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# Posted: 7 Aug 2020 11:11pm - Edited by: KinAlberta
Quoting: ICC I believe that what some people call freedom is actually an absence of personal responsibility. We are all in this together and need to cooperate as a group to have the best outcom
May have said this before. I think of my own father. Worked hard in school, skipped two grades, and at something like 15 or 16 got into engineering but left after three years to enroll in the armed forces. Renounced his US citizenship to do so as the US wasn’t fighting and he had dual citizenship). When your people are threatened by a real and deadly enemy you step up. Simple.
# Posted: 9 Aug 2020 12:46pm - Edited by: hattie
Just sayin'....
# Posted: 9 Aug 2020 01:40pm
Gee. So many miscellaneous thoughts on this.
Masks? Like a lot of gvt regulations, they shouldn’t be mandatory. My family and I wear them by our choice, partly to minimize the chance of infection and partly to be considerate of others’ fears and concerns. The real problem I have with some of the non-mask wearers is some seem to want to breath/contaminate things. I was in a convenience store where I witnessed a young Hispanic male open a hot dog bun container, hold it to his mouth, breath on it, close the container, put in back in the drawer and grab another one. Before he could open it. I was in his face very loudly asking why he was doing that. I expected a fight but he got very timid and went to a different part of the store. I threw Theo e he breathed on away. Some people are just jerks.
Confinement policies- so sorry to hear of old people being isolated. It is not right and does seem to be a death sentence. Some hospitals have lost their humanity. I can see a restrictive policy but total isolation is cruel. A way needs to be found to include loved ones in a person’ care.
Covid exposure- I don’t know anybody who had tested positive or shown covid symptoms. I travel for work and try hard to minimize my exposure. Lots of hand washing, social distancing and avoiding the real busy highway rest stops, the ones with gas and food courts.
I know of two people who committed suicide after a couple of months of lockdown/isolation. The belief is the isolation and job losses were too much for them. Another person knew they had a serious issue but avoided the hospital due to fear. They finally had to go, got a pacemaker. Hospital limited visitors to one close family member at a time. Sent her home after three days in the hospital. I doubt she would have survived a nursing home. She is in her 80’s.
A good hospital story. Daughter took dad to see mom in the hospital. The screening nurse at the entrance looked at the 80’s dad and said it was a long walk to where his wife was. He should be in a wheelchair. Dad injected until daughter pointed out she would be pushing the chsir and get to see mom. Still only one person at a time in the room but they Both got to see her. Good on that screening nurse.
I am working on my fitness. I walk five a day. Have been for almost three years. I have added 30 minutes of cardio/stair master four times a week, I have lost ten pounds.
Stay safe and healthy everyone. Be careful but not scared to submission. Be empathetic, a lot of people seem to have little to no problem with this while others are scared to death or have high co-morbidities. And realize there are some that use any excuse to control others or justify their own bad behavior. As my mother used to say “do your best and be nice.â€.
# Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:37am
That’s awesome hattie
# Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:28am
Aside from the safety/legal/personal choice aspects of mask wearing, there is an interesting social dimension going on; not being able to see the bulk of facial expression. I don't get out in public much (groceries, hardware store's about it) but I seem to notice people actually being more polite. Maybe it's because they can't see the dog tired scowl I usually wear. Or it's just the 'we can get through this together mentality'. Maybe we ought to keep on wearing them afterward.
# Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:52am
Quoting: FishHog That’s awesome hattie

# Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:12pm
How does this fit into many current thoughts on freedom and government?
“Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.†~ John Adams (1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President Thoughts on Government, 1776
# Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:56pm - Edited by: darz5150
Here's some more actual facts about covid regulations. My mom tested negative for the virus. I tested negative for the virus. I was still denied any chance to visit her during her recovery/solitary confinement. Again... 2 negatives does not make a positive. When she was locked down as per regulations. She was alive, breathing, talking, and all vital signs were undeniable medical proof of that. Although she DID NOT HAVE COVID. She was put in quarantine for observation. When she was locked down. She was alive, breathing, and body temperature of 98.6. The next time she left the room. She was dead, and at room temperature! Although she was quarantined as per regulations to keep everyone safe and for observation. That didn't seem to work out. I am attaching a pic of the actual death certificate. Take a look at the line where it officially states on the record, date last seen alive.
# Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:26pm - Edited by: darz5150
I need to say on the record. I am not trying to fear monger, be a conspiracy theorist or in any way to deny the seriousness of what we all are dealing with. Actually very much the opposite. I am simply presenting undeniable facts that I have dealt with. I have more that I might share in time. I also want to thank the 3 people that offered their condolences for my families loss. Greatly appreciated for sure. Stay safe everyone.
# Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:45pm
I wasn’t very clear in my post, Darz. I am so sorry for your loss. That document that is appalling. Totally heartless. Again, my deepest condolences on your loss.
It seems in some hospitals, a patient needs a very persistent advocate to really nag the hospital to take better care of a patient. What they did to your mom seems so wrong. I pray you find a path to peace with the situation. (I am being very vague as to specifics as specific actions should be your decision but I know what I would do.)
# Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:07am
Just to change things up a bit. Regardless of the virus or whatever current events. Think about signing up to be an organ donor. My whole family has been signed up for decades. It's amazing how much they can use to help others. Everything from helping a burn victim, or making a blind person see. I have paperwork with the descriptions of the many many people that were helped. We are all in this together? That's your decision. Even tho' many of us may have parts that might be a little squeeky or worn out. Keep in mind that they can use parts that many of haven't itched or even seen in years.....if ever! Stay safe.
# Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:52am
Quoting: 95XL883 # Posted: 10 Aug 2020 23:45 Reply Quote I wasn’t very clear in my post, Darz. I am so sorry for your loss. You were very clear. And I thank you. And I am not ripping on anyone for not saying anything We all can't be sorry for everything that happens to everyone. It seems everything has turned into a bizarro world. I/we played by the rules. It is what it is. I can't change it. You can't change it. It just boggles me. How if I order something from amazon. I can track, every minute, every day, what's happening with my package. I live in a cabin in the woods. If I kill a deer. I have to give accurate info. On when and where that deer lost its life. If I higher someone to watch my dog. Then my dog gets hit by a car, and dies. I would reasonably expect someone to tell me, the date, time, exact cause of death. Etc. Unfortunately, that's not the case with my mother. It is, What it is. As of yet. I haven't seen any links to any actual law that pertains to my situation. As well as many many others. It is what it is. If I new then. What I know now. I would probably be locked up in jail. While they are releasing prisoners so they don't get covid. Probably a public safety call, even tho' me or my mom weren't positive for covid. Lol. Thank you again, for your condolences. To everyone that thinks we need more mandates, suggestions, regulations without the voice of those being suggested, mandated, and regulated to obey. Be careful what you wish for. Stay safe. Be True to what you know.
# Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:56am
P.S. If anybody needs masks. I have extra ones my mom can't use anymore.
# Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:42pm - Edited by: KinAlberta
A friend sent me a pic of a poster with this caption:
Mask not what your country can do for you.
Mask what you can do for your country.
# Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:00pm

# Posted: 19 Aug 2020 12:51am
Check out. Corona virus takes the suburbs on you tooooob.
# Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:49pm - Edited by: KinAlberta
Good article.
America Is Trapped in a Pandemic Spiral - The Atlantic
“ “It’s like we only have attention for only one thing at a timeâ€
https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/09/pandemic-intuition-nightmare-spira l-winter/616204/
# Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:42am
Yes. Good article. Lots of magical thinking going on in US
# Posted: 14 Feb 2022 09:54pm - Edited by: KinAlberta
Restrictions are coming off here.
Passport requirements dropped a few days ago. As of today students can choose to mask or not.
Personally, I only know of a couple people that caught covid and they only got it in the last couple months (They suspected it was due to family gatherings).
# Posted: 14 Feb 2022 10:36pm
Quoting: KinAlberta Personally, I only know of a couple people that caught covid and they only got it in the last couple months (They suspected it was due to family gatherings).
COVID is currently working its way through our house right now. 2 out of 5 positive at this point. One had no symptoms other than a slight fever. The other had symptoms for 3 days.
I also know 3 people that died. 2 here in Alberta and one in South Africa. The South African mate was right at the beginning of the pandemic. He was 52 with no health conditions. The other 2 were in the middle of the pandemic and they had some conditions and were older.
I also know a couple that their Dr. is saying they have "long covid". Covid is gone from their system but they have strange lingering symptoms. Headaches, trouble thinking, random fevers, ect. Its been months for them.
# Posted: 14 Feb 2022 11:03pm - Edited by: KinAlberta
Somewhat interesting new article:
Excerpts: Was Canada's Covid response more effective than the US? - BBC News
“ There is a staggering difference, for example, in how many more Americans have died because of Covid compared to Canadians, both in absolute numbers and as the ratio of deaths per million inhabitants.
So what is going on, and why might Canada's experience be different to that of the US so far? And amid mounting public pressure to relax restrictions, will…†https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60380317Note: bolding mine
# Posted: 15 Feb 2022 06:21am
I think the major difference between the us and Canada is populations density
Lots of other factors for sure but the less people your around the less chances of being exposed
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 15 Feb 2022 08:59am - Edited by: Ontario lakeside
81% of Canadians live in urban areas vs. 83% of Americans. So I dont this is a factor.
