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# Posted: 6 Feb 2012 07:49am
Quoting: turkeyhunter -i have the prefect arch tree for ya!!!!! Too bad you are so far away!!!! It is cool when they form an arch isn't it? It is also hard to cut them down...my daughter called the tree we cut down her "Cheeto" tree.
# Posted: 6 Feb 2012 01:08pm
Your property and cabin is one of my favorites. I would like to build a bridge just like yours. Right now I have a temporary crossing that I will have to replace one day. I have tired to copy the two pics of your bridge to show my friend what I want, but I have been unsuccessful. Could you send them to me by email?
# Posted: 6 Feb 2012 01:42pm
Sure Cabingirl, I would be more than happy to send you any photos or info you may need. You can email me at trollbridge11AThotmaildotcom and then I'll send them to yours.
# Posted: 6 Feb 2012 08:22pm - Edited by: trollbridge
Here are some photos from the weekend:
Microwave will be going under counter on shelf. Next time up I will paint everything and we will start putting up our finished wall treatment on the wall behind the stove...that is the plan for now anyways!!! 100_7635.JPG
|  stripping bark from our curved log.
|  |  |
# Posted: 20 Feb 2012 10:48pm
We got to spend the weekend at our cabin and we got a lot of work done. We got the kitchen cabinets painted, the bead board ceiling stained and poly'd, some light fixtures hung, some of the reclaimed church siding up in the kitchen, interior doors hung, our antique bed assembled finally and worked some more on creating the log archway from kitchen to living room. Here are new pictures... This is our dining room fixture...been storing it for a long time-feels good to have it hanging!
|  ceiling finished!
|  painted cabinets
|  reclaimed "church siding"...saved from a local church being torn down.
# Posted: 20 Feb 2012 10:55pm - Edited by: trollbridge
Here are more...The bedroom doors I painted the scene of our clearing at night. I always like to run out to the clearing and look up at the moon and the stars. I am no artist...don't laugh We still need to get the hardware for the doors from the arch. salvage store...forgot to measure before we came home.
Around the log arch will be stonework...you will see...hope it turns out! Yikes!   These are our bedroom doors...they also came out of the church.
|  peeking into our bedroom
|  doorway under the stairs-I used blackboard paint for middles...Silver Creek Hideaway is what we call
|  This is still under construction...we need one more log on the other side to support the arch. It wi
# Posted: 20 Feb 2012 10:56pm - Edited by: trollbridge
The outside...not much snow this year.
Next time up...work on getting other log for arch support, bead board back splash in kitchen, maybe counter top and sink, and I would love to get our bedroom ceiling up very soon. I am thinking a tin ceiling but who knows???? 
# Posted: 21 Feb 2012 12:49am
I love your place sooooooooo much!!! I love all the personal touches like the doors. What a clever idea to use blackboard paint on the door under the stairs. The artwork you did on the doors is fabulous!!! Keep the pictures coming - you are an inspiration!
# Posted: 21 Feb 2012 04:34am
very nice place you have there.
# Posted: 21 Feb 2012 07:09am
looks like a lot was done on the weekend trip=== fine artwork as well. like the arch log and the newly painted cabinets---fine job Troll's!!!!!
# Posted: 25 Feb 2012 02:34pm
Hey everyone who prayed for our little niece.........................great news I wanted to share...my brother just called to tell me she is in REMISSION!!!!!!!! I had no idea it could be so quick!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo relieved and I talked to her and she sounded so happy...like a 9 year old should be! Thank you so much for your prayers and friendship!!!! God bless you all
# Posted: 25 Feb 2012 03:26pm
Wonderful News !!!! SO happy for you . XO
# Posted: 25 Feb 2012 08:59pm
That's GREAT news!!!! Looks like some prayers were answered!
# Posted: 25 Feb 2012 09:31pm
# Posted: 26 Feb 2012 08:01pm
EXACTLY Just!!!!! Thank you!
# Posted: 29 Feb 2012 10:56pm
We are hoping to go up this weekend but we are not sure if the guy who plows our driveway will be able to do it. 12-14 inches of very heavy snow fell last night and today. Here are some more pictures from the last time we went up: this is staining/poly the ceiling...didn't take too long with both of us.
|  our iron bed
|  making a big mess and setting off the smoke detectors!
|  hoping this turns out as planned!
# Posted: 29 Feb 2012 11:06pm - Edited by: trollbridge
and here is a nightstand (well what I will be using it for anyway) we will bring up this weekend. It started out a $3.99 water stained thrift store piece and I distressed it even further...which is a lot harder than I would have thought it would be. I crackled the paint using Elmers glue and continued to roughen it from there. I learned a lot from this project and had fun too so it was worth it. All other furniture that we have redone started out in this state and ended up looking original again so it was backwards to me but a challenge.
