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# Posted: 21 Mar 2022 13:04
Quoting: WILL1E Where you at?
South Central Alaska.
My place is plowed out, and I just shoveled off the floor/deck last time I was up there. So I'm probably gonna start on it in 2 weeks here regardless of the snow. We're starting to melt a bit, but still have 4' to go to see dirt 😆 20220312_161044.jpg
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# Posted: 21 Mar 2022 13:26
Oh yeah i forgot, another one of you lucky Alaskans!!
# Posted: 21 Mar 2022 14:33
Quoting: WILL1E Oh yeah i forgot, another one of you lucky Alaskans!! The Frozen Chosen!
# Posted: 18 May 2022 10:50
5/18/22 Updates
Been awhile since i've posted so I thought i'd share after this weekends progress.
I was able to get 36 sheets of drywall up this past weekend, yet another task i've added to my list of careers i have zero interest in perusing!! Must say that adding the drywall has definitely changed the ambiance in the cabin...feels more like a house now. I still have a couple sheets that need to be installed in the loft and stairwell area, just didn't know how much i'd accomplish this weekend and didn't want to have sheets left to store if i didn't accomplish as much as i did.
Was also able to get the Separett compost toilet installed. A bit of a complicated install because of the need for external venting and the urine pipe that goes to a container of your choice outside. Haven't used the system yet, but i'm hopeful that it works well....especially for what it cost!
Also installed the lower cabinets. I was going to build my own but i decided to get some off the shelf units from lowes. Their quality is ok. installed the fridge a couple weeks ago, very happy with the size and freezer on the bottom. Only wish is that there was a light in the freezer portion.
Now that things are fairly stable, i'm thinking i'm going to taper off the work for the summer and try to just enjoy the place. I say that, but now i just need to stick to it!
# Posted: 18 May 2022 12:08
Lookin Great! If I may be so bold as to suggest....keep rockin it but take more breaks. If you 'pause' too much it will be hard to get motivated again. Dont ask how I know, Iffn I go any slower I'll be stopped
# Posted: 18 May 2022 12:56
I hear ya! Another reason i need to slow down is to let the bank account rebuild a bit. We ended up buying a newer wheeler for my son so he has a more comfortable ride when we do our trips. I also made a yet to be known surprise purchase for the family that won't arrive for another month or so, and that was also a pretty hard hit on my "cabin" funds.
# Posted: 18 May 2022 18:25
Looking good.. That tall end wall SUCKS to hang the drywall. I bet you were glad to get that one out of the way.
Are you planing to tape soon, or just enjoy for a while and get back at it later? I have been taping and I HATE that step. Pretty much makes the cabin unusable until its complete.
Also guessing you are going to do something different on the ceiling (not drywall)? I will be interested to see what you do. I opted for drywall after pricing out the other options (T&G pine was the second cheapest option at almost 10X the price of drywall). It will be nice to see your pics and see what I missed out on!
Also wondering what your plans are for the main floor ceilings? I opted for a drop ceiling mainly because I got a crazy deal on the T's, but also not having to tape over my head. Plus it allows changes and additions later.
Enjoy the break for a while! Hopefully pricing will come down by the time you start back up!
# Posted: 18 May 2022 18:45
Looking good bud! I am envisioning being where you are now that things are moving and I can't wait for it. As it will likely be getting on to fall by then for me I am likely going to run without taping the seams for the winter as the level of hassle increases greatly. Very fun to see the progress though. Now take some time to enjoy it!!
# Posted: 19 May 2022 08:02
Thanks for the compliments fellas!
travellerw in all honesty that tall gable end wall wasn't as bad as thought, worse part was measuring out the angles and getting it all cut right. Fortunately i'm 6'5" so between the scaffolding and my size, hoisiting sheets up myself wasn't as bad as i had expected. Only other downside with the wall is it's the only spot i've got a couple butt joints. With 10' sheets regardless of which orientation i put them in i was going to have some butt joints. So i went with vertical strictly for simplicity of the sheet install. I started the install saturday afternoon and was done by Monday night doing it all solo.
I've only done new drywall install once before this and from i remember taping wasn't horrible, the corners is what sucked. But yeah, i'll prolly leave it for now unless i get antsy. The only thing that's gonna suck about taping is i want to get some more furniture in there so things are comfortable, but that means more crap to move when taping, mudding and sanding day comes.
I'm still on the fence about the ceiling. I'd really like to do T&G to get that cabin feel back in there vs. the current house feel that it has with the drywall. I found a local guy that does T&G seconds and it's quite a bit cheaper than new T&G from the stores, but still a substantial X factor above the cost of drywall.
