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# Posted: 9 Oct 2015 08:16pm
thanks, hattie. I painted that little table. my check love. lol 
Gary O
# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 08:23am
Quoting: abby I'm not sure anyone is reading this. It's just that it's difficult for some of us to type with their mouth open
# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 08:40am
awww, Gary. isn't it amazing that the beauty of autumn never gets old? how I wish it lasted longer, but I'm always grateful to be out walking early morning no matter the season in the beauty of nature. see, Gary, I also get that lovely early morning coffee just taking it all in. out walking early morning
|  I could walk forever. my dog...not so much
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# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 09:43am
Oh i am reading it !!! Your cabin is charming. Love your decorating and use of space. Its wonderful.
# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 10:13am
thanks!! one thing I loved about putting in the glass door was now I can fit a Christmas tree. I put it out in the sun room, but we can see it from our chairs. it's out of the way, and that's so nice so my dog doesn't take it out with one tail swipe. lol a big tree again.
|  can see the tree, but not in the way!
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# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 10:48am
last post for today, but just wanted to mention stairs. ours aren't fancy, just polyed over framing lumber. at first we just had the hand rail on the wall with the stairs open. again..nice look in a small space. but a couple years ago I tripped at the top. I'd like to tell you I fluttered down like a graceful ballerina, but I flew off like a ton of bricks. I'm only probably alive because my head missed hitting the wood stove by inches. I broke my collarbone, ribs, all bones in my left foot. the nice thing about small is after a couple weeks I could scoot around on a small stool with wheels. lol my entire left side was wiped out. my point is when building...think about that extra handrail. hub put those spindles and rail in right after my fall. I suppose if I decide to try flying, I am to have more to grab on the way down.
# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 03:25pm
LOL, I totally agree with Gary's comment! I've been reading and viewing and enjoying! And keeping up with the story of your cabin as it unfolds.
I AM interested in your water setup as I'll be doing a cistern and am in the planning stages! Also, you mentioned "electric" -- do you have utility electricity or solar, generator, something else?
Love, love, love your cabin and homestead! What a sense of accomplishment and contentment you must feel! 
# Posted: 13 Oct 2015 07:00am
I'm with the others...reading and enjoying your pictures, and awaiting the next post to unfold more.
# Posted: 13 Oct 2015 09:57am
so to talk about water...we had a well drilled to approx. 170 ft. deep when they hit water that met all requirements of per gallon, per minute. oh boy did we celebrate that first time of water pumping up. had we known anyone around here, tho, they would have recommended we go deeper. it is perfectly adequate for just us 2, but when we had a drought summer, we found out while the kids were staying over that yes...it could run dry. also as we all know when you lose power, you have no water. not to mention twice we pulled the pump due to a wire break that you find the problem after turning on the spigot and nothing comes out. so hub came up with the plan to put in a 500 gal. cistern. the well pump puts water in to the cistern, and another pump puts water to the house & garage. there are censors in the cistern that light a red light in his control panel when we are below where we should be. (he used to have an alarm in the house that this wife said no to after being scared to death one day. lol) that alerts him to a possible pump problem or water is too low. this probably doesn't make sense to most, but another reason for the cistern is to always have that water if we have a power outage or need to pull the well pump. we also have access to a spring so that we can always fill the cistern if needed during any well repair or loss of power. hub dug the cistern hole and line trenches by hand. (I forgot to mention he also dug the hole for the 1000 gal. septic tank by hand. the tank delivery man said he had only seen that once before with a much smaller tank. for septic system we only hired a back hoe for the leach bed (or is it leech??) we put all the tons of gravel in with wheel barrow loads and the piping in just the two of us. when it passed inspection I wanted to kiss the inspector!) anyway, I was trying not to get too wordy, so I hope it made sense. I found a couple photos of the cistern dig and delivery. we have utility electric to answer that question. it's our only bill, and it's very reasonable. hub says we'll most likely still have the well dug deeper at some point. I'm the hold out since it isn't an issue normally. we'll see who wins that one. haha! be back another day. busy clearing out some bad trees. you know the pain kind that aren't good for fire wood, yet rot makes them have to go.   hub digging the hole for the cistern
|  cistern delivery
|  cistern set in place.
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# Posted: 13 Oct 2015 10:29am
more visitors. by the time I changed the setting on my camera, just caught the end. a dozen turkey. like dinner in your yard. lol every spring they group right behind our house and the fellows put a show on for the gals. boy are they noisey! 
# Posted: 13 Oct 2015 07:09pm
Wow, glad I saw your thread. Very nice!
# Posted: 14 Oct 2015 12:59pm
nice Abby. something about adding a bit, bit by bit, and letting things grow.
