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# Posted: 4 Mar 2016 04:13pm
LOL! That's what I'm leery about. We didn't have a winter in West Texas this year. Christmas weekend only. But we could get hit. About 5 years ago, it snowed quite a bit on Easter weekend. Texas weather is just nutty.
Do you have the tile on your kitchen countertop? Do you like it? That's my plan. My countertop won't be nearly as long as yours so I'm looking at those square-foot sections of stone pieces mounted on mesh backing that Home Depot has and you just fill in this quickset grout stuff and sealer. Presto, impervious countertop as required by the building code. Hahahahaha. The stone would be tough as nails, too, I think.
Great job on the grout cleaning. Your countertop looks lovely!
# Posted: 4 Mar 2016 04:55pm
yes, it's tile on the kitchen countertop. I love it, altho when I'm rolling out dough I kind of don't. BUT, hub asked if I wanted something new, and I said no. just new grout would do just fine. so I had at it! I love the cottagey look of my tile. I think your plan is awesome, Julie! this up and down weather is frustrating for sure! thanks for your kind words.
# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 05:58pm
it went to 44 degrees today with sunshine. boy, we thought it was so warm! started laying stones for a sidewalk. wow...from the garage to the cottage without being in mud. wowzers! still need to buy a few more to go to the front door. the ones here we got for free, so that was a bonus! look at us getting all fancy!! 
AK Seabee
# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 06:53pm
A mud free path is a HUGE bonus Abby! Are those 2' x 2' stepping stones? I imagine they were pretty heavy and a difficult chore to set. It looks great 😊
# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 07:02pm
Yay! Stepping stones are awesome. A quick upgrade that makes a world of difference!
# Posted: 18 Mar 2016 08:46am
ahhh, spring. everything is on the move. that means the gals decided to chomp on my iris plants. now, that's just not nice as they have acres upon acres of woods to roam. notice the second photo....I think she was laughing at me!!
AK Seabee, yes, those are 2' x 2' stepping stones. 24 stones later, after digging out so many roots, yep...pretty darn heavy! loving it, tho! 
# Posted: 18 Mar 2016 09:12am
Pretty cool deer pictures. They can be a problem but I really like to have them around.
# Posted: 18 Mar 2016 09:31am
we have a love/hate relationship. I love the beauty of them, but hate how destructive they are. one thing is for sure, they don't care how I feel. lol
# Posted: 18 Mar 2016 09:50pm
Lots of deer in my neighborhood. I wonder how they'll react to our moving in, lol? I picture them wondering what the heck species my English bulldog is, hahahaha!
Do you guys have a big dog, Abby? Might help keep the deer away. I'm wanting a Great Pyrenees if I do decide to keep chickens. They're GREAT guardians for flocks. Big beasties, though. I think she'll need her own quarters, lol.
# Posted: 19 Mar 2016 06:24am
I have a German shepherd, Julie. he goes nuts if he thinks there is a dog or cat around, but he never pays any attention to the deer. LOL I don't let him loose, though, cause he is my spoiled baby that I am afraid he would get hurt. I had a Husky that would chase them, but I never let her loose due to her not knowing when to stop!
# Posted: 19 Mar 2016 05:05pm
Hahaha....Love that second photo of the deer.
# Posted: 19 Mar 2016 08:39pm
Here you go!
The Samoyed is a breed of dog that takes its name from the Samoyedic peoples of Siberia. These nomadic reindeer herders bred the fluffy white dogs to help with the herding, and to pull sleds when they moved. An alternate name for the breed, especially in Europe, is Bjelkier.
And it could grin right back at the deer, hahahahaha!
My friend in England has always had German shepherds and adores the breed. Her latest is named George, lol. The British ones are HUGE! They're often called Alsatians. Since I've known her, she's had Lenny and now George and trained them carefully. They could knock you down very easily if they weren't trained, lol.
# Posted: 20 Mar 2016 06:50am
love that photo! what a gorgeous dog that is!! I am also partial to German shepherds. I could never see me having another breed. my dog has been the best friend I could ever wish for. he loves my husband well enough, but I am his person. if I move, he moves. so loyal, loving, protective. yes, I'm over the moon crazy for him. lol altho he is rather large in a small house. I don't keep much down where that infamous tail could take it out in one swoop! 
