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# Posted: 9 Jun 2013 10:26pm
Glad to hear the dream is still alive! Very important to dream about storage sheds, ya know! How's Capt. Morgan? He must miss you when you are gone so long. I'm glad to hear you found your sketchbook, but sorry to hear your back is misbehaving.
How long were you married? It is better to split still friends than to carry on until you can't stand each other. Lol. I hope you continue to work out all the details of divorcing without too many headaches or heartaches
Btw...did you mention rain? here? In Wi ? Can't be!!! 
# Posted: 11 Jun 2013 12:12pm
Morgan is coping with me being gone a lot, the wife comes over to let him out during the day so he's not crossing his legs to much. The dream is very much alive, just need the cash to put it in to reality, nothing worth while is free! I haven't worked monday or today due to the back, but I hope to go back tomorrow, been doing little to nothing so it has a chance to rest. The wife and I were together 40 years. Married (today would have been) 37 years. Staying as friends will allow us to be able to see the grandsons together instead of separate parties for birthdays and holidays. Just makes sense to us. We just can't live together any more. The house hold things have been divided up and I get to keep the land seeing as I bought it with my inheritance. She didn't have to do that, but she knows how much it means to me. All that's left to figure out is pensions and such. My property's nic name is "Rainy Day Acres" for a reason...it seems like every time I head north.. it rains! Friends up there know when I'm coming up, and usually will call asking when I'll arrive, cause it just started to rain! (true story!) The drought last year was my fault because I didn't get up there much.  Well heading to take a nap. pain pills kicked in 
# Posted: 12 Jun 2013 06:25am
Well I'm still not back to work, I took yesterday off because the back was still very tender, and taking today off to give it one more day to rest. I will be going back tomorrow and then I have Friday off for a vacation day . I've been looking over the plan you posted and liking it more and more, even with the amount of water lines it does give more usable room in the "shed". By adding a couple of steps before the landing I'll gain more bed space in the loft. It seems I do my best.. or at least most creative planing when I'm on my pain killers. The last time I was in a creative mood (I had neck surgery to fuse two disk) I designed and built a 6 sided outhouse. It didn't turn out to bad either.
# Posted: 12 Jun 2013 11:13pm
I hope the extra day off helped your back  40 years is a long, long marriage. I think it is admirable the way you and your wife are approaching this. Your grandsons are very, very fortunate! So we had more rain today, but tomorrow (cross your fingers) is suppose to be wonderfully sunny and 77. Perfect! Funny, we all would be more creative if we were taking drugs! Lol. I know my mind is generally much sharper in the morning...add a little something to that and Lord knows what I could dream up!  Hey, your 6 sided outhouse is awesome!
# Posted: 24 Jul 2013 08:19am
Wellllll, some things just don't go as planned! I will not be building this year. New sidewalks in front of my house had to be put in before the city charged me an arm and leg, Deer ran into my truck, and a few other things depleted the bank account, so rather than do a rush job I delayed the build until next year. However, I am on a plant shutdown for 2 weeks and spent a few days up on the property and finally got in touch with the man with the sawmill. The logs will be cut into lumber next Monday! 730AM. So instead of staying at the land for 3 or 4 days, I came home to get my work done and I'll head up for a long weekend and help him out stacking the lumber. This gives me time to save some more cash for the build, allows the wood to dry for almost a year (which is recommended) If everything works out, I'll be laid off next June until October. I'll be able to take my time and do things right. save a little more cash and build a bit bigger (thinking of going 24x32 now, if the money is there). I'm going to be working a lot of 11 hour shifts over the next 7 or 8 months. So the money will be there next year. I knew I was going to be rushed this year so I'm looking at it as a good thing. Still it doesn't mean I'm not disappointed!
# Posted: 24 Jul 2013 08:52am
What's the rush, take your time and enjoy yourself.
# Posted: 24 Jul 2013 12:28pm
planning and dreaming about the cabin you will have some day can be fun too!
Keep us posted, amigolio!
# Posted: 24 Jul 2013 05:09pm
The cabin was going to be built this year, but cash flow interrupted that. I've had the land for 11 years now and chompin at the bit to get it started. But next year is a new beginning and hopefully a new and better cabin. The planning has been fun, it went from a 16x20 to 20x24 to possibly a 24x32 now. I just wanna get it started! LOL I'm not getting any younger...but thanks for the encouraging words guys
# Posted: 26 Jul 2013 09:50am
building a cabin will sure test your patience, huh? I think you have the right attitude...quit thinking so hard though or you'll end up with a mcmansion 
# Posted: 26 Jul 2013 10:22am
LMOL.. your right Troll, after a few things that have happened over the last few days, plans have gone back to 20x24 or 24x24. Heading up tomorrow to help with the sawmill and stack the lumber. I should have enough to build much larger but the checkbook says otherwise. Oh well, I need another "storage shed" to house the mower and some other things. So the lumber won't go to waste. IF everything works out, I'll start building the beginning of July next year. I got into sketchup and learning to use it for my plans, it should help with the stair problem I'm having. I'll be able to see what's, what. I think I have everything else set as far as location of the kitchen and bath areas. Just need to figure out the windows and doors I don't have yet!
