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# Posted: 31 Aug 2015 01:29am
Gary O So what you're saying is that when I get to Oregon and when I'm shopping at that very same Big Box home improvement store in that same city, I can drop Cabi's name for pleasant and helpful service but expect to be chased out if I let yours slip?
I'm afraid y'all will have to keep the bobcat as I don't have 6 raccoons. Ooops!
Gary O
# Posted: 31 Aug 2015 04:27am
OK, tongue outta cheek;
Klamath Falls (K Falls)
Home Depot
Diamond Home Improvement
Those are the main choices in regard to lumber, nails, screws, most building materials. Both on 6th Most only know us by sight, but KC @ HD (lady) knows us, and if you say '(off grid) Gary sent me', she'll be the most helpful person there you can find (...not saying much).
Now, at Diamond, seek out Mike Edwards for stove and plumbing installations. He's the best there.
I heard that Grover's Electric & Plumbing (Shasta Way) is extremely helpful and attentive...to the point of saying 'if you run into a problem, give us a call and we'll walk you thru it'
OK, any coons...OK OK, no coons, bobcat is yours
# Posted: 31 Aug 2015 05:02am
Quoting: turkeyhunter .the gifts are too cute!!!...like the bird feeder how they drilled the holes for cordage. Good jOB!!!! turkeyhunter.the kids are 6,8,9, and 11 and 16. pretty good is sure right.its pumice rock.so they are gonna show me how.they told me i have to get a chisel. so i am gonna learn soon but why?they make all this stuff.sure cute. i am gonna get the girls together and us all make quilts. the parents of the 8 and 9 year old live out here and they are making their children an add on bedroom to the cabin.so maybe they would like new quilts made by themselves for their new little bedrooms. sounds like fun all the way around.
Gary O
# Posted: 8 Sep 2015 12:45pm
Shimmy Shimmy Ko Ko Pop
I hate finish work. I really don't know how the Finns make it look so good. Thus, my motto is always 'well, it's a cabin'.
I do love a well placed shim, yessir. I'm rather proud of my homemade doors, but hanging this one was a bit of a struggle.....however, 'it's a cabin'.
Like making windows too, but can't get the hang of the double pane feature, as my lone attempt turned in to what looked to be sumpm you'd see in bathrooms, all fogged up. So I stay with single pane with the thought that in the cold months we'd use clear visqueen or acrylic panels.
Some pics;

I'm not very fond of salvaged aluminum windows, but their double panes and sliders are too attractive to leave alone...I'll dress them up with trim....and a shim here and there. After all, 'it's a cabin'
I little friend of mine dropped in to enjoy the vista of the outhouse and shower from the sill. It amazes me at how tame these little wild fellows are. I reached over, within a few inches of him, and gently slid open the slider. He looked back at me, hopped up on the side of the window, looked back again, and flew off.

 Nuthatches are fast becoming my favorite feathered pals.
Gawd I love being out here.

# Posted: 8 Sep 2015 06:27pm
I read a helpful hint in Trailer Life magazine about single pane windows in a trailer. The owner pre cut bubble wrap,sprayed the window with water and the bubble wrap stuck.
He said it insulated better than other methods he tried and it didn't cut down on the light coming into his trailer. I've not tried this. Just thought I'd pass it along.
Gary O
# Posted: 8 Sep 2015 10:33pm
Quoting: silverwaterlady The owner pre cut bubble wrap,sprayed the window with water and the bubble wrap stuck. good tip, swlady. May try that
# Posted: 11 Sep 2015 01:14am
a little 9 yr old girl was over and gar showed her how to chop wood.she was something else i tell u.she could do it. so i thought if a little girl can...i could. so now i found i that i really can. i have been trying to chop as much as i can each day. this was my pile of wood i split yesterday.today we went to town.so tomorrow back at it. sort of fun. pretty good for an old gal i would say.  couple of hours of chopping
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# Posted: 11 Sep 2015 04:22am
well at least you are getting your workout done.
# Posted: 11 Sep 2015 09:51am
for sure Bevis.not complaining.sort of proud i can do this.thank u God for giving me a strong enough body to carry on and do this.
# Posted: 11 Sep 2015 09:56am
Good for you Cabi! I think that is just wonderful and as Bevis said above a great workout too 
Sometime could you post a pic from further back of your cabins? I am trying to get a sense of how close and laid out they are. So you will be heating each one independently? I think your place(s) are really cozy looking and I am anticipating reading about your winter adventures.....just not too soon here, right?
# Posted: 11 Sep 2015 10:10am
for sure gal.yes.heating in both is independent of each other.the first cabin is gonna be gars writing cabin.the second cabin will be my craft cabin. then we will build a house. we are 10 feet from the front of one cabin to the other cabins door... i am looking forward to winter.i love winter and snow. it is a great workout.i was breathing hard.it was great.