# Posted: 18 Oct 2022 12:42am
Recent status - probably similar issues all over the world:
U.S. extends Covid public health emergency even though Biden says pandemic is over “… Infections, hospitalizations and deaths have declined dramatically since the peak of the massive omicron surge in January, but more than 300 people are still dying every day from Covid on average and nearly 3,500 patients are hospitalized with the virus daily, according to CDC data. Dr. Ashish Jha, head of the White House Covid task force, said last week that 70% of those dying from Covid are age 75 and older. The vast majority of those dying are either not up to date on their vaccines or are not receiving treatments such as Paxlovid when they have breakthrough infections, Jha said. "This is unacceptable, particularly because we can now prevent almost every Covid death in the country with vaccines and treatments that we have," Jha told reporters during a call. "If you are up to date on your vaccines and you get treated when you have a breakthrough infection, your chances of dying are close to zero even in that high-risk population," he said.“… https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/13/us-extends-covid-public-health-emergency-.html
# Posted: 21 Oct 2022 05:38am - Edited by: silverwaterlady

# Posted: 21 Oct 2022 10:42am - Edited by: paulz
EDIT: Looks like SWL deleted her post that I was responding too.
I was also in Costco this week, just a few wearing masks. Only places you really see them in force are medical offices. I also don't don't spend time inside public places unless necessary, don't go in bars and eat outside at restaurants.
My friend who went on that Alaska cruise this month came back positive, his wife also. Both fully vaxed. Their cases were mild but still took over a week to get well.
# Posted: 25 Oct 2022 03:35pm
What a thread...some interesting hot takes. For a monday morning quarterback type, material for days.
All the past pandemics taught us that low level exposure trains the body to fight super bugs. The body immune system is the best we have at fighting this thing. Train it to fight by fighting bugs often.
I have a coworker that didn't go to the store since March of 2020, never left her office if she came in, took over precautions on everything. Her son got married and she went out in public for the first time and got COVID, that was fatal for her. I firmly believed her body did not know how to fight and got overwhelmed.
Being in the extremes are deadly. Don't hide while at the same time don't let people sneeze in your face.
COVID nurses are a great example of this. Their bodies are now trained and they will all be ok.
# Posted: 25 Oct 2022 03:45pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Never vaxxed with the artery clogging shot, never will, had it twice (covid), if I didn't have a test kit, first time would of thought I was just sick like always, second time, thought it was allergies, runny nose and sneezing, felt just fair for 1 day and all was good.
Mask dont work, vaxx doesnt work, doesnt stop spread, seems every one boosted with the clogger got covid anyway.
My mom passed away last Dec, she didnt have covid, but treated her for it and no one could visit, she died alone. Sad.
No mask for me, no vaxx, no boosters, no myocarditis, bells palsy, shingles and all the other ailments. I'm getting on with living.
# Posted: 25 Oct 2022 04:01pm
I will never forget the day COVID went like fire through our office. Everyone had it but me. I remember going into an office of a guy that had it, while the hazmatt team was disinfecting everything. They were all suited up in full biohazard gear. I walk in with a cup of coffee, no mask and ask how their day was.
One guy takes off his mask and says...this is silly isn't it. I nodded in agreement.
Don't run from it. I got the vax but so did everyone that got it. The difference is I didn't hide from it and kept living. The body has a lot of evolution hard coded. Keep the code going...
# Posted: 27 Oct 2022 12:03am - Edited by: KinAlberta
Before this summer I hardly knew anyone that had caught covid. Could probably count them on one hand. Now it’s flipped. Everyone seems to have caught it. It’s everywhere. I was hearing people coughing and hacking away in various stores.
My own family caught it a number of weeks back. My daughter likely brought it home from school as she was the first to feel ill. For me it was a very, very mild sore throat then a day of muscle aches and runny nose. Basically a non-issue for me. My daughter however has intermittently missed the last few weeks of school due persistent coughing. So bad that the school told her to go home.
However this summer my best friend of almost sixty years was killed by it in just a few days. He was fighting cancer and had been on chemo so the vaccines likely didn't help. He had been taking his 92 yr old dad to the hospital and likely caught it there. I went to his dad’s funeral yesterday. The quick death may have been a blessing in disguise for my friend.
As an aside, we’re older parents and i assumed my age (having already fought off years of colds and flu) would protect me from what most young parents experience when their kids start going to day care and school. Was i ever wrong!!! For a couple years it seemed we were perpetually sick from one plague or another coming home from day care and kindergarten.
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