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# Posted: 13 Apr 2013 09:18am
Got started on the fireplace stone today. Alot more tedious than I expected. Once I get past the mantel it should go alot faster.
As we had a little extra material left from building the loft rails, I took a little time out to build a couple of doggie gates for our two pups. One for the foot of the stairs and one for the door leading to the master bedroom. They actually turned out pretty nice.
The guy actually showed up and got the ditch for the water line done. $100 for the job. Ready for the pump guy on Tuesday.
Driving home we got to see a calf being born. For some reason his mother had him right next to the fence by the road. We stopped and watched him take his first steps. It was the highlight of the day. Fireplace Stone Going Up
|  Doggie Gate 1
|  Doggie Gate 2
|  Baby Calf's First Steps
# Posted: 13 Apr 2013 05:57pm
Awwww...the little calf and mama are so cute!!! Here they are being born in the snow...that's a rude awakening!!! I'm thrilled you got to see that...hope your son was with you.
Fireplace looks great! We have stonework to complete too...care to do it for us??? It is tedious, isn't it?!
# Posted: 13 Apr 2013 10:32pm
Thanks, TB.
Got alot more of the fireplace done today. A couple more hours should wrap it up.
No way would I even think of denying you the joy of doing your own stonework.
Yes, my son and wife were with me as always. Building our home has been a 100% family affair. We are all there together every day that the weather has allowed.
We were all in awe watching that calf. A few weeks ago, we had a similar situation with a baby llama at a farm a few hundred yards farther down the road. We drive by every morning going in and every evening going home and stop to see how he has grown. We blow the horn and where ever in the pasture they are, he and his mama both turn and look. I am sure they both wonder who those crazy humans are.
# Posted: 13 Apr 2013 11:25pm
Do they spit at you too?
Llamas are odd creatures aren't they? I wish I had their eyelashes though 
# Posted: 14 Apr 2013 09:44am
MJW, Have been away from forum for a while. I must say: once you get started there is no stopping you. It looks amazing and will be a great place to rise your son. Congrats.
# Posted: 14 Apr 2013 09:46am
Not sure if these spit at you. We haven't been able to get that close yet.
They are interesting looking, though.
# Posted: 14 Apr 2013 09:48am
Thanks, ErinsMom.
We love it and can't wait to move-in in another week or so.
Glad to see you back! Hope you are doing well.
# Posted: 17 Apr 2013 07:55pm - Edited by: MJW
Busy week so far...
We completed the fireplace and had the water pump & pressure tank installed. Research had me concerned about the possibility of a drop in static water pressure that would make a 1/2 HP pump overwork or possibly fail so we opted to go with the bigger pump and had to go buy a larger generator for it. 
The good news it...we have water and plenty of it!
We also started on the bedroom & greatroom flooring. We are using the same siding we used on the interior of the cabin. We are cutting and staining it as we install and will then apply a couple of coats of a high gloss poly to it. I really like the way it looks. 
We also completed the loft handrails.
Finishing up the floor this week as well as a few other details here and there and we are planning a move in date for sometime next week!
The dogwoods are blooming and all the trees seem to have gone from gray to green in just the past few days. I swear this place gets more and more beautiful every day.
Everyone is super tired but really looking forward to living in our new home. Bedroom Flooring
|  Fireplace Complete
|  Well & Pressure Tank In
|  Dogwoods Blooming
# Posted: 17 Apr 2013 09:42pm
The place looks great !
# Posted: 18 Apr 2013 08:20pm
You're coming along so quickly! I love your floors! Very pretty!
# Posted: 21 Apr 2013 07:35pm
This week we wrapped up on the floor installation and got 2 coats of high gloss poly on them.
We also started the wall for the second storage area in the loft and will complete that on Wednesday after we let the new poly get a couple of days on it with no traffic.
Also planned for Wednesday is the completion of the generator / propane shed on the side of the house.
Thursday is MOVING DAY!
After spending the weekend getting everything squared away and put into place, we will then be starting on a 12 x 8 well house / solar building that will house our well and pump as well as 2 - 250 gal water storage tanks and our solar batteries, charge controller, etc.
Today in celebration of completing the interior of the house, we took our small grill and lawn chairs out to the cabin and had our first real meal there. Steaks and cole slaw. It was fantastic! Our 2 pups, Eli & Lexi came along and had a great time exploring and running free until they were exhausted.
It was a great day. Bedroom Floor with 2 Coats of Poly
|  Matt with Eli & Lexi
|  Steaks at the Cabin
|  Eli Exploring
# Posted: 23 Apr 2013 07:52pm
Still getting details buttoned up in preparation for Thursday's move.
Got vertical and mini blinds installed, dryer vent cut out and washer/dryer installed. Tomorrow we will complete the second loft storage area and finish the propane/generator shed.
I found 2 new, never used 250 gallon water containers on CL for $60 each that we are getting to simplify the water pumping. 500 gallons should be more than enough to last us for a week so the generator for the well will only have to be run once every few days instead of multiple times a day. A jet pump will keep the system pressurized and keep the water flowing to the house. The Finishing Touches
|  Blinds Up
|  The Bedroom Window
|  Kitchen Finished
# Posted: 24 Apr 2013 10:31am
One more day til the big move!!! How very exciting! Be sure to post pictures! Looks fantastic
# Posted: 29 Apr 2013 08:31pm
We got everything moved in this weekend and pretty much put into place.
Just a few finishing touches and we are set to spend our first night there tomorrow.