# Posted: 26 Jul 2013 10:35am
look for used ones and plan accordingly...you'll save a ton of money and your extra wood...use it on a shed or even inside your cabin as wall finishes, ceilings or floors....it will look great. Sure is an exciting time! Enjoy the cooler temps this weekend...I hear it's suppose to get hot again next week.
# Posted: 26 Jul 2013 12:03pm
Yes Troll, that's the plan, I'll have to take the 2x8's in to be milled for trim work at a later date. I was hoping to go for 2nds on the windows, but used is a good idea too with my limited budget. A wood shed for storing the 2x4's and 2x8's I don't use in framing is something I was thinking about to begin with, I need more storage space anyway after they are used up. so the other "Storage Shed" will have to be at least 18 feet long and I'll use the slab wood to cover the frame of it as cheap siding. I did that on my small wood shed and it turned out nice, as long as you pick and choose the pieces. As for the heat returning.... NNNOOOOoooooooooooo! it was 101 to 103 in the plant the last week we worked! Have you been up to your place? The skeeters about carried me away last weekend, when the skeeters left, the black lies came out! Hopefully they will be falling off.
# Posted: 26 Jul 2013 12:28pm - Edited by: trollbridge
I heard 30s for lows at night this weekend up by our place and hopefully that will put a halt to them...if not kill them at least give them crippling arthritis we are leaving to head up today. Skeeters were so bad last time I was there our dog refused to go outside-no lie...we had to drag her out.
Hard to work in hot conditions. What kind of plant?
# Posted: 26 Jul 2013 12:56pm
I work for John Deere. Sometimes assembly, sometimes forklift, Assembly at this time putting in the clutch assemblies. I'm making the Gators. 625's, 825i, 855 diesels. I know my dog BEGGED to go inside during the day, Not like him at all. Don't wish for crippling arthritis, they'll try to go on disability and get it from our gov't  It should be long sleeve shirt and pants weather up there this weekend 60's for a hi and 49 for lows.. I'll take it...lol
# Posted: 31 Jul 2013 12:26pm
Well, Monday got off to a great start, Fran showed up with the sawmill at 730AM and we were cutting by 8ish. I had 2 helpers with to take care of the slab wood and stack the lumber. Everything progressed well throughout the day. One stack was gone by 1030 and got started on the next stack right away. The weather was beautiful. Long pants and t-shirt weather. Great when your cutting lumber. long about 2PM while breaking stickers for between the boards, I broke one sticker and smacked myself up along side the head. It smarted a bit but no big deal. Finished up the day about 4, still about 15 logs to go on this pile and one more pile to do. But Fran had other jobs to do the next few days so it will be awhile before I can get back up there. (hopefully the 24th of Aug) I went and showered before supper washed the hair and joined my friends for supper. Got to bed early as I wanted to get some of the cut offs cleaned up and stacked in the morning before I left for home. I woke up about 630ish, scratched the head (the scar still itches from my surgery a year and a half ago) My implant moved!. That is NOT suppose to happen! anyone reading this that doesn't know, I am fairly deaf and I have a cochlear implant (a stud screwed into my skull that I attach a hearing aid type processor to) A quick call to Veterans Hospital in Madison to see what I should do. No lifting, no bending, REST! and come in as soon as possible.... I'm 4 hours away, I haven't packed and I have a mess everywhere! sawdust, cutoff's, stickers. you name it! I called my friends and they came over to help me pack my stuff in the truck, I was taking one of them with me anyway. On the way home the hospital called, saying MRI, CT scan this that and the other!By now, I'm Starting to freak out just a bit!!! Got home cleaned up and headed to the ENT office at the hospital. Well bad news turned out ok. The stud did break away from the skull, but no skull fracture. No hearing for the next 2 months while the bone and stud fuse together again, Hopefully! If not they will have to operate and put in a larger stud. (does that mean I'll be more studdly?) But... now I have a big mess up north that I won't get to clean up for weeks. I have 1x boards I was going to restack with stickers, that are sitting one on top of the other getting ready to mold. And I still can't do any lifting or bending for the time being! But as they say.. life goes on. It will make for a good story down the road when I use some of that wood for trim inside the "Storage Shed" that's a little off color from the rest.   1011599_102003031292.jpg
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# Posted: 4 Aug 2013 01:38pm
Oh dear! Not good so when you hit yourself in the head is that when it broke lose? Bummer! I hope it all heals up okay and does not affect your long term hearing. I hope you don't need another operation.