Main floor ceilings...not sure yet. But like you, i'd like to keep it accessible in case i need to run some wires or something. Also, i have plans for making use of the space in the joist above for storage. Think along the lines of a fold up attic storage ladder, but instead of the ladder, there would be shelves of sorts. I'll sketch it up sometime and share.
# Posted: 19 May 2022 09:20
I wouldnt put a single thing in there until its painted. You just cant keep drywall dust away from anything. The real trick to mudding drywall is to use as little as possible. Corners can be a pain with out the correct knife and 3 corners coming together even worse. One trick in corners is to lay the tape in like normal, let it dry then feather out only one side of the corner, let it dry. Theres lots of dry time in amature spackling. I have done my whole house now and got better each room.
# Posted: 19 May 2022 10:02
I agree with Brett.. Drywall dust is so invasive. Even covering stuff with drop clothes or tarps, it will still get in. Its also fine enough that it plugs up vacuum filters very quickly.
I have done my fair share of taping over the years. Probably 20 houses worth by now. One of the big mistakes amateurs make is not fairing wide enough. A nice wide fair with good feathered edges means less sanding. Once you get good at that then you are just sanding lift-offs and they usually take one stroke of the sander.
There is a good drywall guy on youtube that has helped my technique. Youtube channel "Vancouver Carpenter."
Now with all that said.. I would have hired it out if I could (no companies would come that far out for that small job). A 2 man team can do the whole job (including ceilings) in about 2 days. I think its money well worth spending.
Anyway.. Good job fella! On the home stretch now!
# Posted: 14 Jul 2022 19:04
We have the same toilet 😆 I am enjoying your project as I have a similar one not as large and much hotter 🥵
# Posted: 2 Aug 2022 08:14
8/2/2022 UPDATE
Well, i've been MIA for a few months on here. One of those time flies scenarios and your focus is just keeping up!
Anyways, thought I would share some progress on things. Cabin work has slowed immensely as I HATE the summer heat. Plus we've been busy around home so I haven't been up as much as i'd like. The biggest change since my last posting is that the last of the drywall has been hung, doors have been installed, upper cabinet finally arrived and have been installed along with the microwave and lastly some furniture has been added.
Other big change is the 5th wheel has officially been removed from up there! With the rising gas prices and me continually getting tired of driving my 1-ton diesel, i decided to rip off the bandaid (aka wifes disapproval of bringing the camper home before I have water and shower installed in cabin) and bought the camper home and and traded my truck in for a Jeep Gladiator! I'm a lifelong Jeep guy and have had a 10+ year dry spell so i couldn't wait any longer. Plus i ended up selling my truck for over $5k more than i paid for it 2+ years ago plus i added 70k miles to it.
So if anyone is in the market for a beautiful 5th wheel, i have one sitting in my driveway (with no way of moving it!) for sale!!!
And boy, does it make a world of difference having that big box of a camper out of there...opens things up so much! Oh, and I have an update on the tractor i'll post on my thread i had about that!
Next immediate project is getting a shower plumbed up. Since my cabin is a "dry cabin" there will be no water inside until after final inspection. So i'll be rigging up an outdoor shower using IBC totes. I've got it all planned out, so i'll share photos of it once it's done.
I have 2 bigger projects before snow flies though. Getting siding up and adding a 3rd beam under the cabin to alleviate the bounce.
Nate R
# Posted: 3 Aug 2022 08:24
Good to see your progress! You've passed me up! Was wondering how things were going. Nice on getting the Jeep...hopefully the camper sells soon!
# Posted: 3 Aug 2022 14:25
This just popped up on my Facebook feed as a guy is making these and selling them locally. Pretty darn good idea IMHO. Easy way to get a quality outdoor shower.
# Posted: 4 Aug 2022 07:56 - Edited by: WILL1E
Haha...looks familiar!!
Mine will be (in my opinion) a little nicer looking. I'm not keeping the plastic tubs in mine. I will have cedar fence pickets going around the outside and cedar decking for the floor. I'll likely put a raised roof on it to keep debris out and the snow in winter.
# Posted: 29 Aug 2022 13:37
8/26/22 Update
Two projects since my last post that i was able to knock out this weekend. First was adding another Shelter Logic 12x24 unit to help keep some of the toys dry. I moved the original 10x10 one i had and was able to erect the new one solo in 3hrs. Pretty happy with it and how everything fits so far.
I relocated the old one and I am using it for material storage right now. I'll also put the 4th ATV in there when i bring it back up after i finish repairing the drive chain on it.
I got creative with 2 IBC tote cages and was able to empty all the building materials from under the cabin onto these 2 totes. Works really well for any boards up to 2x8. Anything bigger than that i would need to cut some of the vertical bars to allow for a bigger board.