Gary O
# Posted: 11 Sep 2015 12:28pm
Quoting: fickle_serendipity Sometime could you post a pic from further back of your cabins? I am trying to get a sense of how close and laid out they are. Yeah, some of the pics are a tad deceiving, so I got out the ol' Nikon this morn. Please note we are under construction, so things are a bit in disarray, but these should clear up any mystery for the curious.
Sometime next summer I'm going to build a deck between the cabins, and maybe some removable awning things...along with a string or two of solar lights.
(pardon the roundy fisheye shots, too lazy to switch lenses)
from the south

from the French doors

the addition (from the east)

from the south (the shredded tarp on the wall is covering the stove pipe thimble...not really ready for pics)

serious wood my lady is chopping

Gary O
# Posted: 12 Sep 2015 12:49am
Well, I did it.
Found a saw stop.
My hand.
I'm careful. To a fault. But there apparently are times, like today.
I was zippin' off some wood chalks. No measurement required. Got into a rhythm.
Forgot....I don't have rhythm.
A stuck pig comes to mind.
Thing is, my lovely better half was up at the neighbors. She hardly ever goes to the neighbors. Today is nine eleven.
So, after nicking the large artery in the top of my hand, I kept my composure and immediately ran down the road, screaming.
Juuust kidding.
I stumbled around, muttering fond remembrances of my childhood puppy.
Kidding again.
I knew to stop the blood. Thing is, when one uses the good hand to help the hurt hand, well, there's just no other hands.
I was rather amazed at my sensibilities during what could rapidly develop into a somewhat dire situation, by;
Sticking my hand up in the air
Pressing my fingers on the vein
Pouring water on the cut
Then pouring good Scotch on it
Then finding a clean cloth, ripping it in shreds, and tying it tight.
I stood there looking at the smart phone. Thought about asking siri what next to do. Then realized the bleeding had stopped.
Went back to work.
Cabi got home an hour or so later. Got a bit excited about the carnage...'blood everywhere!'. She should be well aware of my thin, onion paper Irish skin, and I bleed most every working moment of every day.
What agitates me is I didn't think to apply super glue.