# Posted: 14 Oct 2015 03:46pm - Edited by: abby
thanks creeky and Chuck. continuing my ramble had me thinking of the fireplace. we never really intended on putting one in at first, but hub was on a job where the brick layers had cut the bands on bricks delivered only to have the home owner change her mind. they were just going to trash the original brick so hub asked if he could take them. they said sure, so we got them all for free. we had no idea how to build a fireplace, so we researched at the library. (life was weird before google and you tube. we were old-fashioned back then and stayed away from computers. lol) copied plans, and hub went to work. now, if either of us knew anything about wood stoves back then, we would have installed that. but to be honest, I had never even seen a wood stove. when we moved here it became clear that to make that wood actually work for heat, then a wood stove was the way to go. so 8 years ago we bit the bullet and paid the big bucks for our Jotul Oslo model. love that stove to the max! best purchase we ever made, and with our open interior it's now our major heat source. we did install a new oil furnace, and it is used when we're not home or sometimes during the night when it's bitter cold. hub had to raise the mantle up a bit from the top of the stove which is what he is doing in this photo. the stove pipe goes up the existing lined chimney, and we also put insulation down around the pipe. that may be over kill, but it really is good and we only get creosote gunk a bit at the cap where hot meets cold. there is also cement board under the tile floor. prepping for the wood stove
|  yes, we all love that stove.
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# Posted: 16 Oct 2015 08:52am - Edited by: abby
this is our little half bath upstairs in the loft. I am showing it just to mention that when building in a small space, pocket doors are your friend. this is tucked in to one of the dormers. at only 4' X 6' the pocket door allows the space to be used without the thought of allowing for an opening door. on the other side of this space is the floor to ceiling closet with shelves for our folded clothes. we left the ceiling high in this dormer which helps give it a larger feel. darn...I couldn't seem to correct the position of this photo. sorry!
# Posted: 16 Oct 2015 04:11pm - Edited by: abby
edited a post that I realize sort of sounded snotty. lol did you ever do that? write something but then read it later and think ...oh no! somebody might take that wrong. 
# Posted: 17 Oct 2015 12:34pm
Very cute half bath. We are great fans of pocket doors and have many of them in our place and motel. They are great space savers!!!
# Posted: 28 Oct 2015 12:41pm
Hey Abby!
I kept looking at these photos thinking this cabin seemed so familiar. And then your name jogged my memory! You've done so much and I love your home just as much as I remembered before. Do you remember me from the Country Sampler Forum? Tammy (Country Girl at Home)?
Your cabin is so cozy! Your decorating is so cozy and welcoming! And your life just seems so simple and happy! I just love it! Thanks for sharing! 
I've been reading here for awhile. We have land in AL that we hope to build on again one day (in the not so far away future) and we are definitey going to downsize to a cabin.
Anyway, I had to just say hi my friend!
Tammy (in Arkansas)
# Posted: 28 Oct 2015 02:12pm
Tammy! hi! of course I remember you. I have missed your blog. wow, that's exciting. I know your cabin will be so wonderful. so nice to hear from you!
# Posted: 30 Oct 2015 09:50am
well, guys, we are planning a new build. an out building to house my hub's babies. he restores vintage garden tractors for a hobby. and we have many. I will document the build, as I know that is what is appreciated. vintage tractors restored
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# Posted: 6 Nov 2015 12:07pm
nobody is active here I guess, or this isn't interesting. LOL I won't post any more, but will continue to enjoy your building! 
# Posted: 6 Nov 2015 12:30pm
Can't speak for others, but I love new buildings and old tractors! Love your place..so keep posting and I'll keep following. 
# Posted: 6 Nov 2015 01:32pm
Yuppers....keep posting. I'm sure there are lots of us enjoying your pictures!! 
# Posted: 6 Nov 2015 02:49pm - Edited by: abby
life in winter darkness has me putting soft light around. I love these lights on the kitchen pot rack that says...I need coffee before real lights come on. 
# Posted: 6 Nov 2015 03:52pm
it's not like I'm being snotty or something. quite the opposite. I have loved feedback I received, and I adore this forum. I think I must have needed more build photos to be of a bigger interest, and I understand that! oh boy...I have albums. lol but I am now bowing out, but will still peek in on your builds! it's coming in to winter, so maybe we'll all have to wait a bit? I guess folks peek, but seems not much activity as to chat feedback. take care!
# Posted: 6 Nov 2015 07:17pm
You have a beautiful place and something to be very proud of. I do hope you remain a member of this group. I can tell you that there isn't much for posts. I have noticed that through the years and seem like people just don't respond like we should. I am as guilty as the next.
Again I don't know if I have seen a nicer cabin on this as yours. Thanks
# Posted: 6 Nov 2015 07:34pm
You are living the life many of us strive for. Your husband is a kindred spirit doing many of the things that I do (and I so envy his collection of antique tractors). This summer I will build a storage building for my toys and equipment so the "cabin" can be a full-time cabin, not a full-time storage building when we are not there and part-time cabin when we are. Keep us posted on your husband's version of "Jay Leno's Garage"!
# Posted: 6 Nov 2015 07:45pm
Quoting: abby or this isn't interesting No...No...No... Keep posting. 
# Posted: 6 Dec 2015 03:29pm
wishing everyone the very best holiday! this was me upstairs kind of thru the lights on the half wall.   looking over the loft lights
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# Posted: 6 Dec 2015 05:22pm
it has been amazing warm weather so far here. I am not complaining one bit! but the other day we had a dusting of snow, and it felt so festive. I love snow, but not yet.......more in Jan. too much to do this time of year!
# Posted: 6 Dec 2015 06:54pm
I love your Christmas decorations abby! Lovely!!!
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