Lastly i was able to knock out the shower using another 2 IBC tote frames. Overall very happy with how it turned out and I cannot wait to use it!!
# Posted: 30 Aug 2022 16:56
Looking good dude. We are in a pretty similar progress point actually, although you are still slightly edging me out.. Grrr.
Love the ICB shower. Great use of the cages. I'm currently looking for some as well, but for a different use.
# Posted: 30 Aug 2022 21:39
Quoting: BRADISH Love the ICB shower. Great use of the cages. I'm currently looking for some as well, but for a different use.
Up here you can find them on Facebook or at auctions. A nice cage (no dents or bends) runs about $35.. A beat up cage runs about $15.
So many uses if you are creative!
# Posted: 31 Aug 2022 07:45
If i had to do it again for the shower, i probably wouldn't use the cage. In the end it really didn't save me a whole lot even though i get the IBC's for free.
# Posted: 31 Aug 2022 09:36
Well, you will never have to worry about the shower framing rotting out
# Posted: 31 Aug 2022 13:28
Quoting: travellerw Up here you can find them on Facebook or at auctions. A nice cage (no dents or bends) runs about $35.. A beat up cage runs about $15. We use them at work and they're free for the taking when empty, its just having to beat everyone else to the punch for them. Eventually I'll nab some.
# Posted: 10 Oct 2022 12:57
Well, since Nate is showing me up on progress ;) , reminded me i should do an update while i'm on here. Working on the siding right now...slow going being a 1 man show and going up and down ladders a gazillion times along with moving them constantly. Almost had it wrapped up 2 weekends ago until i realized there was a purpose for that 1 part that was floating in the back of my jeep that i returned the day before i went up It was the trim piece that i needed for the light fixture on the one gable end. Anyways, about 2.5 days worth of work to get this much siding up. I'm pretty happy with how it looks all considered.
After this, my plan is to add the 3rd beam down the middle to solve my bounce problem. That'll be a chore that i'll be kicking myself for the entire time knowing i should have done it at the beginning.
After that, i need to deal with the mold stuff on my floor joist. Need to get that treated or sealed or something before snow flies.
# Posted: 10 Oct 2022 13:08
Looking great dude. If I had a dollar for every part I returned and then bought again I could have built a nicer cabin, so I can sympathize with you!
First snow of the year in the forecast for us today 👀 I better get my ass in gear!
# Posted: 17 Oct 2022 15:53
Got the siding finished this weekend!!
Also got that 3rd beam under the cabin. Let me tell ya, i paid the price for being a cheapa$$ when i built this cabin with having to install a 32' long 2x10 beam by myself under a cabin and on top of adjustable supports....the body will be feeling that one for awhile!! But the beam took away the bounce, so it was worth it, just wish i would've done it at the start.
# Posted: 17 Oct 2022 16:03
Those little supports look pretty neat. Haven't seen those yet.
Are you securing the beam to the foundation in any way?
# Posted: 18 Oct 2022 08:14
BRADISH...are you my building inspector?! I just emailed her last night to ask what's left for me to do to get her sign off and she asked one question and it was exactly that. To answer the question, no, i was not going to. The outer beams are resting on the concrete. She was aware of this from the get go so i'm not sure why she is asking now....i'm not sure how i would even begin to anchor it as this point. I was hoping to keep it floating for easy leveling if need be. If this thing pushes off the concrete, i suspect there will be bigger problems in the area.
Those supports are from Amazon. You can get them in all sorts of heights. I bought some other ones but i miscalculated how much room i would have to work with under that 3rd beam, so i had to get these shorter ones. They work pretty slick!
# Posted: 18 Oct 2022 11:50
Quoting: WILL1E i'm not sure how i would even begin to anchor it as this point. Because of your setup as you point out, I don't think it needs to be anything robust - but I would fix it to the structure in some way. Even if its just the 90° twist simpson ties, it seems it would be better to have it secured in some way. I understand your ground is far more stable than what I have, but even with the vibration that comes from walking and normal activities, I could see the joist becoming cocked to one side or something. Having it fixed at the top may lend itself to an easier time re-aligning it should you ever need to.
I dunno, cheap insurance i guess. I overbuild most things though.
# Posted: 18 Oct 2022 12:31
Go under with a power nailer and slam some of those ties in. Inspector was good with what you had approved, then you changed things up......
# Posted: 18 Oct 2022 12:38
Ohhhhhhh, you were just referring to the anchoring of that new 3rd beam to the joists!! Yes, i'll be putting straps on there.
The BI is referring to the anchoring of the entire cabin to the ground. She's never been onsite, only seen general photos. Fine by me, just going to be a PITA if she decides she wants the cabin anchored to the ground now vs. when i talked to her about this over a year ago.
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