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# Posted: 4 Sep 2014 04:47pm
I'm about 70/80 miles east of you. Off 70 and 13 Fifield is going to be my address. My cousin has a cabin over that way. Not sure what lake they are near...Thanks
# Posted: 4 Sep 2014 05:03pm
Hey Travis. I'm about 70/80 miles east of you. Off 70 and 13 .Fifield is going to be my address. My cousin has a cabin over that way. Not sure what lake they are near. I can't wait for this rain to end. Chomping at the bit to get moving here. Oh well. Can't fight mother nature.
# Posted: 24 Sep 2014 07:11pm
Well I have 4 walls now. The decking was put down and insulated on the 16th of Sept. I built it on piers, 8 foot post put 4 feet in the ground on pads. The front is 4 feet off the ground and the back is 2 and a half feet up. As much as I wanted concrete it just wasn't in the cards at this time. I Built the walls and stood the last one last night. I found a part time job up here working in a small family grocery store/smokehouse making Weiner's and sausage, jerky and such. So far its going ok ( today was my second day). I'll be cutting the roof rafters tomorrow to get them ready for next Wed when some friends are coming up to help. Everything is rough sawn tamarack. Its got to be at least twice the weight of a normal 2*4. I'm dealing with 12 to 17 footers. I've built The wall sections in 12 and 14 foot sections. The "Shed" is now 24*28. I got lucky and have enough lumber from my trees to go from 20*24 to 24*28. I can use the extra room for all my stuff i need to store...... I've built the walls and I've been lucky enough to have friends come help stand them up. There is no way I could have done it myself. It took two of us all we had to get the 12 foot sections up. I left the headers out to lighten the load and put them in after the Walls were up. Not sure how I'm going to get the 16 foot rafters up yet, but I'll find a way. The walls are 10 foot tall and the rafter ridge will be at twenty feet. Its crunch time now to get it enclosed before winter sets in.
# Posted: 26 Jul 2015 08:12pm
Well its been a trying year to say the least. All last summer I was busy packing and moving my stuff out of my home, It went into forecloser. I moved up to the land officially in Sept hoping I'd have the cabin up. I found a job up here in a small grocery store, meat market, and smoke house. I built the deck. Its four feet off the groundon the north west corner and two feet up on the south east corner i was able to get the four walls up with help from a friend. The walls are made from the tamarack trees I had milled. Rough cut lumber is a pain to work with. Beside being heavy. Its crooked. Part of the joy of using the timber on your land. Winter came fast and furious. 14 inches of snow in October and it didn't warm up. Many -40 degree days last winter and me with no roof on the "Shed". I stayed in my camper. I did make a small (10*12)addition off the camper on the deck. Enough that I could use a wood burner in it from late January through April. In January I came down with the flu for a few days and the next thing I knew I had shingles!. I heading to Florida to take a mini van down to my aunt for her winter retreat. 10 days in the warmth did me wonders. I used a shed I was building for the addition. I had two days to get it up and covered after taking the shed apart. I made it with little time to spare. It started snowing about 530pm, just as I got everything put away. It was a long cold winter in the camper, many morning I woke up to +40 degree days....inside the camper. Spring finally arrived in late April for us up here. But rain, rain and more rain kept things at a standstill as far as building. Finally after many trials (my sisters passing, and divorce court among other things) I finally got back on track on the Shed. I now have the roof half sheeted and most of the west wall covered. The shed took another direction. It is 24*28 now with ten feet side walls and a 10/12 pitch. Anyone wanna guess what a 2*8*18 foot tamarack board weighs in at? I'm not sure myself but they are heavy. Two of us had The 26 rafters up in two days. We used a tow strap to haul the rafters to the peak end up after setting the tail on the wall. What a time and back saving method. The ladders for the 18 inch over hang were made and installed over two days. Then two trips back south for my sister funeral one weekend and two weeks later back south for court. This weekend I managed to get 16 sheets on the roof with help from.my friend Bill. And I hung 8 sheets of plywood on the west wall by myself. (Only lost one sheet). I finished nailing the roofing plywood down today. Tomorrow its cutting time for the angle on the gable end walls
# Posted: 27 Jul 2015 11:57am
Hi....this is "trollbridge" with a new name. I have wondered how it was going for you. Lots of ups and downs (sorry for the loss of your sister), but it sounds like you are going strong now! Yay! Have you been taking pictures? Would love to see your "shed". Been hot and humid lately which isn't very pleasant to work in but think of the cozy winter you'll have this year in your new place 
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