# Posted: 21 Mar 2016 06:17pm
Dogs are the best! LOL, I could hear my friend in England spew her coffee, though, when I told her I was thinking of raising up a Great Pyrenees from a puppy to guard my future chickens. "Brit (that's my nickname), you KNOW that dog will be huge and will require real training, right?" she said. Nicky knows me. Aside from potty training, my dogs are pretty much free spirits and I revel in their personalities and feed them muffins, hahaha. Then again, she said the same thing when I adopted a Weimaraner and I DID teach that dog basic obedience quite easily. Insanely smart dog was she. I was devastated when she passed away. 
So where in western PA are you from? I grew up in Sharon; my sister lives in Erie.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2016 03:14pm
I'm between Erie and Pittsburgh. never been to Sharon, but I know where it is. I had people say the same to me about German shepherds. 'oh, you MUST have a strong hand..blah, blah'. well he has been such a love. I admit I am like you, tho, in that all I require is potty training. he was trained in two weeks without accidents, so it was a dream. he isn't socialized as I just never had anywhere to take him to be in a crowd. it never bothered me that he might not be friendly to strangers, tho. when we get company I put him in his pen so there are no worries. so, you plan on getting chickens? I want to, yet get nervous I won't know what to do. even tho I read so much. are you from England, Julie? my son-in-law is from Birmingham.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2016 05:29pm
right when we thought spring had sprung.....it's cold. fire season still rules. question.......should I stop posting since it may upset some that it's not relating to building? it's ok, just need to know. 
# Posted: 25 Mar 2016 06:24pm
before I'm told to stop posting, I present to you daffodils and forsythias (sp?) in March. not heard of here. I am usually just wishing I could see our road and not ice this time of year, so this is HUGE. go figure. 
# Posted: 25 Mar 2016 07:46pm
I have so enjoyed sharing with everyone. I am now closing my thread. seems some aren't comfortable with threads that don't just include building. I can understand that to a point. 
# Posted: 25 Mar 2016 08:56pm
I must have missed something , say it isn't so .
# Posted: 25 Mar 2016 10:47pm
abby No way, please don't close your thread. I've decided that no one is holding a gun to anyone's head forcing the reading of non-building posts/threads. This forum is all about people's interests and experiences with small cabins, off-grid life, and such. No journey and life is the same, which is what makes it interesting and valuable, IMO. There's even a subforum for other subjects that don't fit, as I recall.
# Posted: 26 Mar 2016 07:02am
Quoting: abby should I stop posting NO!!! ....Continue to post.
# Posted: 26 Mar 2016 11:24am
please continue 
Gary O
# Posted: 26 Mar 2016 04:25pm
Quoting: abby I am now closing my thread. seems some aren't comfortable with threads that don't just include building No way, abby If you have experienced missing a couple posts, or maybe a derogatory remark, it happens.
You have a great thread, and dedicated followers.
Please continue.
# Posted: 29 Mar 2016 09:44am
oh thanks guys! I remember some time ago I joined a site for small living. well, there I was all loving it when I got a private message from the admin that said, 'please stop posting. we reserve this site for building. you may find it better to find a site more inclined for chat'. now, I didn't take offense, as I totally respect that point. and I'm the first to say that I do tend to just 'chat'! lol I'm still here loving all the builds to the max. when we do something interesting in the building, I'll be posting. thanks again!
# Posted: 10 Apr 2016 11:27am
just saying hello! no building going on around here, as April is having a hissy fit.   cold and snow. where is spring?
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# Posted: 10 Apr 2016 06:00pm
Friends in PA have been telling me about it. It's almost 80 degrees here in TX. We're actually having a real Spring, surprisingly. I remember last year around this time, we hit in the low 100s already, grrr.
I hope you didn't start planting a garden outdoors yet! 
# Posted: 10 Apr 2016 07:45pm
no, no planting for sure. it is 'iffy' to have plants in at the end of May without freaking out for frost. I am that crazy person that doesn't love extreme cold nor heat, so 80 degrees is tooooooo hot for me! 
# Posted: 15 Apr 2016 07:57pm
not a building project for sure, but fencing a little space in front of the garden house for a teenie weenie cottage garden. where the block are there will be a small gate. happy weekend! little protected garden space
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# Posted: 15 Apr 2016 08:34pm
Were the deer watching you and smiling, lol?
# Posted: 16 Apr 2016 08:03am
you know those deer were cracking up, Julie. I am sure I am their comic relief. 
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