost was about $2300. This includes the overhead cabinets too. All blu motion, made to look 100 yrs old, ie worm holes drilled into it and dings and dents installed. (you can see the holes and dings in the below photo)
The oven is supported on the counter top only. All RV stoves are done this way. Leave a specified gap between the counters on each side of it. The cabinet builder gave me some filler strips. This was to fill the gap on each side of the range (I glued and pinned it with brad nailer) and the under stove drawer also have a filler above it to fit up to the bottom of the stove. Then I notched the counter top (I built the counter myself, much easier than one thinks)
The counters are made from particle board (its the smoothest/flattest) and you want to install wood glue over the exposed end grain where the cut out is. If you dont, water can get under the stove from wiping the counters and swell up the particle board. This seals it from water. Same for the back area against the wall, even if you have a back-splash in place. To the far right of the overhanging cabinet is another filler strip to move the cabinet away from the wall about 1.5 inches or the cabinet being flush would now allow the door near the wall to open properly. Also pinned and glued to the cabinet itself. Install was a breeze, but I had a perfectly plumb and level floor/walls.
Here is a photo of another angle, the area where the under cabinet light is will eventually be a sink.
# Posted: 29 Dec 2012 08:58pm
Toyota, Yes I do hunt. Just a little bragging here. I took a nice 6 pointer the last day of our bow season and 5 days later during our gun season I took a really nice 10 pointer with a 20 1/4" inside spread. whaahoo..... Best season ever. Back to cabinets. I have a friend that has a camper and I will take a look at his to see exactly how it is mounted. By the way you described it, it doesn't sound so hard. I live in a area where there are quite a few Amish/Mennonite cabinet makers. Maybe I can trade driving time for cabinet work. Worth a try. And your cabinets do look just as you described them. Can't wait until spring to start our cabin.
# Posted: 31 Dec 2012 09:04am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
CamoG, nice kill! 
I havent purchased my hunting license in 4 yrs straight, spend all my vacations playing around with the cabin. State has really tightened up, raised cost, severely shortened season, plus so many branched antler restrictions and GMU restrictions, I grew weary of it. It condenses too many hunter in smaller areas (dangerous) and I have bow hunted the last dozen years just because of the overcrowding in the woods.
OK, to give you a better idea what the cabinet set up will be like for an RV stove, go to: http://www.small-cabin.com/forum/8_941_2.html
About 1/3rd the way down, a picture of me sanding/making my counter tops, stove area exposed. Notice the "notched" counter top, the opening doesnt go back al the way. The rear opening was supported with a cross member tying into both cabinets on each side so it wouldnt sag with the cooktop over time as was the sides. The supports where glued and nailed in place, and extended to the cabinet surfaces to carry the load. All end grain exposed in openings was sealed with wood glue.
You can see the small filler strips glued and nailed on each of the cabinets on each side. (was only about a 1" strip) cabinet mfg supplied the strips and I just needed to cut them down to fit. The stove anchors on the top only (screwed down) and not at all in the cabinets.
# Posted: 1 Jan 2013 10:33pm
toyota, I did look at the picture with the empty cabinet. Looks very easy to do. Always works better for me if I can see it verses reading about DIY'ing about it. As far as our hunting goes, here in Wisconsin we are very reasonably priced on tags even out of state tags.
# Posted: 4 Jan 2013 02:59pm
camogirl, well done on the hunt. Plenty of meat for the freezer this winter. Any pics to share?
# Posted: 6 Jan 2013 08:24pm
Sorry about the delay from here BigDuke6. Just bought a new desktop with Windows 8 and have nothing but trouble not to mention it is chewing up my bandwith faster than I can figure out what is happening. So long story short....unplugged it, fired up my trusty XP laptop here. Hope the picture comes through. 
# Posted: 6 Jan 2013 08:56pm
Nice buck! And, you should have gotten a Mac.... What size rifle to you shoot?
# Posted: 6 Jan 2013 09:15pm
Thanks, I sure was excited. Long time hunting and first one I can mount. I use a Lever Action 30-30. I love my Lever Actions. Taking in the new pc and having Windows 7 installed instead. I was reading that maybe someone hijacked by IP address?? Don't understand that part but will find out this week. Just glad I can use my laptop.
# Posted: 6 Jan 2013 11:05pm
That mount will look great in your cabin! Congrats! I have heard that Windows 8 is :
# Posted: 7 Jan 2013 07:02am
Here is my kitchen.I have an RV stove and frig.It's not finished yet but functional.
# Posted: 18 Jan 2013 09:27am
Montanagirl Can't wait to get the mount back to put up on my wall. Yes Windows 8 is unbelievably bad. I have satellite were I live and I only buy 10 gbs per month. Bought this on 26 of Dec. and in 4 days was through my bandwidth. Had no idea what had happened. Thought someone had hacked my bandwidth, if that was possible. Took the pc in and $100 later was told it was Windows 8 that chewed it up. Seems everytime you click on a tile it uploads/downloads something huge. To say I was upset is a understatement.
# Posted: 18 Jan 2013 09:30am
rayyy Your kitchen is looking good also. Can't wait until spring to start our cabin. Started a folder with pictures, floor plans and ideas.