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# Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:16pm - Edited by: Nobadays
We are north east of Platoro. Jasper.... top of yellow gate if you get out running around.
I did some research and the forest isn't closed to dispersed camping, it is discouraged but not closed. Fire restrictions are in place, so I'm wondering if the folks the sheriff sent home had a campfire. Highly likely. We burned slash a few days ago.... ignorant of the fire restrictions. FS would have been within their right to fine us. Wouldn't have burned if we had known... kind of out of the loop here, don't listen to local radio as it doesn't come in well.
Can't blame the FS for the cautions.
# Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:42pm
Our county has fire restrictions in place more or less as usual. That means one must have a permit, which the fire marshall usually does by fax or email, or text if he knows you. But they are issuing hardly any at all at present. I had one a month ago, but there was snow in that area.
# Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:32pm
Does anyone know anyone with small businesses that have been able to get the grants/loans/whatever due to the required shutdown?
# Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:47pm - Edited by: ICC
Nope. Know three who applied and we're then denied due to all the monies being already doled out. Also know one business owner (brewery/restaurant that has closed... windows all boarded over to deter vandals)
# Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:22pm - Edited by: darz5150
Quoting: Nobadays A couple of days ago some folks were camping just of the main FS road in an area that is a frequent dispersed camping area.... and the local deputy sheriff sent em packing There is a bar in the local village that also runs multiple baseball fields that was forced to shut down. They recently had cars in the parking lot. They were cooking food outside the bar to raise money for local people in need. Someone called the police on them. About 3 miles down the road. There is another bar/food service/tiny general store, that has large campground nearby with many year round residents that would go there for not just beer etc. but also regular needed supplies or a hot meal. There is mom and pop general store and gas station that also serves home cooked food. They both were shut down. Last week. The people that owned the bar had a local handyman repairing a deck on the back of the building. He was working alone. Inside the bar, the owner and the cook were cleaning the kitchen and also trying to figure out how to sell take out food, because they are about to lose the business. There was also a cleaning lady inside. Cleaning the bathrooms etc. about 50 feet away from the owner and the cook. Again someone called the police on them. Unfortunately, the mom and pop general store that I mentioned. Will probably be closed forever. 3 police officers were sent to the first place I mentioned. The second place 2 officers were sent. In both cases, no violations. It seems this current situation has turned what used to be tiny spots on a map. Where most everyone was friends. Into places where your friends are now frenemies. It reminds me of the old Twilite Zone episode. I think it was called The Shelter.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:55am
I also have recently talked with many with the same story. Now here's the irony. Today my wife talked with 2 guys that used to work with me. I was their boss/ supervisor. They got laid off when this all began. She was surprised to see them. And asked what they were doing. They said they had to go back to work, because a .gov contract. They were not happy. One guy had a take home pay of $500 bucks a week, the other $400 a week when working. When this shutdown happened. One got $1000 per week, the other $900 per week, to not work. But yet the small business owners have been left with nothing but hypothetical lollipops and rainbows. And 2 very hard working guys that I know personally, would rather not work and make more money doing nothing, than they did when they worked.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:39am
We were able to get the PPP grant/ loan for our business. We have 1o employees.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:08am
Excellent!! Good luck.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:47am
My boss applied for the grant/ loan. The funds are gone. Its a 70 year old business here in Michigan and theyre in trouble.
Here in the Detroit area we have major issues. 2700 deaths and over 30 thousand testing positive so far. There are refrigerated semis for all the overflo of deceased behind the local hospitals. Officials have reserved ice rinks if needed. Many ppl are sick and not getting tested. Many are being released from hospitals tho so thats good news and our cases are starting to decline. My family members in the medical field all agree this isnt going away until we have a vaccine. All we can do is think positive and follow medical guidelines. My plans to move up to the cabin in October may be changed. I may go sooner !
Be well everyone. Lisa
# Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:06pm
My boss applied and was successful at getting the PPP loan/grant, approximately 20 employees. We received the money this past Monday.
Its a real shame what is going on with a lot of small businesses. After we got our loan our boss has offered us to order a meal a week for our family, from a local restaurant, no chains, and to put it on our expense reports.
We definitely need to shop local as much as possible when we are allowed out again.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:20pm - Edited by: ICC
Does anyone have properties they rent, residential or commercial? Are you collecting rents, waiving any or reducing?
OR, if you are a renter, has your landlord cut you any slack?
# Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:17pm - Edited by: KinAlberta
Quoting: ICC Does anyone have properties they rent, residential or commercial? Are you collecting rents, waiving any or reducing? ...
We do. Commercial leasing. Well before any of the government assistance was offered, we told our commercial tenants that they could skip a couple month’s rent. April and May would be free, no strings attached and we have appreciated them being good tenants. Our boom-bust economy has had a string of bad years and we’ve been lucky.