Do you have someone to clean up for you? Let me know if you need help. We can head over for the day and stack. I know you don't want the boards to mildew. Seriously...let me know....and take care of yourself, please 
# Posted: 4 Aug 2013 06:08pm
Troll I do have a so called "friend" up there that I've found is too expensive to have as a friend if you catch my drift. I hate to impose, but I'd hate to see that lumber go to waste too. I've worked hard to get it...lol There isn't much that needs to be stickered and stacked, maybe 25/30 boards and with that done, most of the wood in the yard would be taken care of As for the implant. Yes when I broke the sticker, the one part smacked me in the head right on top of the sound processor, The processor sits on top of the stud and that sticks out about 3/4 of an inch. the board hit that and in turn that pushed the stud breaking the contact between the stud and skull. It is very tender, kind of like having a skull fracture but not.. if that makes sense. The long term hearing shouldn't be affected as the inner ear didn't have any damage. You can now say you know someone with a hole in their head and a loose screw to boot! .. literally! I look forward to hearing from you. Tom
# Posted: 4 Aug 2013 06:15pm
the picture in the last post was a few weeks after surgery This picture is of the sound processor attached to the stud It is referred to as a BAHA (Bone assisted hearing aid) or bionic ear. The sound bypasses the middle ear and goes straight to the Cochlear part of the inner ear.
# Posted: 6 Aug 2013 09:11am
Sorry I'm slow getting back...have company staying with us. Does this weekend work for you? We are very happy to be able to help you out. Let me know a day and we will make the plans. I'll wait to hear back from you 
# Posted: 8 Aug 2013 04:25am
Hey Troll, This weekend will not work for me and I don't think I can get away next weekend either. I am hoping to get up to finish up the cutting on Aug 24th, but even that's not a sure thing. The friend I was trying to get in touch with finally called back. (He was on a fishing trip to the BWCA) said he could go over sometime in the next week or two, so I'm hoping he will get there sooner or later. Thanks for the offer, but I believe it is taken care of. It's been a rough week, wearing the hat and all at work. Not sure if I'm getting use to it, or if the pain has subsided that much, but it feels better. I have been able to work at the job and getting back to normal now. But still, no heavy lifting and bending over still causes some discomfort but I'm still kick'en  I'll let you know when I am going up next, maybe we can get together for a bit. Thanks again, Tom
# Posted: 8 Aug 2013 08:56am
Hi. I'm glad the pain is getting better for you and that life is returning to normal. What an unfortunate ordeal. You are right though....it could always be worse
The weekend of the 24th my in-laws are planning some sort of family get together. I'm not sure what day yet or if it will be switched to another weekend but we can play it by ear...haha...dang ears create a lot of problems, don't they?!? Bad joke, I know. lol.
Take care and keep recovering. Keep me posted and we'll help you out. Enjoy your upcoming weekend!
# Posted: 21 Sep 2013 04:37am
Hi Troll, I couldn't get anything to post the last few weeks, hoping this one finally does. 2 weeks of pain and I went back to the dr, long story short, he came in with a surgical pliers and screw driver and tightened it up. It's been good since, and I can wear the hearing processor again too! I'm finally getting the rest of the logs cut up the 25th of Oct. The plant is shutting down for another week, some bow hunting in the beginning of the week and cutting up the rest of the wood before I head home. Its Saturday and getting ready for work. Catch ya later Tom
# Posted: 21 Sep 2013 08:32am
Tom, sorry I hadn't read about you disaster. Wow! Glad to here you're getting to the woods.
# Posted: 21 Sep 2013 07:03pm
I'm so happy to hear(ha ha) that you are doing better! Sounds like an ordeal that had a good ending. I am glad you will be getting back to cabin preparations. First day of fall tomorrow...let's hope for a great one!
# Posted: 21 Sep 2013 07:18pm
Hi Owen, Yes it was a trying time, but all's well now. I had the screw tightened up and it's been working so far. I haven't been up to the place to see if the wood got stacked or not. Friends phone voice mail is full and he's not answering, but that's not unusual as he's in the big woods...lol I won't get back up there until late Oct. Getting the rest of the wood cut and hopefully a roof over it for the winter.
# Posted: 22 Sep 2013 08:37am
When you said you had a screw loose, I thought that is what made you one of us. I'll start turning leaves so it pretty when you get here.