# Posted: 12 Sep 2015 01:28pm
Geesh that is really nasty. I hope you went in to have that looked after. We always have a good supply of steri-strips here but that wound is too big for them. I hope they stitched it up for you at the local hospital. Cabingal3's going to have to learn how to knit your skin together if you're going to pull stunts like that.
# Posted: 12 Sep 2015 02:34pm
Gary, I really love your place! It's very neat and I like the idea of your own little spaces lol!
Chainsaws can be nasty, lucky it wasn't worse!
Gary O
# Posted: 12 Sep 2015 08:31pm
Quoting: hattie Geesh that is really nasty. I hope you went in to have that looked after. We always have a good supply of steri-strips here but that wound is too big for them. I hope they stitched it up for you at the local hospital. Cabingal3's going to have to learn how to knit your skin together if you're going to pull stunts like that. It's just a cut. A slit. Bled out. Now if it was a puncture wound, that's a different story. So, no. What's the hospital gonna do? There's more weird germs there than anywhere.
Bandages? The bleeding stopped. Air is a good thing. Ointment? There's already a scab forming. I've been cut many times. Gotta say, this is my very first from a power saw, or power tool.
...we talked about cabi's stitching skills.
Thnks for the advice, Hats
Gary O
# Posted: 12 Sep 2015 08:34pm
Quoting: skootamattaschmidty Chainsaws can be nasty, lucky it wasn't worse! Yes. They can. But this was a sliding miter saw. Still bites, though.
Yeah, I was lucky. I don't usually rely on luck. Won't happen again soon.
Thanks skoot.
# Posted: 13 Sep 2015 10:04am - Edited by: silverwaterlady
I have a wall mounted first aid kit I got at Costco a few years ago. I've added a few things to it most importantly a Quik Clot sponge (sold on Amazon). I gave one to my son,he carries it with him (he spends a lot of time at camp alone using sharp tools). I also have one in the truck.
This sponge when applied to a bleeding wound will seal the wound and stop the bleeding. I also added a few sanitary pads . A Quik Clot, a pad wrapped around the wound and bound with gauze should get one to the hospital.
There are many web sites with recommend items for a wilderness first aid kit.
Both of us also keep our tetanus shots up to date. The hospital is sixty miles one way from us when at camp.
Gary O
# Posted: 13 Sep 2015 12:22pm - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: silverwaterlady a Quik Clot sponge Now THAT's some gooood info.
Gonna get somma them pad clotters. Stumblin' around the place with spurting arteries gets a bit tiresome, and kinda kills the afternoon.
(Heh, 'Pad Clotters'...sounds like a new fangled pair of kicks from Birkenstock)
Gary O
# Posted: 13 Sep 2015 12:29pm
Quoting: skootamattaschmidty lucky it wasn't worse! thankful...very thankful...I can still count ten
akshly up to 21 (now that I lost my gut...and 47 lbs)
# Posted: 13 Sep 2015 01:01pm
Quoting: Gary O But this was a sliding miter saw.
So, I'm trying to figure out how you hit the top of your hand with this type of saw. I've always figured if mine ever bites me, it going to take the tips of my fingers because I'm being stupid and grasping the wood too close to the line of cut.
# Posted: 13 Sep 2015 02:30pm
well, Gary, that hand looks like why I am always nagging the man here to be careful. no, it really doesn't help, and yet no gashes. yet. lol hope it heals fast. figures a nasty wound right when you want to be most busy! cabi, the wood pile is seriously impressive!!
# Posted: 13 Sep 2015 06:27pm
thanks abby about the wood pile.its growing bigger... well on the mister. see i leave a bit and this happens. now i afraid to leave to go to art classes or anywhere. the mister might cut off his hand . if i stay here when hes building.at least i could tie the bandage and drive him to the hospital. man! hes a fast healer.its looking pretty good. the swelling went down today to looking pretty tame. thank Goodness.
Gary O
# Posted: 13 Sep 2015 11:48pm - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: NorthRick So, I'm trying to figure out how you hit the top of your hand with this type of saw Well, that's a fair enough question. Although, I thought it might've been obvious.
Permit me to illustrate;
Haphazardly put your left hand in the path of the whirling saw blade by placing it directly underneath while the other hand is reaching for another piece of wood.

Deftly use the sliding feature of the compound sliding miter saw; pushing down and forward while it's wind milling (not under power) during a state of confusion as to what's wood, and what's your hand, and whether or not the saw is on, and what a saw is while considering changing your political party affiliation.
Permit the teeth to grind into your flesh until it stops.
Bug your eyes out with amazement at the idiocy of the event
Call yourself several defaming names
Bleed on everything
Run to and fro
That about covers it
# Posted: 14 Sep 2015 06:02pm - Edited by: hattie
Quoting: silverwaterlady most importantly a Quik Clot sponge
WOW this sounds like a great thing to have on hand ('scuse the pun GaryO). Thanks for the information silverwaterlady. A googling I will go.....
# Posted: 14 Sep 2015 08:33pm
Lol,Hattie..YW. Thankfully we've not used it. But it's there if something should happen.
# Posted: 14 Sep 2015 08:49pm
silverwaterlady: I just picked up two on amazon.ca. One is for our house and one for our ATV. Thanks again for the heads up.
# Posted: 14 Sep 2015 09:12pm
# Posted: 14 Sep 2015 09:40pm
GaryO I feel your pain. A week and a half ago, my right little finger got to close to a high speed cutoff wheel. Cutting through my leather glove and all I saw was blood and finger was numb...when I finally looked at it, it looked bad and a lot of blood. Ran to the barn fridge and pulled my jar of shine out. Took a big gulp or three... then poured some over my finger....YEEOUCH!!!! burned. I split it down the middle, and deep to the nail from the opposite side. After getting into my Hog Dogs first aid kit... took 3 more big gulps of shine and popped 3 staples into my finger. Also glad I had kept that bottle of pencillin from shooting my thumb with a nailgun.... 
Gary O
# Posted: 14 Sep 2015 09:57pm
Note to self; find out exactly how big a 'barn fridge' is. Sounds like I should have one.
Quoting: Bevis popped 3 staples into my finger You....are...an animal
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