In preparation for the 2015 oil price crash we’d saved up enough to go about 5-6 years with zero tenants. (Worst case scenario!) Fortunately we didn’t loose any tenants. Unfortunately we’d pulled some of that reserve out as dividends and now may face putting money back into the business over the next few years as we are headed for a depression here.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:50pm
Quoting: darz5150 Does anyone know anyone with small businesses that have been able to get the grants/loans/whatever due to the required shutdown?
I know of one. I can't disclose the company but I very cynical that the bank pushed it ahead to help the bank's interest, not the company's. Sorry I can't say more but I very cynical on that one. Meanwhile I know a very small business that was told the money was all committed. IMO, the very small business deserved it a lot more than the other.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:53pm
Quoting: ICC Also know one business owner (brewery/restaurant that has closed... windows all boarded over to deter vandals)
ICC, do you know for certain, they are closed for good? The small business I just mentioned has boarded their place up and removed a lot of their equipment. They are definitely re-opening. They were just being super cautions in case someone decides to rob them.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:56pm
Mj, good for you. Congrats. Good wishes and prayers for your success.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2020 06:00pm
Quoting: ICC Does anyone have properties they rent, residential or commercial? Are you collecting rents, waiving any or reducing? OR, if you are a renter, has your landlord cut you any slack?
No rental properties but I just got a call from a vulture offering to buy my house. (It is not on the market.). I don't know for a fact but my suspicion is he is looking for somebody to take advantage of.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:36pm
Quoting: 95XL883 do you know for certain, they are closed for good
Can't say with absolute certainty, but... ---the phone is disconnected with no forwarding or other message. ---the webpage is still up, but no hint of being closed temporarily or permanently. ---the guy that did the boarding up received a phone call about a quote. He faxed it to an out of state number and received a bank transfer to pay for the work.
Quoting: 95XL883 got a call from a vulture offering to buy my house. (It is not on the market.). I get postcards all the time offering to buy some of my rental properties. They are from people who offer low prices and want to spin it. I was curious a few years ago and had time to waste so I checked them out. They were real but only interested in buying at a distressed price.
# Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:22pm - Edited by: darz5150
My wife talked to some friends of ours with a dairy farm. They had to lay off anyone who wasn't a family member. She told my wife to tell me to stop by, and they would give us all the fresh milk we could take for free. Since the shut down. Although its hard to buy milk at the store. It seems no one has figured a way to get it to the stores instead of the schools and restaurants etc. that are shut down. They can't legally sell it to the public. And not just in our area, a lot of milk is being poured down the drain. They also said to bring a big cooler, and they would fill it with ground beef. Another friend of ours that their family are dirt farmers, and also pigs. Again. They told my wife to have me call or stop by if we need pork. 50¢ per pound. On the hoof. There is also a deal with a couple local butcher shops. For $50 dollars they will process and wrap/package the meat. We have everything here to butcher and process meat. But at $50 bucks for someone else processing it. Its not worth the trouble. With all the meat plants being shut down. I believe a meat shortage is on the horizon. I would recommend that folks should buy any canned meat that they can find. Although price gouging is illegal. I checked on amazon the other nite. And found a $3 dollar Dak canned ham for $14 bucks. A 12 pack of Spam was listed for $84 dollars.
# Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:06pm
darz5150, if I had deals like that in our area I would be all over it, the fresh(raw) milk can be frozen. Pork at 50cents a pound means I would need to buy another freezer just for the pork. Lucky you, I love raw milk
# Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:48pm
Quoting: Kamn Lucky you, I love raw milk Yah. Me too. We also make our own cheese now and then. Fresh milk= killer cheese! Here's a pic from our local free news paper.
# Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:22pm - Edited by: darz5150
Just got this from Texas. My uncle has land down there. "let me advise you that within the next two weeks if you have not purchased a long term supply of beef there will not be much beef to be had. I have just been notified by the company that usually purchases my beef that they are not in the market for any animals in the long term. This is happening to most of my friends in the cattle business. This effective April 30th."
# Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:25pm
A 15 year old boy is using a 3 D printer to make these adapters for face masks. Since one size doesn't always fit all. He has his driving learners permit. He and his mother were driving around today. Giving them to gas stations, grocery stores, several hospitals and police stations/ first responders for free. Now that's a good kid. Mask and adapter
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AK Seabee
# Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:11pm
That's actually pretty helpful. Keeps it off the ears and give a perfect fit. ðŸ‘
# Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:21pm
I think I've been washing my hands too much! 20 seconds. 60 times a day.
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# Posted: 3 May 2020 11:55am - Edited by: hattie
The Great Realisation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw5KQMXDiM4&feature=youtu.be This is truly the greatest video I have seen. Hindsight is 2020.