# Posted: 22 Sep 2013 10:21am
Troll and Owen: If you ask anyone in the family, They figured I had a hole in my head and more then one loose screw But glad to know I'm in good company...lol . I worked everyday at the plant after the accident until the day I got it tightened up. I just couldn't stand the shooting pains that came more frequently. The Dr came in wigged the screw and went to ask the surgeon if there was anything we could try. When I hit the processor it striped the threads where the screw goes in , He s l o w l y tightened it up (every slight turn was excruciating) when it was done all the pain dissolved right then! I came home and was able to plug back in to the world of hearing  So many things have come up of late that have depleted the bank account that I'm getting discouraged . Seems like every time I take a step forward, something comes along and takes me 2 back. Life goes on, but still keeping the faith that it WILL be built next summer. Work is slowing down somewhat, we are on 10 hours vs 11's so I have an extra hour to get some things done around here. A lady friend invited me up to her lake cabin next weekend to view the colors. The ex is heading up to the campers next Saturday for a week other wise I'd be there to get the rest of the wood cut. We are going to have a plant shut down (10 days) starting the 18th of Oct so some bow hunting is in order and then get the rest of the logs cut and hopefully covered with tin for the winter. My hunting partner said he wanted to take 10 days and head north so I figured kill two birds with one stone. Well now he doesn't want to go for 10, maybe 5 or 6....after I said I'd pay for gas, so kind of stuck going for less time. but I'll have a helping hand. (taking the good with the bad) Seeing as we'll be working less, and the grass won't be growing much. I'll have time to get back to the plans and get the staircase thing figured out. Have either of you, or someone you know, done the water storage under the eves, inside that you know of?, wondering on condensation and if it's feasible. It would be easily drained for winter and still not take up any usable space. Owen, if you could get the colors to peak on the 28/29 of Sept .. I'd appreciate it. It might put my lady friend in a really good mood  Work to do. Have a great day. Tom
# Posted: 23 Sep 2013 11:32am
HaHaHa...If I deny having a screw loose will you believe me? lol. That's what I thought!!
Don't get discouraged....just plug away as you can. Money comes and money goes. Plan the best you can and it will all come together 
I do know of someone who does the water tank under the eaves. I know it was a stainless steel tank they used and I am not sure if it was drained, but I know the cabin was unheated while they were gone so I imagine it had to be drained. From what I heard it worked out well. They had a water heater and full pressure.
Doubt the colors will be at peek this weekend-here anyways-for you they very well could be, I heard the colors were good between Rice Lake and Minong....You are about that far north aren't you?
# Posted: 12 Oct 2013 07:59am
Your right.. No One would believe you...lol I am frustrated but I keep on keeping on. A friend of mine's daughter has been taking design classes so she is going to see what she can come up with, Still struggling with the stairs. I was thinking of the ships ladder but it's not going to be to many years down the road I'll need the stairs so may as well plan for them now. I was hoping to head up next Friday morning seeing as we are scheduled for the plant shutdown for 10 days. Now looks like I'll be working Friday but still heading up either late in the day or early Saturday morning. Gotta get the logs finished! Well we didn't see full peak, but there was some color. Enjoyable weekend none the less. My friends place is over north of Shawano in the Lakewood area. The ex said she enjoyed full color at my place over the same weekend by Phillips.
# Posted: 5 Nov 2013 11:21am
Well, I finally made it back up and finished up the logs. over 300 pieces of lumber cut and stacked. 3 piles about 4 feet tall and 4 to 5 feet wide. Feeling good about the amount. There should be enough to build the "storage shed" and another storage shed for equipment. I had one log cut for a mantle, 7" thick and a 10" shelf. Right now it's 12 feet long so I can cut it to size when I figure out how long I want it. I finally figured out how to do the stairs. It's the only way I can come up with to use as little space but still have a stair case with usable space underneath. The bathroom on the south west corner, 6 feet from the south wall will be where the stairs will be. On the west wall, 11 feet from south will be the entry way, turn left to the kitchen and turn right to the bottom of the stairs. 3 or 4 steps to the landing and a left to continue up the stairs. On the rest of the west wall will be kitchen. Refer small counter space, sink and counter to the north wall. North wall will be the stove and small counter space (11 feet from west wall to outside edge of the island) In the loft as you come up the stairs, you will be looking over the main room, turn left to the bedroom and turn right to a walk in closet. There will be a door to a small deck on the west wall. Gable ends will be west and east walls. I'll post pictures as soon as I figure out how to transfer them to the computer. I found 6 new windows, Very cheap. We are going to do the barter system for them. I found out a lady friend has some new windows she can't use and she asked how to put them on Criegs list. I asked if I could see them. They will work perfectly in the "storage shed". She needs some work done around her house and I have the time so a win win for both of us. I'll have to get a few more windows but this goes a long ways and something I can afford at the moment. I'm chomping at the bit to get the build started. I hope winter goes as fast as this summer has LOL
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