# Posted: 29 Feb 2012 11:21pm
You guys are so talented. I just love looking at your "projects".
# Posted: 4 Mar 2012 10:27pm - Edited by: trollbridge
Well, just got back a bit ago and unpacked...very tired here...and have a full week ahead too. My DIL is back to work after 6 weeks of maternity leave and I will have all 3 grandchildren here while their moms and dads are earning a living.
I am so glad that we got to go up this weekend because it was gorgeous outside! It snowed most of the time, especially Saturday night while we went to town to get a few things we needed. The temp was 25 and the snowflakes were really coming down and they looked so pretty in all the street lights. Just wanted to go throw myself on the ground and make a snow angel or snowman and lay there catching the flakes on my tongue!! Brings out the kid in me There were so many snowmobiles on the trails (that opened for the first time this winter over the weekend). Made me miss snowmobiling and all the beauty of winding through the county forest-maybe next year....
We got a lot of work done...I worked on putting up the kitchen back splash and painting it and also got some other stuff painted in the kitchen. I also did most the church siding in the living room as well as got that old window frame painted.The frame will have something in it but I haven't yet finalized my thoughts on that. Power tools are fun till you almost cut the tip of your thumb off! LOL! Mr. Troll worked on getting the old barn board shelf(cap) on the top of the counter walls in the kitchen and putting up sheetrock and trim and staining it too around the doors in our bedroom and the door under our stairs. He also got a shelving unit and totally organized all the "stuff" under the stairs...it was getting a little scary! The time flies when we are busy working and there are always things we don't get to but I feel good about everything we did get done. It is getting harder and harder to pack up to leave...I've definitely noticed the trend of getting home later and later on Sunday nights!
Here are photos of our progress... 100_8161.JPG
|  100_8167.JPG
|  100_8174.JPG
|  100_8175.JPG
# Posted: 4 Mar 2012 10:29pm - Edited by: trollbridge
more...the third photo shows a piece of scrap tin and the trim work made to trim it out-we will bring that up next time. 100_8185.JPG
|  100_8211.JPG
|  100_8212.JPG
|  100_8222.JPG
# Posted: 4 Mar 2012 10:30pm
and more... 100_8223.JPG
|  100_8224.JPG
|  100_8225.JPG
|  didn't get time to hang our toboggan...next time.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2012 10:32pm
more 100_8230.JPG
|  100_8231.JPG
|  constant reminder to ourselves!
|  100_8238.JPG
# Posted: 4 Mar 2012 10:33pm - Edited by: trollbridge
and lastly...first picture is looking out of our bedroom.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2012 10:50pm
Very nice I like the look.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2012 11:07pm
I sure do love your place. The bear is really neat. Where did you get him?
# Posted: 5 Mar 2012 08:34am - Edited by: trollbridge
Thanks neb and hattie.
The bear we got from a very good friend of ours (he carved it with a chainsaw). Him and his wife divorced a couple years ago and he finally sold their house. When we helped him move he gave it to us. He also made us a metal bear that will hang up in the loft on the tree trunk. It is up north but not mounted yet....for now he is keeping watchf over our place when we are not there! LOL!
# Posted: 5 Mar 2012 09:15pm
Here is a photo of our metal bear that we will mount up on the trunk of the tree so he will look down at all of us.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2012 09:22pm - Edited by: trollbridge
Also here are some pictures from early spring 2009 when we salvaged materials from the church that was going to be torn down. My job was to collect all the pieces off the ground and pull all the square nails. We have a bucket full that we will use for something in the cabin. The whole inside of the church had already been stripped to nothing......not even the floor remained-just a big drop to the basement! Yikes!
# Posted: 5 Mar 2012 09:33pm - Edited by: trollbridge
I am waiting for my poly to dry. We applied it to a piece of the siding tonight. I want to see 3 things....first will it change the color much of the white paint? so far it has somewhat antiqued it even though it is clear poly which is okay by me. Second will it bubble the paint...so far no bubbling. And third will it make it difficult to peel off the dry cracked paint. I want it to more or less seal it so that little kids can't pick at it since it may contain lead. I read that this should do the trick somewhere at some point so we shall see. I'll report my findings.......
# Posted: 6 Mar 2012 05:47am
looks like you guys got a lot done!!!!! looks great!!!! like the church siding ===very nice !!!! and the bears are cool as well!!! and i think the tin on the bar area will look great as well----enjoyed your pic's!!!!!
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