Eleven weeks from putting the first post in for the foundation to actually moving in. Man, I am tired! Living Area
|  Dining Area
|  Matt Loves His Room
|  Eli Loves It, Too
# Posted: 30 Apr 2013 06:34pm
Awesome dude ! The place looks great. Wow, in only 11 weeks too. Ours is going to be a 10 year project.
Those dogwoods are really pretty.
# Posted: 1 May 2013 10:35am
How did the first night go? That is always such a special memory  Your place looks great-super comfortable! I can't believe how quickly you worked from start to finish either. Congratulations to you and your family 
# Posted: 1 May 2013 04:54pm
Very nice!!! I love the floors and the size is perfect. Well done!
# Posted: 3 May 2013 01:36pm
Thanks, guys. We are enjoying the new place very much.
Other than the crazy weather (85 a couple of days ago and upper 30's for a high today) things have been wonderful.
Of course the lower temps just give you a couple more times to fire up the fireplace. 
Red, I suspect you are going to start work on your project way before you currently have planned. We thought we were going to wait a while, too but we just decided that if you wait until...whatever. There is always something else to wait for. Get on it. Life is too short and tomorrow just isn't for sure.
TB, the first night was really cool. It was a clear night and the stars were amazing. Being able to see them out of your bedroom window while lying in bed was incredible.
The place is very comfortable and we all love it.
I agree, beachman. The size is perfect for us.
# Posted: 7 May 2013 07:47pm
MJW- We are a little a head of schedule, we thought we would save and search for land and buy in about 5 years. We found "our" place a lot sooner and at an affordable price.
Our ten year plan has to do with my daughter graduating school here, her grandparents living close by,..etc.....
Otherwise, we would move tomorrow. This years goal is to clear out a simple road and camping area. Plant a few black berry bushes and build a small outhouse. Next year, add a small shed and plant some fruit trees.
Later it will be adding water tanks and septic system.
Your place looks great !
# Posted: 20 May 2013 12:31pm
So you guys are doing water storage instead of drilling a well?
Wish I was patient enough to work a slower plan. I would be alot more rested. 
# Posted: 20 May 2013 04:18pm
We are doing a cistern tank that will catch rain water off the roof, and an inlet for hauling water ,if needed. There is also a small spring on the property that we might be able to utilize.
We are doing it slowly, as money allows. Wish we were there right now. The slower plan does allow a lot of research. We have decided to have a small fruit orchard which will feed us, be food plot, and the bad fruit can be fed to our pigs and chickens.
We have studied Hugelkultre and think it will work well in the ozarks for blackberries.
# Posted: 23 May 2013 07:34pm
Got started today on the 8 x 12 well house/water tank storage/solar power house.
2 x 12 floor joists and 2 x 12 flooring supported by 6 x 6s with plenty of extra support in the water tank and battery areas.
Hope to get the walls up, roof and siding on tomorrow with the water tank / jet pump system completed next week.
Yes, I am probably being ambitious about what I can complete in a day again. *sigh*
# Posted: 24 May 2013 10:55am
Might wanna make an access hatch in the roof, in case you ever have to pull that pump out of the casing.
# Posted: 24 May 2013 12:25pm
Holy cow you are done already?!?!?!?! That is amazing! Your place looks beautiful and sooooooo comfortable!! Congratulations!!!!
# Posted: 24 May 2013 08:43pm - Edited by: MJW
Quoting: Bevis Might wanna make an access hatch in the roof, in case you ever have to pull that pump out of the casing.
Already planned for that. The metal over the pump will be the last piece put on and we positioned the decking so it will be easier to pull off if ever needed.
Of course it won't be "easy" if it has to be done but I really wanted to enclose everything this way and it will look alot better.
# Posted: 24 May 2013 08:45pm
Quoting: hattie Holy cow you are done already?!?!?!?! That is amazing! Your place looks beautiful and sooooooo comfortable!! Congratulations!!!!
Thanks, hattie. We love it, too. 
Done? Hardly...hahaha. Moved in, yes.
Every time I complete one project, at least 2 new ones show up. Does anyone ever get "done?" 
# Posted: 24 May 2013 08:52pm
OK, so I was being a little ambitious on what I could complete in a day. 
This is where I left it at 4 this afternoon.
# Posted: 26 May 2013 09:25am
I am speechless...I just read this thread from beginning to end and.....WOW!!! Great job! I have been working on mine for 15 yrs and I am just getting a well this week and still don't have drywall yet! But I can't imagine not having what I've had for these last 15 yrs either! Love it! Well done!
# Posted: 26 May 2013 05:31pm
Quoting: Sustainusfarm I am speechless...I just read this thread from beginning to end and.....WOW!!! Great job! I have been working on mine for 15 yrs and I am just getting a well this week and still don't have drywall yet! But I can't imagine not having what I've had for these last 15 yrs either! Love it! Well done!
Thanks, Sustainusfarm. I have admired your cabin, too. 
I don't recommend trying to do it all in 3 months, either. I am one tired puppy. 
Made another attempt at finishing this well house/solar shack today but still fell short.
Oh well, one more day ought to do it...I hope. 
# Posted: 9 Jun 2013 12:46pm
Nothing ever goes as fast as you think. 
Got the generator/propane shed completed and the well house/solar shed almost done. All that is left is the perm steps and blocking in the rafters.
Hope to get the pipes run for the water tanks next week so I can get that ditch filled back in and them on to completing the house siding and porch covers. Well House / Solar Shed
|  Generator / Propane Shed
|  Back of Well House
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