# Posted: 3 May 2020 12:23pm
Hattie. That's a good video. Thanks for sharing it.
# Posted: 4 May 2020 05:48pm
Great video. Thanks for posting this.
# Posted: 8 May 2020 12:44am - Edited by: darz5150
Here is my take on the pandemic crap as of today. If you are easily offended by the politics, ethical, moral or plain simple facts of the topic. STOP READING THIS NOW. When this all started. It peaked my interest for sure. But really no worries so to speak. I have spent most of my life, making sure we were prepared for almost anything. I learned my lesson, not to rely on anyone, if possible, after my first hurricane experience. No income, no open banks, no ATM..... Don't care. Food, TP, water shortages...Don't care Power outages. Gas prices. Propane prices. Don't care. Minor medical episodes. Don't care. I thought I had ALL bases covered. And I did until now. When it all began. Don't wear a mask. It won't help. Now wear a mask. Because we told you so. My wife works at a gas station. Exposed to every stink, stank, stunk, crack head, drunk driver, nickel millionaire, mani/pedi wearing people, as well as the down and out person who really needed a little helping hand. We had enough masks and gloves on hand, for everyone she works with. They wouldn't allow it then. Now as of May 1st. YOU MUST WEAR A MASK. So after 2 months of exposure....they want to keep her safe.....because someone in the higherarcy of politics said so....NOW. Since they mandated wearing masks. Less people are wearing them than before. People are being paid more not to work. Than they made when they worked. But no extra money for the "essential" workers. Like the nurses, doctors, garbage collectors, or even the lowly gas station workers, or the people that work at the Dollar Store, wally world, or the convenience mart employees. Yet the "Non Essential" govt people get full pay, with no work. Now to me. Non essential. Means not really needed. Correct? Time to trim the fat. Timeline: At the end of Feb. My 86 year old father that refuses to be careful in the shop. Dropped an angle grinder on his foot. Went to the ER. 10 stitches. 2 days later got a call. Don't come back to remove the stitches. Because there might be an overload at the hospital due to the pandemic. So I had to play Dr. and remove the stitches. Not because I am a Dr. But because I had the tools for the job. Plus had antibiotics for the infection. No biggie. Right. Feb. I was diagnosed with a positive test for colon cancer. Was told. No time to wait. Serious thing. Finally got approval for removal of the yucky bits. The outpatient surgery should have taken about 3 hours. When they got in there. They found a lot more than a few yucky bits. Went in at 7:30 for the OP. Woke up at 8:20 in recovery room. Was given a hand drawn sketch by the surgeon. 2 MASSES and a few yucky bits. .Gov new pandemic regs wouldn't allow enough time in surgery to do the job right. So as of now I have a tentative date set up for the easy chop chop of surgery. But just received a call that they may not be be allowed to do it because someone might get the C virus. And I will need more extensive surgery. IE chopping out my intestines , and crapping in a zip lock bag. If the powers that be, will allow it. Now here's the kicker. I have to take care of my parents. 77 yo. Mom. And 86 year old dad. My mom was declined a visit to her cardiologist 2 months ago due to the possible virus outbreak. Today I got a call from my dad. Your mother fell, and I can't pick her up. So I had to go, and triage her, make sure she was breathing, remove the bathroom door to be able to get her on the gurny once the EMT arrived. Due to the possible CV. They had to get .Gov approval before moving her to a hospital with a neurologist to determine the amount of damage. Thankfully I got a call, after 5 hours They were able to get approval to get my mom a bed in an empty hospital due to the CV Today, I saved my mom's life. Not because I am a jeenyus, a profit, or a doctor. Because I choose not to rely on news reports or whatever. Only You can save You! Here's a pic of my mom having a stroke.
# Posted: 8 May 2020 01:10am
Quoting: darz5150 When it all began. Don't wear a mask. It won't help. Now wear a mask. Because we told you so.
So why were we in the US being told not to wear a mask at the time the novel coronavirus was beiginning to spread here in the US?
Because they knew there were not enough to allow everyone to wear a mask and still have enough for the medical personnel. Nothing more sinister than that.
Why are we being encouraged (in some places it is mandated) to wear masks now? Because there is little doubt that wearing a mask protects others, as well as giving the wearer some protection. And because mask production has increased and one can make cloth masks that are better than nothing.
Why were all the people we saw pictures of in Wuhan, in South Korea, Hong Kong, wearing masks. Because past experiences with viruses like SARS had shown they were effective.
Quoting: darz5150 Since they mandated wearing masks. Less people are wearing them than before.
Just goes to show that many people are stupid.
Hope your Mom is okay.
# Posted: 8 May 2020 01:58am
Quoting: ICC Hope your Mom is okay Thank you. ðŸ‘
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